Zero Hybrid Synth - How to create an EDM Kick

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Post 14 Sep 2015


I've just made this video:

Hope you will like it. :puf_smile:

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Post 15 Sep 2015

That was good! Quick and to the point, learned a new use for Zero.

One question, why did you boost the practically non existent highs when EQing? Force of habit, or does this actually effect the sound?
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Post 16 Sep 2015

Socram wrote:That was good! Quick and to the point, learned a new use for Zero.

One question, why did you boost the practically non existent highs when EQing? Force of habit, or does this actually effect the sound?
Hi, thanks for the feedback! :)

This is a legitimate question, the simple answer is that it does affect the sound, at least by listening it with a good pair of phones/speaker (I've used the sony mdr-7506). Unless I was fooled, which could happen sometimes... :D

Moreover when EQing with low/high shelf, I find - from time to time - that working on the surrounding frequencies just works (provided there are no other unwanted frequencies around). I suspect this is due to the fact the EQ slopes are touching "indirectly" the target frequency in a softer manner. It could seems intricate, but as I said, sometimes it just works.

Bear in mind also that the spectrum EQ has a "limited" amplitude range (on purpose): honestly I'm not sure if that was the case, but there could be situations where it doesn't show what's underneath (someone please correct me if I'm wrong), that's one of the reason why - I guess - the whole "mix with your ears not with your eyes" recurring proverb exists. :)

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Post 16 Sep 2015

I have done this increasingly recently when wanting Kiks to cut a mix. First time I did it by mistake but suddenly there was a "snap" to the sound that wasn't there before. Once I realized what I did it makes perfect sense as you get a bright, attention getting, sound right at the attacks of your Kik and you need less volume overall to get presence.


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Post 25 Sep 2015

Thanks for the video and I must say that's some great music!!

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Post 29 Sep 2015

Very cool tutorial and nice channel. :)
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Post 07 Oct 2015

Thank you guys :) I'm planning doing more!
The best things happen after reading the manual. ;)
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