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Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 27 Feb 2020
by hurricane
geronimo wrote:
27 Feb 2020
Have you ever tried to open the mono version of ReasonRack ?
Yes, why?

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 28 Feb 2020
by geronimo
Because the ReasonRack mono version in AU format under Digital Performer10 don't work .


Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 28 Feb 2020
by selig
Man, there is some SUPER useful stuff here, and very well presented and easy to follow - thanks very much for this!
I'm trying to get more into Logic as an alternate DAW and for any video work, especially now that Reason is available as AU. I'll be coming back to this thread often, I'm sure. :)

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 28 Feb 2020
by hurricane
Thanks, Selig.

And sucks for you, Digital Performer guy.

The mono version of the Reason Rack plugin works in Logic though, and freaking hallelujah, mono bounce in place is FINALLY easy.

Not gonna get into the technicalities for why this is happening in Reason, but even if you mono every freaking cable in the rack, when you bounce in place, you still get a (mono) stereo waveform. ARGH!!!

Substereowtf.jpg (207.41 KiB) Viewed 5688 times

To get a true mono bounce, you'll have to do that in the bounce mixer channels dialog, and then you have to make sure you check the correct settings, and if you are not familiar with these settings, then you will most likely do it wrong. And it's just much harder than it should be.


Using a mono instance of the Reason Rack plugin, all you literally have to do is right click on the region and click 'Bounce in place". That's it.

logicmonobounce.jpg (100.06 KiB) Viewed 5688 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 28 Feb 2020
by hurricane
So you know that vocal effect where you have a predominantly dry vocal in a track, and for some dramatic ear candy you decide you want the last word of the first verse to bloom and echo with a super wet reverb tail? You heard that a lot in Billie Eilish's album (which was done in Logic, by the way) Well, there are lots of ways to do this. You can use automation and turn the reverb on and off. Or you can duplicate the track and cut the piece of the vocal you want to effect, and drag that to this new track so it stands alone and you don't have to mess with automation. Or another option you have in Logic is:


Ever want to apply effects to just ooooone tiny section of a track, but not to the whole track??? This is what selection based processing allows you to do. And of course you can use your Reason Rack Effect plugin. Here's how:

Use the marquee tool (look this up you'll be using this often) to separate the phrase from the main vocal. Right click on this phrase, and find the 'selection based processing' section:
sbp1.png (119.21 KiB) Viewed 5663 times
Move your mouse under the blue 'A' rectangle and you'll notice a shaded up/down arrow - this is where you will select your effect. In this case I will use the RV700 on this section. You can preview the sound, and if you like it, hit apply. The RV7000 has now been applied to just this section of your vocal.

sbp2.png (278 KiB) Viewed 5663 times

sbp3.png (18.29 KiB) Viewed 5663 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 28 Feb 2020
by hurricane
Do you know what I find extremely annoying in Reason??? Say I have this really long Grain drone playing through a song. When I start playback from the middle of the song, I can't hear the drone playing. When I start playback from anywhere other than the beginning of the song, the drone makes no sound.

I know a lot of you find this annoying as well and have been asking for a solution on these forums.

Well ladies and gentlemen, Logic has it NOW, and it's called:

MIDI CHASE!!!! :clap:

But 'note' midi chase is OFF by default. Here's how you turn it on.

projectsettings.png (233.13 KiB) Viewed 5654 times

And make sure you check the first thing on the list:

notes.png (83.44 KiB) Viewed 5654 times

Now you can hit play from anywhere on the timeline and you will hear your really long Grain drone. :thumbs_up:

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 29 Feb 2020
by hurricane
No matter how hard I tried to organize my Waves plugins in Reason, the results still seemed a little overwhelming. Luckily you have a bit more control in Logic's Plugin Manager, because you can create:


If you have a lot of Waves plugins like I do, your default plugin manager view is something like this:

yuck.png (488.79 KiB) Viewed 5626 times

That's a very long list to navigate.

