Reason 12.2.6 Release Notes

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03 Jun 2022

How about disparaging Reason 12 liking people´s mood?
Reading threads about Reason 12 feels like an endlessly ongoing, everrepeating drama, up to a point where it at least seems people are using Reason or Reason Studios in specific to vent something unrelated. I read a lot of venting already. Re-venting continously about the same things goes beyond purpose and potentially simply drags down. Actually that´s how a tendency to depression is being initialised. Among the busiest threads there are always complaining ones, whished there was as much contribution to exploring Reason, techniques, ideas.

Regarding someone´s comment about the new Combinator sliders and buttons, I aswell was a little underwhelmed how few additional ones got implemented.
Still I love playing with the new Combinator, creating designs, new devices, rack versions of VST, combining plugins, etc. Would it be even more fun with a greater variety, especially in sizes for every style and a greater number of simultaneously possible elements. Sure it would. Am I enjoying the possibilities the new Combinator is offering? Fuck yeah.
Is the UI bugfree? No it isn´t. Am I happy about being able to zoom into the rack and work relaxingly from further away or to focus on one device? Yes, I am.

Sure there are some things that would make the experience a lot better, like only zooming into the rack, not necessarily the UI with it, as a greater zoomlevel not only uses more space but also let´s UI elements dissapear next to the visible desktop. Then the question is once again, can I very much enjoy it even with its temporary quirks? Yes I can.

At least as such appearing business poilitics, economic decisions and so on are topics of relevance aswell. Yet, I´m here for the music and what can be done with Reason.
And what can be done with Reason, especially with Reason 12 is already quite a lot for now.

Speaking of(f)... :clap:

guitfnky wrote:
26 May 2022
Jac459 wrote:
26 May 2022
[...] people can be frustrated and just vent. as long as they’re not disparaging anyone, we can just disagree and let it go.

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11 Jun 2022

No one’s experience or opinion is more valid than someone else’s. We’re all here because we love, or at one time, loved Reason and can’t wait for it to get better again. I can only speak for myself that I will probably never sell my license because I always have hope that RS will finally catch up to the competition and be a solid, reliable, reasonably priced software again but for years I’ve been disappointed to the point that I simply don’t trust this company anymore. I don’t trust anything they say or do. So much empty hype it literally feels like they are laughing in my face while reaching for my wallet.. so they haven’t gotten a penny from me for a very long time. Too bad for them. I used to go broke buying REs and upgrading back when it was awesome. When Ernst was around. There was innovation; Good deals; amazing jam-packed upgrade features. It’s like how Apple lost its luster when Steve Jobs died. When the new RS CEO came it all went to sh*t. Money-hungry bullsh & lies.
I’m switching to Logic and will convert all my songs into that software. I’m not looking forward to the learning curve/delay to finish music but it will be exciting at the same time, to fall in love with a new music software again. I love what I see already.. I’m sure Logic has its own issues but it’s owned by Apple, has better updates, and is a far superior product.
As for people’s feelings on Reason, some love it, some hate it, and some are on the fence. I’m on the fence. Waiting for the grass to be green again because it died years ago and I’m watching and waiting while they tend and mend their landscape, as it were.. But there’s no need for people to bash others who are venting their woes. It’s a valid feeling. This is our art. All we want is to have fun making music in peace without bugs and crazy workarounds and empty promises and delays. I find it funny how RS says they’re all about workflow yet all they’ve done for years is hinder it. But that’s just me. I’m not trying to be depressing or kill the mood. We’re here for open discussion which means it’s not gonna be rainbows and butterflies in every post.
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11 Jun 2022

Last Alternative wrote:
11 Jun 2022
No one’s experience or opinion is more valid than someone else’s.
I think you are missing the point of moofi here.
He is not challenging your opinion. He is challenging your choice to express it here and this way.

If you decided to switch to Logic (and that's a perfectly smart and respectable choice), I don't see the point of commenting negatively in reason forum. I used cakewalk and ableton in the past and don't see myself go trash these products because they don't suite me... What would be the point ?

