FAQ: VST in Reason

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29 May 2017

Does [insert name] plugin work with Reason?
Reason is natively compatible with 64 bit VST 2.4 plugins which covers most plugins on Mac and PC. 32 bit VSTs may possibly work with jBridge or similar wrappers.

Is Reason compatible with VST3 or AU?
No, Reason is only currently compatible with VST 2.4 plugins.

Does undo work for plugins?
With a few exceptions, undo will work for most VSTs.

Can I send more than 16 audio outputs from a VSTi?
No, currently VST output is limited to 16 mono outputs (8 stereo).

Can I send separate midi channels to a multitimbral instrument?
No, this is not currently possible in this iteration of VST support.

Do MIDI VST devices, like sequencers, work in Reason?
Not yet.

Where are my VSTs located?
In the Reason preferences under Advanced Settings the default plugin folders are listed. Usually Library/Audio/Plugins/VST on Mac and C:\Program Files\Steinberg\VSTPlugins on Windows. You can however install plugins to a folder of your choosing and direct Reason to search for plugins in that location.

Plugin doesn’t appear in Reason.
Ensure that the plugin is installed in the proper location. There’s also a Manage Plugins option under Window in the Reason toolbar where you can view all plugins recognized by Reason. If there were any issues with the plugin it will be listed but disabled. Keep in mind that VST3 and AU plugins will not be recognized as well as 32 bit VSTs without a wrapper.

Where are screenshots stored?
Mac: /Users/<username>/Library/Caches/Reason
Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Propellerhead Software\Reason

Can I hide plugins that I don’t use?
Yes, You can disable plugins with the the Manage Plugins option under Window in the Reason toolbar.

Can't seem to load presets from Reason's browser
Some plugins that use fxb and fxp presets can load from Reason's browser, but most will require opening the plugin window and selecting the preset from within the plugin.

How can I record multiple audio outputs from a plugin?
Route the outputs to mix channels. If midi is in Reason's sequencer you can bounce in place and all mix channels will be bounced.

If there is no midi in Reason's sequencer (pattern plugins like Machine...etc...), you can bounce mixer channels from the file menu and choose to import as new tracks in song.
Kenni Andruszkow

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31 May 2017

BTW, Reason found VSTs in C:\Program Files\VstPlugins all by itself (Steinberg omitted from the path).
Jon Heal:reason: :re: :refill:Do not click this link!

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01 Jun 2017

Can I use VST´s that I bought in the PH-Shop in any other DAW or is it limited to Reason?

Can I ReSell any bought VST from the PH-Shop or is it limited like Rack Extension´s?

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03 Jun 2017

Another question:
How can I bookmark / copy a vst preset to a certain folder?

When I browse through an instrument presets and I hear one that I want to "remember", how I do that?
With the standard instruments and Rack Extensions, you can just drag something in the browser to another folder, let's say Favourites and have a list of interesting sounds.

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03 Jun 2017

Please HELP!!!!

I installed 9.5 a few days ago and discovered that all of my plugins didn't boot up. Reinstalled plugins again to access them from same folder, still didn't work. Then I did clicked the program files in the C drive and now Reason won't bypass certain plugins that I believe are windows related!!! I've performed a complete uninstall/reinstall with no success. I've since contacted Reason support, with no reply and I have deadlines to meet ASAP!

Any suggestions?!

lenovo 1TB 2.4ghz laptop, scarlette 2i2, 16g RAM

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03 Jun 2017

Shokstar wrote:Can I use VST´s that I bought in the PH-Shop in any other DAW or is it limited to Reason?

Can I ReSell any bought VST from the PH-Shop or is it limited like Rack Extension´s?
There's no such thing as a Reason specific VST. It will work in any daw that supports it. Resale terms are dependent on the developer.

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03 Jun 2017

DamFlarden wrote:Another question:
How can I bookmark / copy a vst preset to a certain folder?

When I browse through an instrument presets and I hear one that I want to "remember", how I do that?
With the standard instruments and Rack Extensions, you can just drag something in the browser to another folder, let's say Favourites and have a list of interesting sounds.
You can save the vst device as a patch with the vst settings. You can also save patches within a vst itself.

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06 Jun 2017

I am curious whether the new note lane "feature" applies to all VST effects. If it does it should probably be in the FAQ
If I create a Re effect eg Buffre and i create a midi lane for it it will allow note clips to be created straight away.
If i create a stutter edit or amplitube it doesnt without creating a note lane. If you dont know it takes awhile to figure out as several threads here indicate. I do understand why as a VST probably cant "tell" Reason that it can accept note data.

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09 Jun 2017

Is z3ta+ 1.5 too old for Reason 9.5? It plays the patches, but doesn't show the device on the rack, just a white line. Press open and nothing happens?

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19 Jun 2017

Will PH shop vst gets updates and auto download across my/yours Reason accounted pc's flawlessy through reason account sync? Serum e.g.?

