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parallel filters (trying to recreate a mixing technique)

Posted: 10 Oct 2022
by Arjanders
Hi all,

Inspired of a Dan Worrall tutorial about parallel filter setup I've tried to recreate this in Reason.
I recreated the parallel bandpass (second half of the video).

I couldn't work it out in the mixer with sends (although with a parallel channel inverted there was a good start). I've kinda recreated it the rack a couple of mixers inside a combinator, a thor to invert and a bandpass filter. I still have to look if I can find a downward expander in the RE I have.
In a project it will probably getting messy with all the cables to connect to the mixer inside the combinator.
So.. does anyone have a idea to make it work in the mixer with the sends?
That way it is way easier!

Re: parallel filters (trying to recreate a mixing technique)

Posted: 10 Oct 2022
by Pepin
If I'm understanding the video right, I think you're correct about using a parallel inverted channel:
- Add band pass as a send effect.
- Enable the send on the channel you want to boost.
- Create an inverted parallel channel for the channel you want to cut.
- On the inverted parallel channel, enable the send as pre-fader and turn the channel fader all the way down.

Re: parallel filters (trying to recreate a mixing technique)

Posted: 11 Oct 2022
by selig
Just watched it, the trick seems to be how to invert the send on just ONE channel but not the other, right? If you use a parallel channel the routing is different than if you use a send directly on the channel. That's because sends are post inserts/FX but parallel channels are pre-everything. So a parallel channel will need the exact same inserts and channel settings for this to work as in the videos. And this can become a pain if you need to adjust settings.
One alternative is to use two different sends (one for the drums and one for the bass or 'everything else") and patch a polarity inverter in the path of ONE of them, then merge them before hitting the filter.
Also, Sweeper can be used as an all pass filter if you want to try the first example he demonstrates.

Re: parallel filters (trying to recreate a mixing technique)

Posted: 12 Oct 2022
by Arjanders
Thanks @Pepin, that is an easier setup. Works well.
@Selig, that is indeed a thing to look out for, no inserts allowed :) I'm on R10, but for the all pass I downloaded the RealEQ VST from Reaper, (it's free quite nice).