Few months ago, it was rational I guess to discuss about bugs and potential workarounds to help each others.
Now the bugs have in the vast majority disappeared, the shortcomings are known and the roadmap of reason is public and clear.

There is no need to fill this forum of negative comments anymore. Everybody can take his own decision if the roadmap announced is satisfactory for them or they prefer change product.
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18 Jun 2022

ok now looking from the fence with the latest offer... I have all the racks but mimic, and combinator 2 looks awesome... what are the major bugs with apple using intel chips ( not M1)? Running 11 suite is solid !
Please sell me on the improvements before the 21st ! Like before, I could run two version 11 and 12 for it's befits I imagine? I use 10 and 11 suite currently with no problems.
Last edited by moneykube on 18 Jun 2022, edited 1 time in total. ... d-playlist
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18 Jun 2022

The new combinator is ground-breaking and mimic is awesome!

Those two alone are worth the price of the upgrade. You also get hi-res grahics so all the instruments scale up and look very clean and you can zoom.

M1 and VST support is coming too. The upgrade is a no brainer and the latest build is stable at least on my system.

Do it!~
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18 Jun 2022

moneykube wrote:
18 Jun 2022
ok now looking from the fence with the latest offer... I have all the racks but mimic, and combinator 2 looks awesome... what are the major bugs with apple using intel chips ( not M1)? Running 11 suite is solid !
Please sell me on the improvements before the 23rd ! Like before, I could run two version 11 and 12 for it's befits I imagine? I use 10 and 11 suite currently with no problems.
Got a pc and a macbook... M1, it runs perfectly on both. Download a demo If you are scared, but the 12 has been a very smooth experience for me.
Last edited by Jac459 on 19 Jun 2022, edited 1 time in total.
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18 Jun 2022

Summing it up it´s not at all about you expressing your opinion , not even how. I guess I´m simply tired of reading the same negative stuff over and over again. I just ment conclusively there has been enough ranting in that regard already, especially because the negativity at least seems to feed of itself to keep itself alive wether it´s justified or wether it isn´t. If anyone wants to experience negativity working as a basic principle of attraction, watch the news ;-) Like said I´m here for music, receiving/sharing ideas/information and maybe learn some stuff along :-).

Anyway, Reason is still number one here. Have been working with Live and briefly with Logic and Protools, also with Cubase back in the days and took a glimps at Bitwig.
All of them bascially sequencer centric and an in my opinion boring interfaces to look at. Reason´s heart are its devices in the middle of the screen and the visual haptics not only in terms of optics but connectivity. I´m constantly seeing funky looking skeoumorphic devices when working with Reason, all in a big rack, let alone the rackback. It feels like a studio, not like a seperate thing when a VST window opens. I can work with other programs, yet the joy I feel when making music in Reason is unique.

And so far Reason has already delivered many additional possibilities over the years extending its palette (amazed by Players btw). Having jumped from Reason 7 (though I did see Reason 8 at the point of its release) to 12 when 12 was initially being released I noticed an immense difference. Saying a lot is already doable and has been accomplished, even if there are aswell a lot of improvable things. Yet these possible improvements contribute to what I can already do now, not subtracting from the current state like I feel it´s the case for at least some.
Jac459 wrote:
11 Jun 2022
Last Alternative wrote:
11 Jun 2022
No one’s experience or opinion is more valid than someone else’s.
I think you are missing the point of moofi here.
He is not challenging your opinion. He is challenging your choice to express it here and this way.

If you decided to switch to Logic (and that's a perfectly smart and respectable choice), I don't see the point of commenting negatively in reason forum. I used cakewalk and ableton in the past and don't see myself go trash these products because they don't suite me... What would be the point ?

Few months ago, it was rational I guess to discuss about bugs and potential workarounds to help each others.
Now the bugs have in the vast majority disappeared, the shortcomings are known and the roadmap of reason is public and clear.

There is no need to fill this forum of negative comments anymore. Everybody can take his own decision if the roadmap announced is satisfactory for them or they prefer change product.

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18 Jun 2022

Stamatz wrote:
18 Jun 2022
The new combinator is ground-breaking and mimic is awesome!

