Automation bug in Blocks mode

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Joined: 28 Jan 2024

07 May 2024

Hi all, not sure if this is a known issue or I am missing something but automation doesn't seem to work properly in Blocks.

I noticed this when automating Bassline generator.

You can try recreating this by opening a subtractor with a Bassline generator. Then enable blocks and record some automation (of the BG) in Block 1. On playback this works fine. Then do the same for Block 2. For me, this automation appears in the sequencer, but has no effect. Same for any other blocks.

I had a quick look to see if anyone had reported this before and there are a couple of posts related but not exactly the same. I have read the manual etc and and I'm pretty sure this isn't supposed to happen.

Anyone else have this issue? If its not just me then i'll submit a bug report.

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Posts: 9
Joined: 28 Jan 2024

07 May 2024

Further to this, when you back to Block 1, that Automation no longer works either.

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