How to livestream on a Mac?

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Posts: 1606
Joined: 18 Jan 2015

21 Nov 2022

I need some help. Trying to figure out easy affordable way to livestream with Reason DAW as a mixer source.

I got OBS. But then I watched video about combining Soundflower with AudioHijack, but the later seem to cost $80, a little bit too steep. Is there similar apps that can do same thing?

What are your experience on streaming? Is audiohijack the top 1 way to route several audio sources on a Mac.
Just dont want to pay that much just to find a better solution one week later.

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21 Nov 2022

I don't livestream, so I don't understand the necessity of combining them. I would think Soundflower alone could do the job. You can create an aggregate device with Soundflower and any other audio interface you have. There's also BlackHole.

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