Those two alone are worth the price of the upgrade. You also get hi-res grahics so all the instruments scale up and look very clean and you can zoom.

M1 and VST support is coming too. The upgrade is a no brainer and the latest build is stable at least on my system.

Do it!~
I think I will... at least then I can play the remix of one of my songs done with 12 done by Benedict Roff-Marsh that I love, and my band mate in Berlin is now using 12 as well , creating a workflow slowdown and less interaction musically. The price is certainly right. It would be nice when they do indeed implement VST3...Thanks for the input... likely do it tonight ! Hi Rez will be a blessing to old eyes ! LoL, my band mate bought it when it came out... me > I'm a stubborn old fart :exclamation:
Last edited by moneykube on 18 Jun 2022, edited 1 time in total. ... d-playlist
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18 Jun 2022

I have been using 12 about since release. To me it has been great. Seeing the devices in hi-rez still makes me giggle a little the odd time. It works well on my Intel Macs. I don't use VSTs, only REs.

I just finished mixing a song. It had vocals, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards. I used the comp editor, the pitch editor, the piano roll editor, Radical piano, Reason Drum Kits, Europa, Softube Amps, stock REs, etc. I found it all really easy with no serious shortcomings. It was the first time I used the pitch editor and I was highly impressed with the usability and quality of the results.

Call me stupid, I tried Logic Pro for a few years but could never get past the learning curve. I still use it for when I need to notate something but that is it. Being a Reason user since 1.0 hasn't been all roses. It certainly is a rollercoaster ride sometimes using Reason, but the product as it stands now can pretty well do anything required to produce music in my opinion.

I've got caught up in the negativity so many times over the years and, yes, it does get tiring. But right now, I'm enjoying Reason and think it is great. Do I wish they wouldn't promote the sub option so heavily? Yes. Do I wish they wouldn't promote the RRP option so heavily? Yes. Do I wish the would promote the incredible shop more? Yes. Oh well, if it makes their business stronger, then hopefully I can keep using Reason for a decade or more to come and still open 1.0 projects in Reason 20.0 and have my discontinued PX7 RE work on an Intel Sempteperon 7 processor due to the way RS designed the technology.

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19 Jun 2022

jamesa wrote:
18 Jun 2022
I have been using 12 about since release. To me it has been great. Seeing the devices in hi-rez still makes me giggle a little the odd time. It works well on my Intel Macs. I don't use VSTs, only REs.

I just finished mixing a song. It had vocals, guitar, bass, drums, keyboards. I used the comp editor, the pitch editor, the piano roll editor, Radical piano, Reason Drum Kits, Europa, Softube Amps, stock REs, etc. I found it all really easy with no serious shortcomings. It was the first time I used the pitch editor and I was highly impressed with the usability and quality of the results.

Call me stupid, I tried Logic Pro for a few years but could never get past the learning curve. I still use it for when I need to notate something but that is it. Being a Reason user since 1.0 hasn't been all roses. It certainly is a rollercoaster ride sometimes using Reason, but the product as it stands now can pretty well do anything required to produce music in my opinion.

I've got caught up in the negativity so many times over the years and, yes, it does get tiring. But right now, I'm enjoying Reason and think it is great. Do I wish they wouldn't promote the sub option so heavily? Yes. Do I wish they wouldn't promote the RRP option so heavily? Yes. Do I wish the would promote the incredible shop more? Yes. Oh well, if it makes their business stronger, then hopefully I can keep using Reason for a decade or more to come and still open 1.0 projects in Reason 20.0 and have my discontinued PX7 RE work on an Intel Sempteperon 7 processor due to the way RS designed the technology.
Very well said, and by the way, there ecosystem, while small, is actually very rich... I was playing with Zero Hybrid yesterday and it is a true powerhouse and joy to use.

We are just celebrating the 25th years of "Dig your own hole" from the Chemical Brothers and (to me) the revolution of electronic. They certainly didn't had such powerful tools to create it...
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19 Jun 2022

People sometimes behave like they weren´t capable of producing good sounding music with the current level Reason has reached (not referring to those who still got difficulties with Reason 12´s stability).