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21 Jun 2017

In my set up, I want to use the Spectrum EQ Window at the same time than Voxengo Span VST. I couldn't achieve to have both windows open at the same time. Is there a workaround I am not aware of? If not, Is there a request for the next version of Reason? A lot of VSTs would benefit of this feature. No?
Windows 10 64-bit | Reason 9.5 | Live 10 Suite + Push2 | Intel i7 8700K | 16 GB RAM | Scarlett 6x6 | Arturia MiniLab MK II | 2x Novation LaunchControl XL

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30 Jun 2017

blacmav wrote:
03 Jun 2017
Please HELP!!!!

I installed 9.5 a few days ago and discovered that all of my plugins didn't boot up. Reinstalled plugins again to access them from same folder, still didn't work. Then I did clicked the program files in the C drive and now Reason won't bypass certain plugins that I believe are windows related!!! I've performed a complete uninstall/reinstall with no success. I've since contacted Reason support, with no reply and I have deadlines to meet ASAP!

Any suggestions?!

lenovo 1TB 2.4ghz laptop, scarlette 2i2, 16g RAM
I am having the same problem. Reason just "loses" plugins at random. Sometimes I have to manually add the exact folder that the plugin lives in to the config setting, but even that is not working with all of them. Just now I noticed Breaktweaker won't appear in the Reason browser anymore, and I am unable to get it to appear no matter what. I tried adding the exact folder that the DLL is in in the config in Reason, but it doesn't work. I'm getting worried.

I do notice that my Waves plugins are always there. I installed Waves H-Reverb last night, and suddenly this morning a bunch of my VSTs won't appear in Reason. I wonder if maybe there is something related to the Waves installer? Maybe not, but I have at least seen a correlation between installing Waves plugins and then suddenly noticing issues with Reason not seeing VSTs. It could be coincidence though.

My VST config in Reason is comical. It includes the main folder I put all of my VSTs in, and then like 15 more explicit subfolders inside that folder. I hope that they are working on a fix. It is frustrating to open up Reason and suddenly see a bunch of VSTs disappear. Omnisphere has disappeared on me twice now, and it's almost made me have a heart attack!

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11 Oct 2017

Since 9.5.2 the Mac location for VST screenshots have a new home (because of High Sierra compatibility):

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Propellerhead Software/Reason/Plugin Screenshots/

As announced by Mattias here: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=7503212

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29 Oct 2017

Sucks that 32-bit isn't supported. Oh well.

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25 Nov 2017

Kenni wrote:
29 May 2017

Do MIDI VST devices, like sequencers, work in Reason?
Not yet.
Are there information when it will be possible?
I need this feature, and it's not there.
Ableton Live Suite 10 / Reason 10 / Windows 10 / Fingers - also 10 ;)

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18 Dec 2017

"Can I send separate midi channels to a multitimbral instrument?
No, this is not currently possible in this iteration of VST support."

Hey there! I think my question is with regard to this feature but I'm wondering if someone else can shed some light.

I'm trying to use the famous Nicky Romero Kiskstarter in '1-shot' or 'Retriggered' mode as to to make more complicated sidechain patterns (rather than just sync mode). In other DAWs it looks like the way to do this is to setup a midi out channel (on which you write your pattern). On a new bus channel you then put a kickstarter. From a set of preferences (and this is where I'm lost) you choose for kickstarter to receive midi input from that other midi out channel. You can then send audio to the bus and it will have the effect on it, being 'squished' as per the pattern that you wrote.

This video from about 5:40 explains how to do it in FL studios
- can anyone see how you could do something similar in reason?

I hope my question makes sense!! Any help would be appreciated. I'm thinking either it's not yet possible because of how reason's midi out works, or there might be a work around (I was thinking if there was a way to control it with CV? Or perhaps with the external midi instrument).


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18 Dec 2017

lukeygee123abc wrote:
18 Dec 2017
"Can I send separate midi channels to a multitimbral instrument?
No, this is not currently possible in this iteration of VST support."

Hey there! I think my question is with regard to this feature but I'm wondering if someone else can shed some light.

I'm trying to use the famous Nicky Romero Kiskstarter in '1-shot' or 'Retriggered' mode as to to make more complicated sidechain patterns (rather than just sync mode). In other DAWs it looks like the way to do this is to setup a midi out channel (on which you write your pattern). On a new bus channel you then put a kickstarter. From a set of preferences (and this is where I'm lost) you choose for kickstarter to receive midi input from that other midi out channel. You can then send audio to the bus and it will have the effect on it, being 'squished' as per the pattern that you wrote.

This video from about 5:40 explains how to do it in FL studios
- can anyone see how you could do something similar in reason?

I hope my question makes sense!! Any help would be appreciated. I'm thinking either it's not yet possible because of how reason's midi out works, or there might be a work around (I was thinking if there was a way to control it with CV? Or perhaps with the external midi instrument).

