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Application Zoom

Posted: 21 Dec 2021
by riemac
I have a question about the application zoom of Reason 12. Does it make any difference if I set the scaling in Reason or in Windows?

a) Windows Scaling = 140% and Reason = 100%
b) Windows Scaling = 100% and Reason = 140%

What is your experiance, does it make any difference on CPU/GPU performance or grafic quality?
At least the first szenario a) is more practicle in my experiance.

Re: Application Zoom

Posted: 21 Dec 2021
by earwig83
my experience is tha they way it is implemented is trash. It does make weird differences. Some of the fault is windows though, not entirely RS.

BUT in my opinion: The zoom should be per window, there should be a global interface button and shortcut key available for zooming in and out. The windows scaling impacts certain graphics and not others, The menus remain tiny no matter how much you scale. It causes tons of problems with VSTs. RS is no longer a competent entity.