This is kind of like Blocks (plusXL!) , but for use with any DAW. That said, it's quite a different approach. You can see that it is a visual aid, but in the demo video i think he also used it to mute tracks (was Ableton Live so i wasnt really paying attention)
As i test it here (R12) I realize that you can also simply use it as a guide for just painting your blocks.
Testing in LUNA next as i've been doing tons of guitar/bass/drums and covers, etc. and i would love to see a visual song structure from behind my drumset!
Have not yet purchased, but it's likely ..The copy protection is no fun, you can play for a 10(?) min and then must reload project.

However I did read that you can run the trial indefinitely.
Anyway.. I saw it and thought of Reason and Blocks and you guys!
so i wanted to share. It's clever, simple, cheap and the dev seems genuine.
I wish that RS would absorb this kind of thinking into Blocks somehow, in whole or in part!