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nx ocean way nashville Plug-in?

Posted: 10 Feb 2021
by gritz
Anyone heard of this nx ocean way nashville plugin? More importantly does it work on reason or is it another gimmick

Re: nx ocean way nashville Plug-in?

Posted: 10 Feb 2021
by PhillipOrdonez
If it works on Reason or not does not mean it is or isn't a gimmick.

Get the demo and see if you like it. Those things can help with long headphone sessions and provide another option to check your mix on on top of your monitors and your headphones without that and your stereo and your car.

I don't have this one but have the abbey road one. Can't remember if that one worked on Reason. I think it did? I just don't mix in Reason so I can't tell you right now. Might be able to check later.

Re: nx ocean way nashville Plug-in?

Posted: 17 Feb 2021
by slightlyprog
I have the original Waves NX and tried the Abbey Road studio 2, so I'm sure it works in Reason. There are several headphone correction and / or room simulation apps out now. I tried a few and settled on Dsoniq Realphones. But there is something on the way from Acustica that is supposed be the biz. It won't be out till May though.