fXpansion Geist2 authorization issues
Posted: 29 Dec 2023
I purchased Geist2 i think quite shortly before they were bought by (t)Rolli. I just wanted to check for some updated and if i had the latest version, but my security software blocked the internet access of their autorizer.
My security software informed me, that the authorizer tried to transmit my username and password as plain text, which is an epic fail in todays times.
So, i checked the website and checked if htere are any updates for the authorizer, but since 2019 no updates, so i obviously have the latest version installed. And well, even in 2019 sending username and passwor as plain text is a crime IMO even back at that time...
And i remembered, yea, fXpansion was sold and the website informed me about this and so i contacted the new vendor. The answer is, well, a kick in the butt of customers. They official classified Geist2 as legacy and do not support it anymore and they send me to FXpansions website which seems unmaintained...another epic fail...
What a sh!t move not to give a simple authorization or just make it a free product...
So, i came to the conclusion, i will sh!t on Geist2, on any FXpansion products (i think they are still sold) and ofc i will avoid Roli products at all.
And...I am still happy that all my RE still work, even if the company or dev already gave up and for sure i will check in detail from which dev i will ever buy a product again.
Next experience will be my HD crash which is currently overdue
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My security software informed me, that the authorizer tried to transmit my username and password as plain text, which is an epic fail in todays times.
So, i checked the website and checked if htere are any updates for the authorizer, but since 2019 no updates, so i obviously have the latest version installed. And well, even in 2019 sending username and passwor as plain text is a crime IMO even back at that time...
And i remembered, yea, fXpansion was sold and the website informed me about this and so i contacted the new vendor. The answer is, well, a kick in the butt of customers. They official classified Geist2 as legacy and do not support it anymore and they send me to FXpansions website which seems unmaintained...another epic fail...
What a sh!t move not to give a simple authorization or just make it a free product...
So, i came to the conclusion, i will sh!t on Geist2, on any FXpansion products (i think they are still sold) and ofc i will avoid Roli products at all.
And...I am still happy that all my RE still work, even if the company or dev already gave up and for sure i will check in detail from which dev i will ever buy a product again.
Next experience will be my HD crash which is currently overdue
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