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Holy forksticks, R12 (early release) was 19 months ago, official launch was 17 months ago. When do you predict R13?

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by avasopht
Reason has been releasing new versions roughly once every 18 months for the last 20 years.

18 months since the launch of R12 brings us to March 2023.

It wouldn't feel odd if it came out later this year, but it sure does not feel like R12 has been out for 17 months, does it?

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by joeyluck
From the roadmap:
During 2023 we’ll keep adding features to Reason 12 to continue making it the best version of Reason ever.  It’s too early to share exactly what we’re working on, but we’ll post an update as we get closer to a release.

Does that mean we’re planning for a Reason 13 in 2024? The truth is we haven’t decided yet. For the foreseeable future we’re focused on Reason 12.

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by jam-s
My bet is on R13 shortly before Xmas this year.

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by Loque
I would not bet on it, but as usual, we cannot be sure. They lost quite a lot of time to iron out all the HD graphics bugs. This thing obviously was more expensive for them than they expected.

Maybe we see some more stuff for R12 and a few new devices.

Is it already time to speculate about R13 features?

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by jam-s
Loque wrote:
11 Feb 2023
Is it already time to speculate about R13 features?
Sure, time for track folders and linked comp editing. :puf_wink:

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by avasopht
Loque wrote:
11 Feb 2023
Is it already time to speculate about R13 features?
My guess is that they've been working on lots of experimental stuff for the last 2 years, and some of that will be released this year as REs and players for R12.

I also predict a major GUI change with workflow enhancements in R13.

It will be very incomplete and will break existing workflows at launch, but you'll be able to see the potential.

3 months after launch, they'll release an update that includes the GUI features they intended to release at launch, and you'll find yourself with a Reason interface that will make you never want to use an old version of Reason again. It will just be that much better. And it'll make you regret ever doubting them.

But there will be a price to pay (dun dun dunnn) 😲

DISCLAIMER: If this prediction/guess turns out to be accurate, I just want to say that I had no insider information. I'm just that good :cool:

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by joeyluck
My guess is March 2024 at the earliest. That's my guess :)

They said 2023 they will continue adding features for R12 during 2023. They said they are focused on R12 for the foreseeable future. They dangled 2024 as a possibility for R13...

So factoring in the continued focus on R12, the planning that is necessary for R13, the development time for R13, taking into consideration the perception of the initial R12 launch, the amount of development time needed for features and the several adjustments to roadmap timeline... I don't see R13 happening before at least a year from now.

With Reason+, upgrades are less as important as continued updates with support, features, and improvements to keep people subscribing.

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by Aquila
Not holding my breath for this year tbh. As far as I can tell the dev team have had their hands busy with endless bugfixes, patches and whatnot.

If they do manage to push out a new version, it'll probably be a couple of superficial features with a 13 slapped on it.

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 11 Feb 2023
by kuhliloach
If they could just get RRP working on the latest macOS in Logic that would be great.

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2023
by Eprom
I hope they learned from the R12 Bug-Gate and don't release a new (any new) version before it's working on all levels.

Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2023
Eprom wrote:
12 Feb 2023
I hope they learned from the R12 Bug-Gate and don't release a new (any new) version before it's working on all levels.
What, you don't like bugs?



Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 12 Feb 2023
by Overtherainbow
For the foreseeable future we’re focused on Reason 12.

This is music to my ears. The single best message they've put out in years.


Re: Holy forksticks, R13 will probably land this year ...

Posted: 17 Feb 2023
by kitekrazy
I won't be upgrading unless it's an $80 deal. I've got plenty of DAWs and maintaining upgrades gets expensive. The $199 upgrade is not a good move. The only upgrade higher than that is Live Suite which I will probably stick with Live. I didn't upgrade Studio One. I upgraded Cubase for $99 which now lets you use 3 machines.

I'd rather see workflow improvements instead of new shiny instruments. That always hooked me in the Sonar days and it was 3rd party stuff.

Re: Holy forksticks, R12 (early release) was 19 months ago, official launch was 17 months ago. When do you predict R13?

Posted: 17 Feb 2023
by joeyluck
Thread updated and cleaned. Please play nice and stay on topic :)

Re: Holy forksticks, R12 (early release) was 19 months ago, official launch was 17 months ago. When do you predict R13?

Posted: 17 Feb 2023
by MuttReason
R12 was quite a stumble for RS. It wasn’t a smooth release like (most) prior versions of Reason, they really struggled to get this one right. Lots to manage as the bug reports poured in. They got on top of it all eventually (R12 is now super stable and good IME) but they’re not fully done yet, Apple M1 is an important bridge to cross that still lies ahead. I think they’ve lost at least 12 months from the usual dev cycle because of the R12 problems at launch and for a long time afterwards.

My hunch is we may see at least 2 or 3 more big point releases of R12 before there’s even any mention of a R13, so most likely a late 23/early 24 pre-announcement with full market launch in spring/summer 2024. And they had better not repeat history and mess up the R13 launch too…

Re: Holy forksticks, R12 (early release) was 19 months ago, official launch was 17 months ago. When do you predict R13?

Posted: 17 Feb 2023
by DJMaytag
Nailing native M1 support is going to take QUITE a lot of time on its own, and there's likely quite a bit of work to do with finishing up lots of little VST3 bugs. So... R13 isn't happening until 2024, and I wouldn't be surprised if it happened in early 2025.

Re: Holy forksticks, R12 (early release) was 19 months ago, official launch was 17 months ago. When do you predict R13?

Posted: 18 Feb 2023
by Jagwah
After the Price hike I think it's probably a good idea to wait and make sure the stand alone upgrade which is much more expensive is worth it and can be bundled with more gear. Skipping sequencer upgrades again would burn pretty bad, better to give it time and release a great version that gets people excited.

Re: Holy forksticks, R12 (early release) was 19 months ago, official launch was 17 months ago. When do you predict R13?

Posted: 27 Feb 2023
by syncanonymous
I'm so close to jumping ship...I should done more research before suggesting my friend and I collab using Reason

aaand, I'm far too superstitious to purchase a version 13 of anything...I might entertain the idea of version XIII

the 200 currency upgrade cost and old school RE devs disappearing from the shop have me even less confident on RS continuing on an upward path after PHeds sold

thing is, I do love Kompulsion, but I'm sure I can find alternatives in another DAW

it's interesting how over the past 20 years, Reason prices have gone up and up over time and SAWStudio had to slash prices over
clearly as SAW was 2K currency units back in the day and Reason was always 300 clams new/ 100 for upgrades
I certainly spend an awful lot more time in SAW than Reason. With the Reason environment I just see a grass is greener with more add-ons model...the introduction of software rental is a straw too far

It certainly would be more efficient for me to stick with Reason as I've been on board since just having Recycle and Rebirth in 1998.