James Bernard: 52 Weeks Reason and Record Tips

Have an urge to learn, or a calling to teach? Want to share some useful Youtube videos? Do it here!
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20 Jan 2015

Edit: first post seems to have disappeared..... so here it is: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 134198A5E9

Cool. Thanks for sharing!


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20 Jan 2015

Thanks for doing this. I really liked these and they're worth revisiting.

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Namahs Amrak
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20 Jan 2015

Awesome. Should be a sticky, then locked. This is probably the best collection of tutorials available for Reason
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21 Jan 2015

Cool thank you


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21 Jan 2015

hey George, maybe you can include this link in the op, it's the complete playlist:
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 134198A5E9

Youtube also shows which clips you already watched, quite helpful when learning with loooooong breaks inbetween.

b.east out the box
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21 Jan 2015

Hell yeah!

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22 Jan 2015

Thanks for adding George! I was just thinking about this.

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Soft Enerji
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26 Jan 2015

Nice one GF!

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20 Aug 2015

so where are they ?
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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01 Nov 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote:so where are they ?
The original 1st post seems to have been deleted, somehow.
?????? weird

Here they are: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 134198A5E9
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01 Nov 2015

Thanks Challism , good to see them on Props page !
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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23 Mar 2016

A treasure! Half of the magic of Reason is all you can do but that is not obvious. If more ppl would understand the deepness of this DAW it would have more users. Good to gather tutorials.

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09 May 2016

This will be awezome. Looking forward to learn new thins in Reason :)
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02 Jun 2017

Is James Bernard on ReasonTalk? If so, Hello! This was the most helpful of all Reason series' I've watched. Thanks for what you do!

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29 Jun 2017

no link

Matt Mannakin
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22 Feb 2018

Yeah. Where did the links go, please and thanks?! :)

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22 Feb 2018

It's still available on YouTube. Full playlist:

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=P ... 134198A5E9

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22 Feb 2018

You can also search the old Propellerhead site here


and if you filter for 'JB' you can find the handful of example files that go with the youtube series. For weeks 3, 5, 6, 10, 14, 18 and 43.

(You can also filter for 'zip' or '.cmb' or '.rns' and find some other stuff... )
If you ain't hip to the rare Housequake, shut up already.


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