But did you know you can create subfolders within your plugin list? So check out this post-organization plugin picker picture:

nice.png (167.8 KiB) Viewed 5626 times

Pretty sweet, huh? Well you can do this too. The secret is the almighty colon. Look what I did here in Logic's Plugin Manager:

pmanager.png (182.88 KiB) Viewed 5626 times

You'll use the + sign to create a new Category, and to create a subfolder within this category, separate the Category and subfolder with a colon, but without a space in between them. So:




Channel Strips:SSL
Channel Strips:Neve
Channel Strips:Focusrite

Drag the appropriate plugins to the subfolders. And don't worry about alphabetizing these here in this window because Logic will auto sort them later.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 29 Feb 2020
by jamesa
Thanks Hurricane for these great tips!

In case anyone is wondering how to use Reason MIDI out in Logic:

1) Click on MIDIFX for the track
2) Select Audio Units -> Reason Studios -> Reason Rack Plugin

This will bring up an empty Reason Rack where one can add players, the MIDI Out device, etc.

Once the Reason Rack is displayed, create a MATRIX, for example, then a MIDI Out device. Flip the rack and hook the Note CV of the MATRIX to the CV of the MIDI Out, do the same for the Gate.

Press play in Logic and the MATRIX will be triggering your track.

Don't ask me if its possible to select MATRIX patterns from Logic when it is inserted as a MIDIFX - I'm not sure. I've just started playing with Logic + Reason. :lol:

For Logic and Reason users the Reason plugin is looking to be the best of both worlds!

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 01 Mar 2020
by hurricane
jamesa wrote:
29 Feb 2020

Don't ask me if its possible to select MATRIX patterns from Logic when it is inserted as a MIDIFX - I'm not sure. I've just started playing with Logic + Reason. :lol:
One easy way to do it is to simply drag each pattern to the track and then arrange it manually:

matrixdrag.png (275.53 KiB) Viewed 5584 times
Keep track of your patterns by renaming them. Open the track inspector, highlight each region, then double click on the label after 'Region:' to rename.:

rename.png (35.02 KiB) Viewed 5584 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 01 Mar 2020
by jamesa
hurricane wrote:
01 Mar 2020
jamesa wrote:
29 Feb 2020

Don't ask me if its possible to select MATRIX patterns from Logic when it is inserted as a MIDIFX - I'm not sure. I've just started playing with Logic + Reason. :lol:
One easy way to do it is to simply drag each pattern to the track and then arrange it manually:
That is a great tip, thanks!

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 01 Mar 2020
by hurricane

If you don't know it's there you probably won't find it because it's somewhat hidden. There are two ways to get to it: #1 with a key command, which on my version is Control-Option-Return, or #2 clicking on the icon on the (also hidden) toolbar:

note repeat.png
note repeat.png (173.18 KiB) Viewed 5557 times
If you don't see "Note Repeat", right click on the toolbar and click "Customize Toolbar" and make sure it is checked.

I suggest you read the manual for the extended details ( ... cale=en_VN), but to show you quickly some of what it can do and how it works, set it up like how I have it in the pic. Now load a hi-hat on an instrument track. In this case I have a single hi-hat loaded into an NNXT. Don't record anything just yet, but simply trigger and hold the hi-hat and you'll immediately hear what note repeat does. There are two ways to control the rate at which the note repeats - with the mod wheel or the keyboard. You can use both, but I find the mod wheel a little easier to get things down faster.

Logic + Reason = an easy way to make THOSE hi-hats. ;)

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 01 Mar 2020
by hurricane

This is something Reason users have been wanting for a long time, and something us Logic users have been fortunate to have (for YEARS now), and holy Jesus does this come in HANDY.

Track freeze is available in your track header (the snowflake), and if you don't see it, right click on a track's header, scroll to 'track header components' and make sure 'freeze' is checked:

Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 10.22.09 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 10.22.09 PM.png (200.58 KiB) Viewed 5547 times

There are two types of freeze: source only and pre-fader.

Source only freezes the track's signal, but not the plugins. So for example, on an instrument track, source freeze will freeze the instrument itself, but all your plugins on this track would still be active and can be edited.

Pre-fader freezes everything on the track.

