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R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by avasopht
It's been quite a ride.

How are you all finding R12 now?

Do you create your own Combi2 patches? Do you find yourself using Combi patches more often?

What about R+ content?

I'm just curious to see how you're all getting on with it ...

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by kuhliloach
Happy New Year - I don't use the DAW itself anymore and the Rack Plug-In is still causing intermittent crashing in Logic.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by Loque
R12 is good.
Combi2 is good.

Always room for improvements and more.

I dont need R+, its just not for me.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by MrFigg
Still crashing.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by dakta
Used R+ over the last year or so, only when in the mood and I quite like it. Does everything I need and its not that pricey.

Was an odd sounddriver glitch that seems to have been fixed whrre all of a sudden you'd get a massive echoing reverbed crashing sound through the headset at high volume for a few seconds, that used to give me a heart attack nearly but hasn't happened for ages

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by moneykube
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
Still crashing.
Does 12.10 also crash???... I was about to update to that , then the new update dropped the day I was going to update. I waited to see what kind of problems the new code for VST 3 would bring.... SIGH... still on 11 which does what I need but do have 12.9, 12.10 and the new update, as installs, still sitting on an external drive... Not sure how to proceed.
I am thinking about settling on 12.10 for now. Is it the most problem free version of 12 on Mac? Or not ?

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by joeyluck
moneykube wrote:
01 Jan 2023
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
Still crashing.
Does 12.10 also crash???... I was about to update to that , then the new update dropped the day I was going to update. I waited to see what kind of problems the new code for VST 3 would bring.... SIGH... still on 11 which does what I need but do have 12.9, 12.10 and the new update, as installs sitting on an external drive...
I am thinking about settling on 12.10 for now. Is it the most problem free version of 12 on Mac? Or not ?
12.5 is working great for me on macOS. Best version yet. What issues are you having?

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by moneykube
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023
moneykube wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Does 12.10 also crash???... I was about to update to that , then the new update dropped the day I was going to update. I waited to see what kind of problems the new code for VST 3 would bring.... SIGH... still on 11 which does what I need but do have 12.9, 12.10 and the new update, as installs sitting on an external drive...
I am thinking about settling on 12.10 for now. Is it the most problem free version of 12 on Mac? Or not ?
12.5 is working great for me on macOS. Best version yet. What issues are you having?
I keep reading about issues and bugs... so... perhaps 12.5 on Monterey is your advice??? If so... I will download that one.
I bought 12 waiting for VST 3, but kept reading about problems here. So I was in wait in see mode.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by MrFigg
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023
moneykube wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Does 12.10 also crash???... I was about to update to that , then the new update dropped the day I was going to update. I waited to see what kind of problems the new code for VST 3 would bring.... SIGH... still on 11 which does what I need but do have 12.9, 12.10 and the new update, as installs sitting on an external drive...
I am thinking about settling on 12.10 for now. Is it the most problem free version of 12 on Mac? Or not ?
12.5 is working great for me on macOS. Best version yet. What issues are you having?
Loaded up a VST3 yesterday...some Thenatan thing I got free and wanted to check it out. Opened up the wrapper, VST hung and then Reason switched off. Couldn't get Reason to start up again and had to restart my PC. Been happening with VSTs a long time.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by rorystorm
Some crashing but that's my shitty laptop. Otherwise never really had any issues

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by joeyluck
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023

12.5 is working great for me on macOS. Best version yet. What issues are you having?
Loaded up a VST3 yesterday...some Thenatan thing I got free and wanted to check it out. Opened up the wrapper, VST hung and then Reason switched off. Couldn't get Reason to start up again and had to restart my PC. Been happening with VSTs a long time.
Oh ok. So a VST crash. Doesn't that have more to do with the VST than Reason?

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by miyaru
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Loaded up a VST3 yesterday...some Thenatan thing I got free and wanted to check it out. Opened up the wrapper, VST hung and then Reason switched off. Couldn't get Reason to start up again and had to restart my PC. Been happening with VSTs a long time.
Oh ok. So a VST crash. Doesn't that have more to do with the VST than Reason?
I think it has to be both in some cases, in some cases the VST(3).......

Hadn't had many crashes though, but only use Sonarworks, Scales and RP Predator 2. Sometimes the Korg Triton VST, but that one takes a lot of CPU capacity.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by esselfortium
Seems good here. I was having some stability issues with R10 and R11 that seem to have mostly or entirely disappeared at some point in the 12.x cycle. Performance is fine, too.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by MrFigg
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Loaded up a VST3 yesterday...some Thenatan thing I got free and wanted to check it out. Opened up the wrapper, VST hung and then Reason switched off. Couldn't get Reason to start up again and had to restart my PC. Been happening with VSTs a long time.
Oh ok. So a VST crash. Doesn't that have more to do with the VST than Reason?
Well, as some VSTs crash and some don't I'd probably have to say yes...or maybe, At the same time there's so many which crash Reason but are stable in other DAWs so as miyaru says above it's got to be both.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by joeyluck
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Oh ok. So a VST crash. Doesn't that have more to do with the VST than Reason?
Well, as some VSTs crash and some don't I'd probably have to say yes...or maybe, At the same time there's so many which crash Reason but are stable in other DAWs so as miyaru says above it's got to be both.
Gotcha. Well I'd definitely report them if you haven't already.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by MrFigg
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Well, as some VSTs crash and some don't I'd probably have to say yes...or maybe, At the same time there's so many which crash Reason but are stable in other DAWs so as miyaru says above it's got to be both.
Gotcha. Well I'd definitely report them if you haven't already.
Yeah, I know I know. I really should but these days it just doesn't seem worth it. Call me jaded but I've given up reporting bugs. Stuff I reported in R9 which only finally got fixed. And I guess one could say that they did "finally get fixed" but there's bugs I've reported which I doubt ever will. Not really sure either if RS cares less about some small independent plugin and then there's always the "can't take responsibility for 3rd party devices" line. I'm sure you hear me Joey even if I really should do it.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by dvdrtldg
The odd crash here & there on OS Monterey but overall it's fine. And given the clusterfuck of potential issues with various VSTs in various stages of M1 compatibility, I can't be sure any crash is a Reason issue anyway

