Midi morph possible, similar to Bitwig operators?

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Post 11 Jun 2024

If people aren't aware, Bitwig allows morphing of a longer single MIDI note event - equal divisions, skewing these divisions in time (sort of like an exponential ramp) and velocity ramping. It allows for interesting melodic patterns and interesting drum programming.

It's the main feature of Bitwig I would like to recreate in Reason. Is it possible with RE's? If so, which ones? I really dislike Bitwig's UI and the litany of tiny UI elements, but this is such a good feature.

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Post 11 Jun 2024

You can achieve a lot of what you're describing with the Note Echo device that's included with Reason.
It has note repeats and velocity ramps. You can choose a small step size and disable certain repetitions to achieve an "exponential" kind of effect like this:
There are many Player devices in the shop, but this might be a good place to start.

If you need Bitwig-style fine grain control on a note-by-note basis, then you'd want to look at the various sequencer REs. Someone else might know better which ones best achieve this kind of thing.
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