Cancelling Solo

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Post 22 Jan 2015

Hello all,

Most desks I used (live performances) have a "Solo Mode" wich switches between Unique or Additive solo. I can not find this in Reason. Am I missing something or should this be on the Feature Requests list?



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Post 22 Jan 2015

There is no solo mode switch. Reason has its own solo and mute logic that behaves more like additive.
There's also a "solo all off" button.. its an extra click, but the result is the same-ish..
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Post 22 Jan 2015

polvda wrote:Hello all,

Most desks I used (live performances) have a "Solo Mode" wich switches between Unique or Additive solo. I can not find this in Reason. Am I missing something or should this be on the Feature Requests list?


I have seen that written as "latching" (the most common, used by SSL and in Reason) or "momentary" (others, can't remember now!). Momentary is useful for spot checking things - they are only soloed as long as you hold the button. Latching allows you to add more channels without holding the buttons down, and is the most common mode to find when there's only one option. :)

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