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One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Kenni

One Hour Competitions (OHC, also called One Hour Compos) was a type of event that rose with the demo scene. Usually hosted in IRC channels, the host sent out a link to a pack of small, low-fi samples prepared for the event. The competitors then had 1 hour to complete a song using only the given samples, and editing the samples within their music software of choice.

The songs were mainly composed in trackers (Fast Tracker II, Impulse Tracker, ModPlug Tracker) and more often than not, competitors ended up doing chip tunes. This part of the scene is still alive today.

How would this work with Reason?

Well, different hosts can have different rules. This is my setup, in order:
  • We use Reason (duh :) )
  • You are required to be in the chat
  • 2 minutes before start, I will give you the material for the entry. The content of this material will be in a .zip file. It might be a picture with a specific mood/setting, that you have to write a song for. There might also be a sample that you HAVE to use in your song. You never know :)
  • I will start a count down in the chat. By then, you have 1 hour to finish your song in Reason.
  • If there's a sample provided in the material, you will HAVE to use this sample. You can cut, chop and reverse as much as you like, as long as this is done in Reason. However, make it noticeable that it's the original sample, in one way or another.
  • When time has run out, you have 5 minutes to export your song, and upload it somewhere. Mp3 format is prefered (if you dont have hosting, you can email it to me).
  • As soon as your song is uploaded, you will PRIVATE MESSAGE me in the chat. It is VERY important that you don't talk about your song, or tell the name of your song.
  • I will then provide a link in the chat, where all the contesting songs are located. Then it's up to you, the competitors to listen to all the songs, and private message me which song you vote for. There wont be time to listen to all entries 4 times, and compare mixing, mastering or whatever fancy stuff you listen for. It's a one hour competition. :) Vote for creativity and staying on topic (relating to the material provided).
  • Obviously, you can't vote your own entry!
  • When voting is done, I will announce the top 3 in the chat :)
So, ready to try it out?

Saturday july 18th @ 21.00 CET

Hope to see you around!

Edit: To clear out all questions, please be in the chat half an hour before start. That is, 20:30 CET!

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Kenni
PS: Give me a heads up in this thread, if you're thinking about joining :)

We wont start an OHC unless there's at least 5 contestants.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by hydlide
my only concern right about now is that I have "plans" for the weekend. But since you mentioned that your scheduling this for 21.00 CET I might show up just before the event. So I am more or less a "pending" person atm.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Kenni
No worries! I'm sure at least 5 people will show up, but the more the merrier! :)

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by TheMiles
I'm in!

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by pushedbutton
Probably up for this seen as I have no social life.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Kenni
Perfect, guys!

Dont be shy, come forth! No pressure, just pure fun :)

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by exe135
I am way too slow with the software, but I like the idea and 'd like to try.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by ravisoni
Can't commit, but if I don't have anything going on at that time, I'll be in the chat.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by hydlide
seems like I am in. change of plans ;)

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by cpetersus
Soooo for submission of the song why don't you just Drop to Prop and post the link?

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by hydlide
cpetersus wrote:Soooo for submission of the song why don't you just Drop to Prop and post the link?
When time has run out, you have 5 minutes to export your song, and upload it somewhere.

Drop to prop is similar as "upload it somewhere".

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Kenni
cpetersus wrote:Soooo for submission of the song why don't you just Drop to Prop and post the link?
The "problem" with this is your Propellerheads username will be obvious, and might reveal who you are.

The point is that the artist of the songs wont be known until the voting is over :)

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 15 Jul 2015
by Jagwah
Would be 4am here and 6 or 7am on the east coast of Australia at 21:00 CET. Not much can be done about that really, good luck guys, maybe let us know what happened in this thread.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 17 Jul 2015
by TheMiles
looks like there won't be enough contestants... pushing the thread to the top of the list as a last measure... :|

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 17 Jul 2015
by Kenni
There's enough, as a last measure, I'll participate as well even though I'm sloooow :)

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 18 Jul 2015
by grumo
I'm not sure I'll be able to come up with someting worthwhile in an hour, but count me in!! :mrgreen:

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 18 Jul 2015
by TheMiles
Just one question to kenni regarding hosting the file: I have a private homepage as well as a soundcloud account, both will display my name. Is it OK if I send the mp3 file to you ?

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 18 Jul 2015
by Kenni
To all:

If you need hosting for your Mp3's, please use:

No signup required. Just be sure to only name your Mp3's the desired title of the song. :)

Edit: You will need to be in the chat. At 20.45 CET, I will give you important details!

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 18 Jul 2015
by Kenni
The first OHC has come to an end. I didn't expect many participants, but 7 brave souls decided to enter this cozy one hour competition which is, frankly speaking, more than I anticipated!

Carrying this out manually has brought some learnings. Tiny issues that will be ironed out for future events. We're building a system that will handle these kind of events in a much more automated fashion. It will allow people to host these events, without having ties to the moderator team. In essence, this will allow for events where people from unfortunate timezones will be able to enter (Hi, Australia!).

Anyway, these are the results from the first ReasonTalk OHC!


None. Every device was allowed (including RE's). The only restiction was 2 samples (which were dropped because of a bad export), and an image. This info was given 2 minutes before kickoff. NASA's New Horizons were the inspiration for this event. This was the image presented:
inspiration.jpg (245.1 KiB) Viewed 3427 times
Winner and runner-up's

1st place: hydlide with Blackhole -
2nd place: Grumo with Halfway between Pluto and Uranus -
3rd place: exe135 with Pluto Odyssey -

Submissions out of top 3

TheMiles with My Entry -
pushedbutton with Pluto -
jmickle with No title - ... stands.ogg

jmickle wasn't a part of the voting rotation, sadly. Something went wrong in the submission process, and I didn't get updated with it. I'm sorry, jmickle! :D

Enjoy these submissions, and I hope to see twice as many people willing to challenge themselfs this way at the next OHC event!

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 18 Jul 2015
by pushedbutton
it was fun :)
I'm up for the next one. I think I'll have a better strategy next time. :)

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 19 Jul 2015
by eusti
Well done all involved! And congrats to the winners! Impressive!


Re: One hour competition

Posted: 25 Jul 2015
by Arrant
Seriously impressive stuff :thumbs_up:

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 25 Jul 2015
by Faastwalker
when's the next one? Sounds like fun.

Re: One hour competition

Posted: 26 Jul 2015
by frog974new
nice stuff all :)