Thursday, June 15th, UTC 20:00 (4pm EST, USA)
OK, so I somehow missed the second Thursday this month, so catching up with my first "third Thursday" livestream!
This month I'll be introducing the newest member of the studio, and also doing a deep dive on the most basic of all concepts in mixing: Balancing.
I'll be traveling through the wild world of balancing in all its glory, from setting basic levels to exploring other ways of adjusting loudness beyond fader moves.
Yea I know, not the most exciting subject but something that is the foundation of much of our work as music makers these days.
I'll try to make it as interesting as possible!
Replay Here:
Selig Audio June Live Stream Thursday June 15, 2023, 20:00 UTC
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- Joined: 15 Jan 2015
- Location: The NorthWoods, CT, USA
Selig Audio, LLC
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- Joined: 28 Dec 2015
I am interested. Just a bit late over here to join live.
Reason13, Win10
- RE Developer
- Posts: 12374
- Joined: 15 Jan 2015
- Location: The NorthWoods, CT, USA
Going live in five, join me if you can!
Selig Audio, LLC
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- Posts: 11562
- Joined: 28 Dec 2015
I watched it and liked it. A few good tips. Some i know and forgot, others i wasnt aware of and others i did not knew. I kept in mind the "focus" mixing, EQ mixing with special frequencies and the clipper thing, which i gonna compare against normal limiters in my next project/patches/experiments/stuff...
Reason13, Win10
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