Yes, especially the last one

Yes, especially the last one
Cool, thanks, that one's my favourite too I think... It's basically just 20 Oberons and a kick drum synth, no EQ, FX or verb. It just about maxes out my CPU like this (Oberon is pretty economical CPU-wise). I was pretty surprised at how the all patches seem to harmonize into this bizarre orchestra-like sound.
I was thinking about using one or all of them also!!!TritoneAddiction wrote: ↑08 Nov 2017So I've decided to give Soundirons new instruments, Klang, Pangea and Humana a chance.
It's weird, I was sure I was gonna dive straight into Europa and Grain as soon as I've upgraded. They just seem like the obvious choices. But at the moment I just don't feel like diving into more synths.
As usual it seems like I'm drawn to simplicity and these devices couldn't be simpler. But also working with these more organic sample based sounds will most likely make me come up with something different compared to making synth driven tracks.
Maybe I'm breaking my own rules here for this thread but I'm gonna treat these new Soundiron instruments as one instrument, since they all work the same way and are based around the "sampled organic instruments" theme. After going through the sounds in each I just think that choosing one of them would be too limiting and boring to work with.
So my new challenge is to use the soundiron instruments Klang, Pangea and Humana and make some sort of EP with them. No other samples except the ones in those instruments. Just the fact that I'm not gonna use any drum samples will make this a very different project compared to my others. I actually have no idea what I'll come up with.
Deadline: Feb 8.
That's 3 months. That should be enough for at least 3 tracks.
No go ahead and do the same. It would just be interesting to hear the differences between our writing. To be honest I have no idea how much of my usual melodic style will happen for this project anyway. So far the little bit I have written sounds more like some sort of background soundtrack to a movie or something, not like anything I usually write. But we'll see. A million things can happen on the way.TheGodOfRainbows wrote: ↑10 Nov 2017I was thinking about using one or all of them also!!!TritoneAddiction wrote: ↑08 Nov 2017So I've decided to give Soundirons new instruments, Klang, Pangea and Humana a chance.
It's weird, I was sure I was gonna dive straight into Europa and Grain as soon as I've upgraded. They just seem like the obvious choices. But at the moment I just don't feel like diving into more synths.
As usual it seems like I'm drawn to simplicity and these devices couldn't be simpler. But also working with these more organic sample based sounds will most likely make me come up with something different compared to making synth driven tracks.
Maybe I'm breaking my own rules here for this thread but I'm gonna treat these new Soundiron instruments as one instrument, since they all work the same way and are based around the "sampled organic instruments" theme. After going through the sounds in each I just think that choosing one of them would be too limiting and boring to work with.
So my new challenge is to use the soundiron instruments Klang, Pangea and Humana and make some sort of EP with them. No other samples except the ones in those instruments. Just the fact that I'm not gonna use any drum samples will make this a very different project compared to my others. I actually have no idea what I'll come up with.
Deadline: Feb 8.
That's 3 months. That should be enough for at least 3 tracks.Would it be lame if I did the same?
I love all three, and welcome them to the rack. I'm kind of disappointed by the lack of round robin samples, especially on Humana. That's one thing that drives me crazy about most refills or sample libraries: violin or trumpet staccato machine gun effect. In 2017, I can't believe it's not standard practice to have round robin sampling, especially for instruments that benefit the most from it. But I digress.
I really look forward to hearing what you come up with. I love your sense of melody, so I'm very interested to hear your composition style with those three instruments. And you can break your own rules.
Speaking of rules, it was never mentioned whether or not we could use drums and or other instruments/vocals as part of the 'creative restrictions' of the concept behind this thread. With nanoBots, I just went ahead with the usual Reasonistas hosted song challenge rules here on ReasonTalk, which allows percussion, and other exceptions like vocals or guitar (unless it's Rob Papen's Guitar Re ofc).
I always approached it as though using the synth for percussion duties, especially if it's not particularly suited to it, as a bonus or icing on the cake. However, sometimes the song just doesn't work without supplemental drums or percussion, or at least I can't make it work I should say.
Anyway, can't wait for the EP!
P.S. I'm currently working on my JPSHS EP, so that's got me busy now
I look forward to it!
That's a neat little synth. I have it, but have neglected it. I'll be waiting!
Listening now. Sounds great!!miscend wrote: ↑01 Dec 2017When I first started late on Monday evening I had no goals in particular apart from the fact that I wanted to use Respire for everything and then post this in the One synth EP Challenge. I had three hear complete songs by Tuesday and have decided to name this The Respire EP. The songs are all made almost entirely with ReSpire apart from drums and effects.
I love it!miscend wrote: ↑01 Dec 2017When I first started late on Monday evening I had no goals in particular apart from the fact that I wanted to use Respire for everything and then post this in the One synth EP Challenge. I had three hear complete songs by Tuesday and have decided to name this The Respire EP. The songs are all made almost entirely with ReSpire apart from drums and effects.
That's ok. Seems like we are two of the few that are still hanging on to these one synth projects. Go for the album if that's what feels right. I understand that takes time. I actually have no idea how you have the energy to take on such a big project so soon after you just released a full album. But I'm sure you'll do a great job since your last one was really good.TheGodOfRainbows wrote: ↑10 Dec 2017Ok, about when I said this time,I would stand by the guidelines, and deliver by set deadline.