You can choose between the two in your track's inspector:

Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 10.09.46 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-01 at 10.09.46 PM.png (26.49 KiB) Viewed 5547 times

Once you settle on an option, hit the track freeze button and hit play. Your track will go through the freeze process (which is sort of like a temporary bounce), but it can be un-frozen at the touch of a button. In this example, I have the FSB Piano loaded, with the very CPU intensive IK Multimedia Tape 24 strapped on the channel. Note the dramatic difference!!!:

trackfreeze.jpg (159.62 KiB) Viewed 5547 times

Just another reason why Logic + the Rack is a match made in heaven. :clap:

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 02 Mar 2020
by hurricane
Check this out. It's the demo song that comes with Logic.

"Colors" by Beck:
beck-colors.jpg (321.74 KiB) Viewed 5521 times
Pretty cool to have access to an actual project from such a high profile artist. Give it a look and you can see how they mixed it - this isn't merely a bounced stem version.

Also notice how the track numbers go from 1-126, yet there are only 21 actual tracks on the sequencer page. In actuality, there are 135 tracks in this project, and Beck's producer makes great use of yet another most requested feature by Reason users:


To put your tracks in a folder:
1. Highlight the tracks you wish to pack. Right click and select 'Create Track Stack'
2. Select the "folder stack' option
3. Your tracks are now in one folder.
howtofolder.jpg (162.85 KiB) Viewed 5521 times
You can take them out of a folder by right clicking the folder and selecting "flatten stack". Or you can expand the folder by clicking on the little white arrow by the track icon.

Makes organizing a project with a lot of tracks so much easier.

Without folders, Beck's entire project doesn't fit on my screen:
beckunfolded.jpg (474.13 KiB) Viewed 5521 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 02 Mar 2020
by hurricane

This is something I wish we could do in Reason.

If you don't see the H button next to the 'duplicate tracks' button on Logic's toolbar, then hit the H key on your keyboard. You'll notice the letter H appearing on all your tracks. Click the H on the tracks you wish to hide. The H becomes green and marks the tracks to be hidden.

hideme.png (68.32 KiB) Viewed 5509 times
Hit the H key on your keyboard again to make them disappear. The H button toggles it on and off. Notice that the big green H now turns orange - that lets you know that you have tracks hidden:

hiddenthings.png (30.63 KiB) Viewed 5509 times

So simple. So useful.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 02 Mar 2020
by jamesa
Thanks so much for these.

Logic has a steeper learning curve than Reason which is why I avoided it for so long in spite of owning it for many years. What finally drove me to use it was the need for video and for creating and printing musical scores. I wanted one program to do it all. This book helped me get started with Logic and has been worth every penny:

I highly recommend it (as well as the forum on the same website). And thanks again to Reason Studios for releasing Reason as a plugin.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 02 Mar 2020
by hurricane

Yet another frequently requested feature by Reasoners.

Access notes using this button in Logic's toolbar:

notes icon.png
notes icon.png (7.6 KiB) Viewed 5479 times

In Logic you can create an overall project note, and you can add pictures and mess with fonts:

project notes.png
project notes.png (314.14 KiB) Viewed 5479 times

You can also create track notes, which are obviously track specific, and can be added by double clicking the bottom of a channel strip (assuming you have the "track notes" option checked in your mixer's channel strip components). You can also go into further track detail in the notes browser:

track notes.png
track notes.png (351.75 KiB) Viewed 5479 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 03 Mar 2020
by hurricane

This one is going to be a two part tip. The first tip will show you how to set up Redrum as a 10-channel multi-out instrument. The 2nd part will show you the best way to set up the tracks in the sequencer for optimal playback.

We'll first insert a multi-out instance of the Reason Rack:

Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10.47.54 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 10.47.54 PM.png (87.88 KiB) Viewed 5461 times

1. We're routing the redrum channels to the first socket of each stereo pair in the I/O device. So that's 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17, and 19. Remember to hold shift while cabling so that there are no auto-cabling shenanigans.
2. Hit TAB and turn the rack around. Uncheck the lights on the MAINS.

redrumrouting.jpg (288.15 KiB) Viewed 5461 times

Now go to the mixer and hit the + sign 9 times. We now have a total of 10 redrum channels, all routed to their own track.

redrum mixer.png
redrum mixer.png (71.5 KiB) Viewed 5461 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 03 Mar 2020
by hurricane

Let's get these parts on the sequencer:

Many ways to do this, but this is how I do it, and I'm a little OCD about this.