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by joeyluck
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023

Gotcha. Well I'd definitely report them if you haven't already.
Yeah, I know I know. I really should but these days it just doesn't seem worth it. Call me jaded but I've given up reporting bugs. Stuff I reported in R9 which only finally got fixed. And I guess one could say that they did "finally get fixed" but there's bugs I've reported which I doubt ever will. Not really sure either if RS cares less about some small independent plugin and then there's always the "can't take responsibility for 3rd party devices" line. I'm sure you hear me Joey even if I really should do it.
No I don't actually lol. If there's a plugin I care about that has issues inside Reason, I report it. This is why all of my plugins are working like a charm :D

The beta testers probably covered a lot of ground with their collection of plugins, but not even the entire reason community can cover the ownership of all plugins (existing and the ones being released after 12.5). I know I have some niche ones.

Similarly, this is one of the reasons I like to beta test. Aside from just wanting the software I enjoy to be the best it can be, I want it to be the best it can be on my system.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by dvdrtldg
Have to say, Combi 2 hasn't been the game changer for me that I first thought it would

I do appreciate the increased number of CV inputs. But after an initial burst of enthusiasm for tinkering around with knobs/sliders/colours, I've gone back to just using combis whenever a problem arises that only a combi will solve. Certainly haven't been bouncing out of bed in the mornings with a head full of ideas for combinator creations

One of the things I don't like about combinators overall is that when assigning controls on the front panel to a device inside the combi, you can't create a knob with stepped values that correspond to stepped values on the target control. I get that it's probably an impossible feature for Reason devs to offer, but it's always been something that offends the OCD part of my brain

All that said, I'm hugely impressed by the efforts of others in designing and uploading their own instruments & FX, and am using a few of those

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by MrFigg
joeyluck wrote:
01 Jan 2023
No I don't actually lol.
That's good to hear :). There's still a ray of positivity in the world. I'm just old a cranky thees days and stand outside my house shouting at kids to kick their ball somewhere else and to dog walkers to keep their fucking dogs away from my post box. And you know what? I'm enjoying every minute of it :).

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by WOO
I use it now and then. Until they implement their new offline authorization I don't like using it. That and it still crashes more than 11 suite. I have updated to 12.5 but holding off on the latest update.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by joeyluck
WOO wrote:
01 Jan 2023
I use it now and then. Until they implement their new offline authorization I don't like using it. That and it still crashes more than 11 suite. I have updated to 12.5 but holding off on the latest update.
The offline authorization has more to do with Reason+

If you have a perpetual license, you can authorize Reason 12 to your computer, just as you can with previous versions.

If you use Reason+, authorization is the same between R11 and R12.
If you use perpetual licenses, the authorization is the same between R11 and R12.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by stillifegaijin
16 months in and I'm the happiest I've ever been with Reason. At least on my M1 Macs, both currently running Monterey, Reason is very stable and much faster and more efficient than it's ever been. For the first time ever I can run my entire live show at 64 buffer size which helps greatly with feel. At this point I'm curious how being M1 native will even improve it...I guess maybe allowing plugins to run natively could be another huge improvement.

As far as the Combinator 2 - Yes, I use it WAY more than I ever did before Reason 12. I have made tons of custom combinators.

I do not use Reason +, nor do I use RRP.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 01 Jan 2023
by MuttReason
Pretty happy with it. After resisting the whole subscription thing for quite a while, I caved and went with Reason+ and am getting a lot more out of it than I expected. If nothing else, having everything up to date all the time (Reason Companion is great) is so much better than having to go through all my VSTs and update each of them manually on a regular basis. I’m finding that R12 is super stable, back to the Reason I remember from previous years (been using Reason since v1). That may be because 1) I don’t run VSTs in Reason DAW, I use REs only and 2) I’m still on an Intel Mac not M1. I also use Reason as RRP in Ableton Live 11 (with the Ableton Push 2 controller) and can honestly say the Live + RRP + Push2 combo is the best music software setup I’ve ever had in 25+ years of doing this stuff. I don’t use the Combinator 2 as much as I thought I would, but only because I find myself futzing around in Photoshop instead of making music so have tried to stick with the flow when I’m getting ideas down and not be distracted.

Re: R12, 16 months on, ... how are you all finding it?

Posted: 02 Jan 2023
by avasopht
MrFigg wrote:
01 Jan 2023
Well, as some VSTs crash and some don't I'd probably have to say yes...or maybe, At the same time there's so many which crash Reason but are stable in other DAWs so as miyaru says above it's got to be both.
It's worth reporting it to both the developer and Reason as there is a possibility of a misbehaving plugin that affects one host and not another (for any number of reasons). This happens much more often than you'd think (it's why, for example, some websites work perfectly fine on Chrome but not Edge).

My money is on Reason being the problem 👀, but there is a reasonable possibility of a VST issue (and even if there isn't, as happened in the past, the developer may be able to shed light on exactly what the problem is on Reason's end).