Europa VST/AU!!!!!

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30 May 2018

Wondering that no one asked when Serum can do the Web?
Reason12, Win10

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30 May 2018

EnochLight wrote:
30 May 2018
ScottyM (goes by THE INTRANCER at KVR these days) thinks Europa sounds like "Reason's interpolated low quality sound". :roll: As I also own Serum, Thorn, and a metric shit ton of other VST - I just can't agree with that. Someone recently posted a wavetable example being processed by Serum, Europa, and Expanse, and after they adjusted their faulty testing (they couldn't get Expanse's settings right), there was virtually no difference in sound between the 3. ... 9#p7089509
ScottyM is my favorite reversed compass ever. If he likes something I 100% know I should stay away.

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Undistraction wrote:
30 May 2018
It's the web version that is the really crazy thing here. To be able to do that is close to miraculous without rewriting the code.

I have no idea what the benefit is other than the great novelty, but that is a technical marvel right there.
I've always felt that patch design and music making are incompatible scenarios to mix. Meaning I'm more efficient if I focus on one or the other.
Perhaps web versions of the REs + some Reason Rack Maker app can be used on mobile phones - I can see myself spending time making patches and setting up a rack while commuting to work for example.

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30 May 2018

Here are my sentiment.
I like all synth, dynamic devices matter what developer makes them. REASON fell into a secondary DAW for me because, for my taste, it was and still is lacking in features/workflow ect.....
So Propellerheads deciding to make some of there devices RE's or native available in the VST format, makes me less interested about REASON the DAW. Because What I need from REASON (workflow,tools ect..) are more likely to exist in another DAW. And now those devices or Synth That I like in the REASON market place , are now available for me to use in My main's a win, win for me and a win for Propellerheads if all they want from other users is just the income from those VST sales. And not to necessarily pull them in the REASON environment.

I agree that having there devices in the hands of FL studio users, Studio One users, Logic Users, Pro Tool users, Ableton users ect.... will greatly help Promote there name,developing skills which could in turn net them some customer in regards to buying there DAW. But if there are people out there who much prefer there advanced tools and workflow environment of there DAW ...Then I don't see any migration from there workstation today toward buying REASON simply because they now have a million plus 1 more synth at there disposal.

Other VST host users are not suffering with a lack of synth for there host. simply offering them a taste of what Propellerheads can design in the Synth market may not be enough to push them into buying the DAW with presumably less feature, tool sets out side of Sound designing.

Another example if I can. Studio One 4 was just released a few days a go. And unlike other previous releases, this one didn't provide a whole host of workflow improvements, mixing or engineering tools....and some people lost there shit! Of course that small group doesn't represent all DAW users....but to me right now, going from Pro Tools to REASON or Logic to REASON and even Ableton to REASON just because Propellerheads might release a few devices doesn't sound right. Some users might go for it of course there's always the possibility and reality that some will.

...but Being honest with how I feel digesting this news these past few hours...I'm like "give me those devices, no problem. But switching to REASON without a basic Sync to browser functionality and many more that ya'll already know about ?!" Nah.....I'll buy the VST Synth all day long and used them in another Environment that I feel is a bit more forward in the tools department.

Europa VST/AU!!!!! Is great news to me!
Last edited by pjeudy on 30 May 2018, edited 2 times in total.
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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30 May 2018

I hope Reason never goes away. I've been using it since 1.0. I can't see myself switching. So I hope this isn't the very beginnings of an "exit" strategy. If you think I am wrong, please set me straight - I would appreciate it! :)

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Nice job getting this in before Massive X comes out.
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MarkTarlton wrote:
30 May 2018
for users on mac having issues...make sure you have OS 10.10 or above
HI there.
I have 10.12 and I have the same issue with authorisation.

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30 May 2018

pjeudy wrote:
30 May 2018
But switching to REASON without a basic Sync to browser functionality and many more that ya'll already know about ?!" Nah.....I'll buy the VST Synth all day long and used them in another Environment that I feel is a bit more forward in the tools department.
You make some great points. But I think you also have to consider that you get the VST for free when you buy Reason. So you can
a) buy Europa VST for 99 on sale
b) buy Reason incl. Europa VST for 299 (when on sale)

IMHO, this makes Reason a whole lot more attractive.

