when i see YouTube videos of people producing and talking about it, i've noticed the kinda superficial way they talk about certain elements. like "i have this loop and gonna add a shaker to the offbeat to achieve effect X", drag it in and done. Or " let me add this drumloop to support Y", etc.. I dont really follow this attitude of using any sound just to support something else. if i make a shaker, i pay attention to the shaker, not the stuff surrounding it. of course i still have an idea what it should do and how it relates to the rest, but it is still not just an addition to a broader picture of sound to me, but has it's own identity.
i think this matter cannot simply be described by saying "i think people dont shape their shakers enough". So a paralell from philosopher Immanuel Kant came to my mind. In his ethics, he says "never treat a human being as a means to an end only, but always as an end in itself". and i guess thats how i like to treat my shakers