Export notes from RE sequencer (eg Korde) to midi lane using Ableton Live

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Post 30 Sep 2015


If you are like me getting tired of waiting for props for note to lane possibility in their SDK, just follow my recently discovered knowledge here.
That way you can use brilliant RE's like KORDE to their full potential.

It's a bit of work to setup, but it does the trick.



Basically, the driver enables you to create an internal midi loop, allowing you to use midi output of one program as midi input in the other. All credit to the guys who developed this software.

I used Ableton Live, but you can probably do this with another sequencer.
You need a synth with sequencer CV OUT. I used thor as it's a default reason synth, you can also use ABL3 or any other synth with sequencer CV out.

Reason part:

1) Install drivers above and launch reason in rewire mode
2) Connect your Korde (or either sequencer) with the sequence you want to export to midi to Thor.
- Korde Gate to Thor: Sequencer Control Gate (upper left in thor)
- Korde Note to Thor: Sequencer Control CV (upper left)

3) Create external midi instrument in reason.
- Thor Step sequencer CV output Gate (lower right in thor) to ext midi sequencer control Gate
- Thor Step sequencer Note to ext midi sequencer control Gate Note

4) Set ext midi instrument output to LoopBE internal midi

Live part:

1) Go to preferences / MIDI and activate input LoopBE
2) Create midi track with midi from LoopBE
3) Record
4) export midi bar in ableton and optionally re-import to Reason (or trigger the notes from Live)
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Post 01 Oct 2015

1. Why dont you direct connection between the sequencer with EMI?
2. This method of internal midi-loopback can allow record MIDI in Reason too :) And all of CV automation, of course.

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Post 01 Oct 2015

1. is just to have a sound, but is indeed optional

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soroc sosta
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Joined: 28 Apr 2015

Post 21 Oct 2015

dezma wrote:Hi,

If you are like me getting tired of waiting for props for note to lane possibility in their SDK, just follow my recently discovered knowledge here.
Thanks for the tip! Will give this a try asap!
Never would have imagined it would be so much trouble for such a function until I bought into the format myself, sheesh.


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