First, some housekeeping.

1. Start by highlighting all the Redrum's mixer channels, hovering on the name of the first channel, righ-click, then rename. I called it Redrum 1, and after you hit enter you'll notice the other tracks auto-sequencing the numbers.

2. Highlight tracks 2-10, right click, and select "Create Track".

3. For whatever reason, the tracks get created in a weird order, but you can manually drag them into order like how I did in step 4.

redrum1.jpg (192.86 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

5. Rename each track to its actual redrum instrument type.

6. Now what I like to do next is program some type of beat on each redrum channel. It doesn't have to be well thought out, in fact sometimes I just enter something temporary on the first beat of each pattern. The point is that we want each of the 10 channels to have some sort of note data. Once I'm done I will then drag the entire pattern to the LAST channel on the arrange page.

7. Now right click on the midi region, and scroll down to "separate note by pitch".

redrum2.jpg (190.91 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

8. You'll now get an exploded view of all 10 channels beneath your original empty tracks. But if we use these tracks, solo and mute will not work because they are not connected to each aux track.

9. So we will select all these regions and drag them up to our original tracks. Each track name will correspond to what's been exported in each midi region. You can delete tracks 11-20.

10. Now we want to rename each region to reflect the name of the track, so right click on the regions and select "Name regions by track".

11. Now that we have auto-created regions for each Redrum channel, we can go about editing and arranging each part visually.

redrum3.jpg (250.66 KiB) Viewed 5422 times

And you will never have to do this again because you will save this in your template.

You don't have to do this if you prefer to arrange everything in Redrum. I do it this way because I want to see what I am working with.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 03 Mar 2020
by hurricane

I use the above method because when I create my drum parts in Redrum, I probably get my entire beat 90% done. And I usually use up all 10 channels. So exporting each part is an important step for ME.

However, if you want to start off with empty regions and add notes in the piano roll as you go, then you can do it this alternate way.

After you create tracks on the arrange page for the redrum AUX tracks in the mixer, you can simply use the pencil tool to create blank regions on each track:

blank.png (47.31 KiB) Viewed 5418 times

Now you can go into each region and pencil in your parts.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 03 Mar 2020
by hurricane

Logic has a lot of cool stuff that's just hidden - and again, this is something that if you don't know it's there (or you're just a Reason user using Logic for the first time), you will NEVER find.

Like Logic's "legacy" instruments and effects.

These are older effects available in older Logic versions, some of which have been replaced by newer effects (Platinum Verb replaced by Chroma Verb, for example) or some that have just been retired. There are still some very useful gems in here though, and you can access them using a key modifier.

Hold the OPTION key while you click on the instrument or the audio effect selector in a channel strip and you will see this:
legacy instr.png
legacy instr.png (150.22 KiB) Viewed 5413 times
legacyfx.png (98.05 KiB) Viewed 5413 times

These are Logic's forgotten children - we used to use these a lot. At one point PlatinumVerb was the best reverb we had.

Anyway, the instruments in particular are really simple, but really good. I still use Hybrid Basic. It's a GUI-less thing, but it's loaded with high quality and quickly accessible sounds. Try them out for yourself. Some of these are still worth using:

classics.png (486.92 KiB) Viewed 5413 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 03 Mar 2020
by hurricane

This is one of my favorites, and it's something I wish Reason had because it is a life saver.

So let's say you've tracked your song. All the parts are done. Song is finished, ready to mix, but you realize that you don't like the snare, and you want to switch it out for a different snare. Well, you used a one-shot audio file for your snare. You've arranged it - it's hitting in all the right places, you have rolls, you have double hits, to replace the snare with another audio file is going to take a long time. And you don't have any fancy drum replacement plugins either. So now what?

kick.png (125.64 KiB) Viewed 5404 times

Lucky for you Reason users, Logic has drum replacement. And here's how it works.

You highlight the track you want to replace. In this pic, I am highlighting the snare track. Now hit CONTROL+D. The drum replacement/doubler box comes up. You can either choose to completely replace your track or have a new track doubling it. Logic autoloads some EXS24 snares in the background, and you can switch those out for a drum instrument of your choice.

Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 9.35.33 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 9.35.33 PM.png (114.38 KiB) Viewed 5404 times

The cool thing is that Logic analyzes your audio track and automatically creates a midi track where each midi note is mapped to each snare hit, saving you the manual effort of re-arranging the new snare!!!

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Screen Shot 2020-03-03 at 9.37.02 PM.png (25.24 KiB) Viewed 5404 times

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 04 Mar 2020
by hurricane

We'll need the free Midi fx freeze available here:

Now make sure you have your Reason Player device first, followed by midi freeze:
freezefx1.png (31.42 KiB) Viewed 5379 times

Record whatever you're going to record. And then:

1. Open midi freeze

2. Click on the center circle to arm it for recording.

3. Hit the spacebar to play the track. Notice that midi freeze automatically starts recording. Wait until the timeline cursor plays through the entire region, then hit stop.

fxfreeze.jpg (106.93 KiB) Viewed 5379 times

4. Also notice that the empty square to the right of the record circle now has a MIDI note icon. Drag this icon to the track.

5. Here is your Player output in an editable midi region.

freeze3.jpg (89.26 KiB) Viewed 5379 times
Delete the original midi region you recorded, and disable/delete your Reason Player and Midi Freeze to continue.


Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 05 Mar 2020
by hurricane
I just gotta say - this Reason Rack + Logic combo feels so NATURAL.

Let's use a Reason Rack Player to modulate a Logic synth with MIDI CC

1. Like in the 11.2 video, let's set up a Pulsar.
2. Cable it like how you see in the picture.
3. TAB to the front, and in the first CV1 CC slot, set it to 3. You should see the CC Output come to life.

playercc.jpg (177.84 KiB) Viewed 5353 times

4. Open Logic's Retro Synth
5. Click on the Settings button.
6. Set the midi cc to 3, and route it to Filter Cutoff. Now adjust the cutoff and modulation amount on Retro Synth, and the rate and level on Pulsar to what you want.

RETRO.jpg (203.85 KiB) Viewed 5353 times

In the next episode, we'll use a Logic Player to modulate a Reason Synth with midi CC. I'm gonna go have a beer first.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 05 Mar 2020
by hurricane
I lied.

We're not going to use MIDI CC to modulate a Reason synth. We'll use something way easier: Plugin Parameter Learning!

Plugin parameter learning is basically Logic telling you "so I hear you want me to modulate a parameter on that synth over there. What exactly do you want me to modulate? Go click on whatever that is and I'll do the rest."

First things first - load up a Subtractor and Logic's Modulator Midi fx:

Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 8.18.03 PM.png
Screen Shot 2020-03-05 at 8.18.03 PM.png (663.58 KiB) Viewed 5319 times

1. Have both on the screen

2. In the lower left quadrant of the Modifier, there is a TO: OFF parameter. Click on OFF to see the list in step 2.

3. Click on Learn Plugin Parameter and immediately click the Filter 1 slider on the Subtractor.

STEP2.jpg (197.19 KiB) Viewed 5319 times

Increase the output level on Modifier and you should start to see Subtractor's filter 1 slider dance:

submove.gif (815.62 KiB) Viewed 5319 times

And we're done.

Re: Here Are Some Cool Logic Pro X + Reason Rack Tips

Posted: 06 Mar 2020
by hurricane
Quick Logic Tip of the Day - BOOKMARKS

This is sort of like adding a favorite folder in your Reason browser.

Let's add some of our favorite loops and samples to Logic's browser, pinning them to the browser for quick access. Logic calls these favorite folders "bookmarks".

Open up the browsers button by clicking on the green highlighted box (or use the shortcut key F). Then use the leftmost icon in the yellow highlighted box to navigate your Mac and locate the folders you want to bookmark. Notice there are 4 icons in this yellow box.

browsers.png (50.94 KiB) Viewed 5293 times
Once you locate the folders, right click on them and select "Bookmark...":

bookmark.png (99.06 KiB) Viewed 5293 times

You'll notice a 5th icon magically appear. This is the bookmark icon, and now you can click on this icon to quickly take you to your favorited folders.

iconic.png (25.17 KiB) Viewed 5293 times