Linking to the Reason Manual online

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03 May 2015

Since version 8.2 the Reason manual is available in html online.

You can find the 8.2 version here: This now gives us the possibility to illustrate any tutorial or explanation with direct links to topics in the manual.

For the top 2 levels of topics in the contents tab of the navigation pane it is easy to find the link. Just copy it from the adress bar.
However, because of how the linking works for the manual deeper links can not be seen directly.
I thought it might be usefull to show how you can find these links.

This example works in Mozilla Firefox.

Be sure that you have navigated to the subtopic using the contents pane, not by scrolling. This is needed so the link is properly set.

Open the context menu for the right pane by clicking on it and go to "This Frame" -> "Show Only This Frame"
This will open only that page in your browser. You are in single page mode. You can now copy the URL from your adress bar. Example URL: ... .08.8.html#629879&single=true

If you want a link including the navigation pane, reopen the navigation pane by clicking the "Show Navigation" icon in the top left of the page. The URL will now include a hashtag with a number. Example: ... .08.8.html#629879 .

You can also do this in Chrome. I would recommend to use a chrome addon that makes opening frames easier. For example this one
After this the method is just about the same as for Firefox.

I hope this helps enriching your tutorials !

:reason: V9 | i7 5930 | Motu 828 MK3 | Win 10

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19 May 2015

Great eauhm,

this could prove really useful !  :thumbup:

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