Also, the VST still doesn't give you the back of the rack experience.

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30 May 2018

Electric-Metal wrote:
30 May 2018
Anyone else having issues authorising Europa. I can enter the license key, but when I click OK, nothing happens at all.
Yep exact same problem. Have submitted support request, haven't heard back yet. On Mac OS 10.13.4.

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30 May 2018

bxbrkrz wrote:
30 May 2018
EnochLight wrote:
30 May 2018
ScottyM (goes by THE INTRANCER at KVR these days) thinks Europa sounds like "Reason's interpolated low quality sound". :roll: As I also own Serum, Thorn, and a metric shit ton of other VST - I just can't agree with that. Someone recently posted a wavetable example being processed by Serum, Europa, and Expanse, and after they adjusted their faulty testing (they couldn't get Expanse's settings right), there was virtually no difference in sound between the 3. ... 9#p7089509
ScottyM is my favorite reversed compass ever. If he likes something I 100% know I should stay away.
Lol! Indeed, you’re not wrong. His comments on Europa’s GUI are comical. One thing the PUF brought down with it when it gloriously closed was dozens upon dozens of threads that he started showcasing his GUI redesigns.
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30 May 2018

This is where the inevitability of evolution just had to happen. From 2002 to around 2010 it was emphatically stated by many how Reason would never have audio recording functionality. Until Record and then R6 was released in 2011.

Or, how about this one, Props would never have VSTs integration. Now here we are today. Not only does Reason allow for VST plugins, Reason is now actually offering them up to outside platforms with definitely more to come without a doubt.

The long short of it is. You can't beat progress. And this is progress at it's best. I for one am happy to see it take place.

I can't wait to see what's next. :D

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30 May 2018

EnochLight wrote:
30 May 2018
bxbrkrz wrote:
30 May 2018

ScottyM is my favorite reversed compass ever. If he likes something I 100% know I should stay away.
Lol! Indeed, you’re not wrong. His comments on Europa’s GUI are comical. One thing the PUF brought down with it when it gloriously closed was dozens upon dozens of threads that he started showcasing his GUI redesigns.
They got transplanted to the Studio One forums for a while lol.

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30 May 2018

EnochLight wrote:
30 May 2018
bxbrkrz wrote:
30 May 2018

ScottyM is my favorite reversed compass ever. If he likes something I 100% know I should stay away.
Lol! Indeed, you’re not wrong. His comments on Europa’s GUI are comical. One thing the PUF brought down with it when it gloriously closed was dozens upon dozens of threads that he started showcasing his GUI redesigns.
YEEESSSS! I should have saved all of them. ScottyM was Big Pharma's nemesis. How can you make money selling Prozac when you can fight being depressed with his creations. For free!. :D :lol:

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30 May 2018

I love the Props. instead of being static they are doing something bold. This allows me to use these devices natively in my other DAWs. I will always be a die hard reason fanatic but being able to use this in Studio one or bitwig is kind of mind blowing.

I hope this doesn't mean the death of RE's. My workflow in reason is most enjoyable using the native devices with RE's then sprinkle in some VST's.

All Hail the mighty Properllerhead!!
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QVprod wrote:
30 May 2018
EnochLight wrote:
30 May 2018

Lol! Indeed, you’re not wrong. His comments on Europa’s GUI are comical. One thing the PUF brought down with it when it gloriously closed was dozens upon dozens of threads that he started showcasing his GUI redesigns.
They got transplanted to the Studio One forums for a while lol.
I am laughing now but I remember feeling uneasy when he was posting more and more of his redesigns. No one wanted to break his heart when the community realized he wasn't trolling. I thought he was color blind. Nah! The designs were atrocious, not just the colors.

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30 May 2018

IMO the entirety of reason devices and RE's are far better than the entirety of Native instruments devices.

The reason mixer is one of my favorite features of the DAW that will always have me coming back.
Reason, Nuendo, Studio One

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30 May 2018

ltbrunt00 wrote:
30 May 2018
IMO the entirety of reason devices and RE's are far better than the entirety of Native instruments devices.

The reason mixer is one of my favorite features of the DAW that will always have me coming back.
interesting opinion.
Reason, FLS and Cubase NFR user.