This video is so unnecessarily complicated for something that is very simple.In simple terms you create a sequencer/instrument track for the plugin. In Reason unfortunately tracks for fx don't work with midi (only automation) so instead you use the EMI (midi out). This requires virtual midi though, either loopmidi (Windows) or the built in IAC driver (Mac). In the Kickstart settings you can choose a midi input, channel and even a range of notes. You would then record your midi on the EMI track in the sequencer.

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29 Apr 2018

Kenni wrote:
29 May 2017

Can I send more than 16 audio outputs from a VSTi?
No, currently VST output is limited to 16 mono outputs (8 stereo).
?? I didn't find the way to use Avenger's drums module separate outputs. Did I miss something?
Windows 10 64-bit | Reason 9.5 | Live 10 Suite + Push2 | Intel i7 8700K | 16 GB RAM | Scarlett 6x6 | Arturia MiniLab MK II | 2x Novation LaunchControl XL

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27 May 2018

Last edited by abeonis on 28 May 2018, edited 2 times in total.
Windows 10 64-bit | Reason 9.5 | Live 10 Suite + Push2 | Intel i7 8700K | 16 GB RAM | Scarlett 6x6 | Arturia MiniLab MK II | 2x Novation LaunchControl XL

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27 May 2018

abeonis wrote:
27 May 2018
Actually you can. All 16 VST outputs are available. Sorry.
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03 Jun 2018

Cubase 9.5 (MAC) does blacklist this plugin, does anyone know how this issues can be fixed.

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10 Jun 2018

Kenni wrote:
29 May 2017
Does [insert name] plugin work with Reason?
Reason is natively compatible with 64 bit VST 2.4 plugins which covers most plugins on Mac and PC. 32 bit VSTs may possibly work with jBridge or similar wrappers.
My experience is that jBridge doesn't always work. Other softwares support both 64 bits and 32 bits VSTs at the same time and this, transparently for the user. Maybe, PPH should consider this.
Windows 10 64-bit | Reason 9.5 | Live 10 Suite + Push2 | Intel i7 8700K | 16 GB RAM | Scarlett 6x6 | Arturia MiniLab MK II | 2x Novation LaunchControl XL

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10 Jun 2018

abeonis wrote:
10 Jun 2018
My experience is that jBridge doesn't always work. Other softwares support both 64 bits and 32 bits VSTs at the same time and this, transparently for the user. Maybe, PPH should consider this.
Yes, and why do they support it? Because it's legacy code inside and they've come a long way with VST support. But even the competitors start to ditch the support for legacy plugins. Steinberg starts to force VST3 and e.g. Apple has dropped AU32 support for Logic.

Let's face it: 64bit and VST3 are the future. Why should Propellerhead spend resources on implementing obsolete technology?

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10 Jun 2018

madmacman wrote:
10 Jun 2018
abeonis wrote:
10 Jun 2018
My experience is that jBridge doesn't always work. Other softwares support both 64 bits and 32 bits VSTs at the same time and this, transparently for the user. Maybe, PPH should consider this.
Yes, and why do they support it? Because it's legacy code inside and they've come a long way with VST support. But even the competitors start to ditch the support for legacy plugins. Steinberg starts to force VST3 and e.g. Apple has dropped AU32 support for Logic.

Let's face it: 64bit and VST3 are the future. Why should Propellerhead spend resources on implementing obsolete technology?
Your arguments make sense. The show must go on. My only concern is I am not able to reproduce this set up with 64 bits VST. (See the 2 Signal Analyzer small windows).


Any idea to replace these 2 windows without occupying all the screen?
Windows 10 64-bit | Reason 9.5 | Live 10 Suite + Push2 | Intel i7 8700K | 16 GB RAM | Scarlett 6x6 | Arturia MiniLab MK II | 2x Novation LaunchControl XL

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10 Jun 2018

abeonis wrote:
10 Jun 2018
madmacman wrote:
10 Jun 2018

Yes, and why do they support it? Because it's legacy code inside and they've come a long way with VST support. But even the competitors start to ditch the support for legacy plugins. Steinberg starts to force VST3 and e.g. Apple has dropped AU32 support for Logic.

Let's face it: 64bit and VST3 are the future. Why should Propellerhead spend resources on implementing obsolete technology?
Your arguments make sense. The show must go on. My only concern is I am not able to reproduce this set up with 64 bits VST. (See the 2 Signal Analyzer small windows).


Any idea to replace these 2 windows without occupying all the screen?
In order to get an FFT and a scope with any given synth, I use the free and excellent s(m)exoscope from smart electronix, and then have Reasons own signal analyzer that’s built-in to the EQ. Use “keep open” for the VST plugin and you’ve got a similar setup to the one in the pictures. It’s what I’m using for my video series (I’ve already done one on Subtractor) and seems to work very well.
DAW: Reason 12

SAMPLERS: Akai MPC 2000, E-mu SP1200, E-Mu e5000Ultra, Ensoniq EPS 16+, Akai S950, Maschine

SYNTHS: Mostly classic Polysynths and more modern Monosynths. All are mostly food for my samplers!


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