It's happening again. The more time I spend working on the EP, I feel like since I've put this much time in, I might as well go all out and make a full length LP. Although this time, I won't be as late as I was with nanoBots. And it will be shorter (about 30 minutes instead of 42 minutes), and fewer tracks (10 not 14)
So in that respect, I've become more disciplined. But once the song writing phase is over, I'm burned out, and I still have to mix and master. What I'm learning about myself, that after about one month of working on anything, I start running out of steam, and the amount of work I put in from this point on will have diminishing returns the longer it takes me to complete. Therefore, I will continue to adhere, at least loosely, to a time table and deadline for future records.
Anyway, get out your rotten vegetables I'm ready, no hard feelings. When will I finish? Absolutely before the end of December. I'm getting side tracked with another project, AND the ReasonTalk Winter song challenge!!! Although I don't know if I'll have anything ready for that in time.
Sounds great, really varied... mind if I ask what synth you're focusing on this time?TheGodOfRainbows wrote: ↑10 Dec 2017Ok, about when I said this time,I would stand by the guidelines, and deliver by set deadline.
It's happening again. The more time I spend working on the EP, I feel like since I've put this much time in, I might as well go all out and make a full length LP. Although this time, I won't be as late as I was with nanoBots. And it will be shorter (about 30 minutes instead of 42 minutes), and fewer tracks (10 not 14)
So in that respect, I've become more disciplined. But once the song writing phase is over, I'm burned out, and I still have to mix and master. What I'm learning about myself, that after about one month of working on anything, I start running out of steam, and the amount of work I put in from this point on will have diminishing returns the longer it takes me to complete. Therefore, I will continue to adhere, at least loosely, to a time table and deadline for future records.
Anyway, get out your rotten vegetables I'm ready, no hard feelings. When will I finish? Absolutely before the end of December. I'm getting side tracked with another project, AND the ReasonTalk Winter song challenge!!! Although I don't know if I'll have anything ready for that in time.
I've said before that this thread gave me the impetus to focus and complete something, so thanks again for that. After spending time on ReasonTalk and SoundCloud, listening to your music among others, and realized I need to build up a body of work. I'm way too slow at producing tracks, at least compared to your and others rate. So I feel the need to cram a bit and speed things up. That's why I'm working faster.TritoneAddiction wrote: ↑10 Dec 2017That's ok. Seems like we are two of the few that are still hanging on to these one synth projects. Go for the album if that's what feels right. I understand that takes time. I actually have no idea how you have the energy to take on such a big project so soon after you just released a full album. But I'm sure you'll do a great job since your last one was really good.
I'm also getting side tracked with the winter song challenge. It would be a bummer to miss out on that one. So my Soundiron project will have to wait a little. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it in time anyway.
Again, sorry for late response. And thanks for the complement. I'm using the JPSHS (Jiggery-Pokery Sound Harmonic Synthesizer) for this album. I really like using these retro digital synths. Don't know why, but it's my thing lately.
Good to hear!jayhosking wrote: ↑12 Dec 2017I also wanted to say that, while I can't commit to using only one synth, this thread has been really inspiring for my productivity, even when I'm super busy in the rest of my life. So there might be others out there like me that are glad you're doing this, even if we're not contributing here.
Hey thanks! I really appreciate it. And likewise, there's been a lot of great music throughout this thread (and on the ReasonTalk board, in general). It's really inspiring to hear what people are doing with Reason!TheGodOfRainbows wrote: ↑22 Dec 2017Good to hear!I just quick listened to your bandcamp and it sounds really good. I love "We're Living On A Sphere Of Time" among others. "Buddy" is beautiful. Added to wishlist.
Sounds nice so far! I like Liquim North.ravisoni wrote: ↑23 Dec 2017Short story: EP complete, tracks below.
Long story:
So I'm kinda tired of trying to advance these tracks. I realized I was frustrating myself more than it was worth trying to get the synth, string and other choir sounds out of the Lithium. Synth design is simply not my thing, I'm more of a preset browser. I need sounds, and I need them now -- designing them is a chore I'm probably never going to indulge in again. Problem is I am bad with melodies as it is, and adding on this extra challenge of designing the synth for a particular sound is, well, a walk through many hours of colorful language. Figured it was probably best to call it a day.
That said, I am going to continue with Liquim North and Liquim Midworld outside of this challenge. I see good potential in them and will share the tracks once they are complete. For now, enjoy the 3 (Liquim Vole had non-Lithium elements) 2 tracks below from my very first EP - Liquim! (Most sounds you hear are Lithium presets, and those which were combis, I made sure to remove any other synths comboed in the combi; there's some modulated vocals, too).
PS: Most importantly, what this challenge has done for me is made me understand my limitations and the type of music enthusiast that I am. The lessons I learned through the many hours put in will help me be more efficient with my work in the future, and so thank you to all who have continuously submitted and kept the thread going. Like many others have mentioned, even though this many not be our cuppa, it certainly is one of the most motivating threads to get on with music making (and yes, now I can say I finished a couple songs in 2017). Thanks again, all!
Soundcloud set:
Wow, great stuff. Beautiful and interesting sounding, thanks for sharing. I did keep wanting the bass and sub bass to drop on the first track but I'm also not here to backseat produce or critique a creation that is more wonderful than I could bestow. Please do make more, it was a pleasure.
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