Public Zebralette3 Beta

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18 Feb 2024

Thanks for the heads up! Looking forward to trying it out!

I'm excited for the full Zebra3, which I'll get for free as an owner of Zebra2 + Dark Zebra šŸ˜ƒ A deal that was first offered over a decade ago!

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20 Feb 2024

joeyluck wrote: ā†‘
18 Feb 2024
I'm excited for the full Zebra3, which I'll get for free as an owner of Zebra2 + Dark Zebra .....
Me too!

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20 Feb 2024

! :thumbup:

:reason: :re: :ignition: Atari 1040ST | R11 Suite šŸ”­ R12 | i7 | RME

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25 Feb 2024

The sound is quite good ! Thereā€™s a kind of Ā«Ā clarityĀ Ā» and Ā«Ā fullnessĀ Ā» that change from other Ā«Ā spectralĀ Ā» synths which I find muffled and Ā«resonant metallicĀ Ā» sounding

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