I can understand people from a high level professional point of view where it´s about schedules, working the quickest way possible if there are lots of customers in line, etc. If those people are calling for in their environment necessary workflow/sequencer/functionality improvements for given reasons I can see where it´s coming from. Then I at least got the impression a lot of complaining comes from non-professionals who do not really have the urgent need to live up to a high-end scene the quickest way possible.

Of course it would be handy. Not saying I´m not happy about any possible workflow improvement something like enhanced sample/audio editing within the sequencer or even just grouping tracks and keyboard shortcuts (the last two I feel could be done quite easily). Like said, there are a lots of possibilities where things could be evolved. Then when has this ever not been the case? Or to put it the other way around, has it ever been easier to produce music with Reason than it is now? Remember Reason 1.0? No audio-in, no midi-out, no SSL, no audio busses, no parallel channels, no Rack Extensions, no VST, no Players, no Combinator, no slice-editing, no time stretching, etc.

I can simply concur with the statement if someone isn´t able to produce at least halfway decent songs within Reason in its current state, there are at least apparently areas next to the software itself alone where improvement could contribute in a much greater way compared to useful yet less necessary additions, regarding what we already have. Since the incorporation of VST this is the case even more so.

@jamesa, was a pleasure reading :-)
Jac459 wrote:
19 Jun 2022

Very well said, and by the way, there ecosystem, while small, is actually very rich... I was playing with Zero Hybrid yesterday and it is a true powerhouse and joy to use.

We are just celebrating the 25th years of "Dig your own hole" from the Chemical Brothers and (to me) the revolution of electronic. They certainly didn't had such powerful tools to create it...

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19 Jun 2022

How do you zoom in????

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19 Jun 2022

moofi wrote:
19 Jun 2022
I can simply concur with the statement if someone isn´t able to produce at least halfway decent songs within Reason in its current state, there are at least apparently areas next to the software itself alone where improvement could contribute in a much greater way compared to useful yet less necessary additions, regarding what we already have. Since the incorporation of VST this is the case even more so.
I think there's a place which is a happy medium when it comes to criticising the feature set of Reason. A goldilocks zone where justifiably required small iterative fixes can be requested which would incrementally improve 'quality of life' but that said requests come from a place where expectations are grounded; so as not to cause too much frustration in the present, where said fixes don't exist yet.

There will always be people who inhabit a place on either side of this zone. On one side there are those who never complain and simply make do and will always find a workaround, however creative, if they find something lacking - so that they can continue to enjoy using Reason as their tool of choice.

And on the other hand are those to the other extreme who will always complain bitterly about something crucial they see as missing from Reason; thereby shifting the blame to the software for the disappointing results they are getting.

I think the position we come to take on such matters probably reveals more about who we are as people than it does about Reason as a piece of software.

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19 Jun 2022

jamesa wrote:
18 Jun 2022
Call me stupid, I tried Logic Pro for a few years but could never get past the learning curve.
used it to sync some video mixes with songs... I have found the way logic is set up highly illogically... always had trouble finding my way around it ... I know it likely has the option to do x or y or z... but how to find that window to do what I needed to do , was was always a chore for me...the learning curve never did solidify for me. it did what I needed... but took much longer then it should have. I bought live 10 suite as wel,l but have not really delved into it as much as I should have yet. I bought it because the endless reports of bugs in reason 12, that made me reconsider updating reason 11 suite to 12 . I never considered it until this sale , and figure and hope that by now, they have worked out many of the first bugs. ... d-playlist
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19 Jun 2022

jonnyretina wrote:
19 Jun 2022
I think the position we come to take on such matters probably reveals more about who we are as people than it does about Reason as a piece of software.
A bit philosophical for a Sunday but I have a tendency to agree :-p.
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19 Jun 2022

Re8et wrote:
19 Jun 2022
How do you zoom in????
Sequencer: G & H keyboard shortcuts
Entire GUI: In the menu, Options->Application Zoom

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