TheGodOfRainbows wrote:I LOVE the way this sounds. And I love your background music song too. Where is the full version of your song? Are you not on Soundcloud or somewhere?
Hey, sorry for the late reply and thank you! I thought the sound and the idea behind was worth enough to make a video tutorial so I'm glad that someone likes it!
About the track... Well, actually there is no full version: it is one of the hundreds unfinished songs laying on my hard disk.
Unfortunately music and sound design is just an hobby and my spare time is not enough to get complex projects done...
That's why I still don't have a soundcloud like account. Just two or three completed songs...
More than often I find myself completely caught by a sound design technique or a particular sound I want to recreate so the "few bars song" formula for a video tutorial purpose works well.
I'm planning to do more video tutorials but first I have to fix my production PC (the motherboard died two weeks ago) and then switch from openshot to kdenlive for the video editing part.
I already have in mind my next video about shimmer reverb using polar plus reverb, which is based on an yet another unfinished song...