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30 May 2018

The web version....

Being a web developer, I now feel completely surpassed, I mean by light years

I'm in stone age with with my simple UI effects done with vue.js , jquery ect

This must of been a labour of love, who are the geniuses behind this, I mean the web programmers.

But Is there a bug, for me the black keys play the same note as the lower white key.

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30 May 2018

mind2069 wrote:
30 May 2018
But Is there a bug, for me the black keys play the same note as the lower white key.
That seems to be because it is in fact not just Europa that you are playing, but you have a scales and chords player attached to it.

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stp2015 wrote:
30 May 2018
mind2069 wrote:
30 May 2018
But Is there a bug, for me the black keys play the same note as the lower white key.
That seems to be because it is in fact not just Europa that you are playing, but you have a scales and chords player attached to it.
Got it, I was thinking they could not have gone to all this trouble building this and releasing it with such an obvious bug lol.

Well amazing job PH, dont know if such complex synths already existed as html/javascript/css, as a dev myself, Im blown away.

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30 May 2018

Europa as a vst inside of Reason is fun, it can help your workflow by making sounds just using all the modulation and effects that are part of Europa. I usually chain effects and use sends, but this is a fun way of working :D

Only thing I really recommend is that they make more additions and sort of “finalize” Europa.
Would have been a 100% rock solid release if they added all the small advancements to the rack and vst version
Samples in all 3 engines, copy paste engines, saving preset envelopes, more of the dynamic tables. I feel like the vst especially could have used a touch up on the effects. I love the sound of the effects but I can’t say I’m the biggest fan of the simple parameter choices.
All in all I think this is a great concept and am excited to see if this means they will continue to add to Europa, and to see if they will get working on adding other rack devices to vst.
If they do add stuff to vst, I feel like it makes sense to give it a bit more oomph, vsts are advanced and if the props added a few things here and there; it would really show that they know what’s up

Thanks props and keep up the groundbreaking work!
Mayor of plucktown :evil:

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30 May 2018

In a world of “superior” vsts it funny seeing request for ports of more “thin” sounding Reason devices.

Good job Propellerhead.

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30 May 2018

mind2069 wrote:
30 May 2018
The web version....

Being a web developer, I now feel completely surpassed, I mean by light years

I'm in stone age with with my simple UI effects done with vue.js , jquery ect

This must of been a labour of love, who are the geniuses behind this, I mean the web programmers.

But Is there a bug, for me the black keys play the same note as the lower white key.
You need to turn off auto scale for black keys to not play the same notes.

The look of the UI is the result of RED (Rack Extension Designer), a tool for designing the device with 3d models. They are exported to pngs, with knobs using HTML spritesheets and custom displays using a canvas. There's nothing out of the ordinary UI wise (apart from usability, of course).

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30 May 2018

ltbrunt00 wrote:
30 May 2018
IMO the entirety of reason devices and RE's are far better than the entirety of Native instruments devices.

The reason mixer is one of my favorite features of the DAW that will always have me coming back.
Do you own "the entirety of NI devices"? I do

Theres a lot to love in reason and its devices, And props has a great design ethos which is inspiring and easy to navigate and get into, which often can't be said of NI's stuff. But really... If i need a powerful sampler, i'm gonna take Kontakt, if I need to construct my own synth, I'm gonna use Reaktor, and on and on. Orkester has nothing on even Kontakts factory
Library, let alone the new orchestral packs they have. Kong is awesome, but not on the same level as Maschine, and on and on, down to the effects and reaktor synths even.

Reason is fantastic in that the tools that come with the program are superior to the built in tools of other DAWs, but there is better stuff available. I am just happy I can now use all my NI stuff in reason now, and I no longer have to choose. Also happy props is releasing VST's now, maybe we can get a combinator VST, and I can get a rack going in cubase or Live.

But as an old school guy who learned audio stuff in the 80's and 90's, I do looove the mixer..

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30 May 2018

mind2069 wrote:
30 May 2018
Well amazing job PH, dont know if such complex synths already existed as html/javascript/css, as a dev myself, Im blown away.
Its probably not the typical html/javascript/css coding you are thinking of. ... ipten.html

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