CPU usage and R12 crashs

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02 Sep 2021

Now i started a new project and played with it 90minutes, after scaling a cherry audio vst synth, i had a crash of R12.
The cpu usage was only 21% at 96khz with Ryzen3900x 3600mhz ram in the last hour.
Also the cpu usage with a R10 finalized project wich is still big, gets not over 45% at 96khz and 81% at 192khz, what before never worked at such high samplerates, and all at 128 -256 buffersize. At 48khz iit shows only 1 dsp bar at 64 samples.

So before R10 produces over 70% cpu usage crackles and glitches at lower buffer sizes than 512 in 96khz, now it feels like i have 2-3 times of cpu power
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02 Sep 2021

Did you had an eye on memory usage?
Do you have a crash dump in "%localappdata\crashdumps"?
Reason13, Win10

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03 Sep 2021

Reason 12 wasn't ready for release, it seems. It is by far the most unstable new version of Reason I have ever used. After using it for two days, I have seen the following problems:
  • Three BSOD (I almost never see those in Windows 10)
  • Two Reason freezes
  • Several instances where Reason would not launch, or would launch, and then quickly vanish
  • Unusually slow loading VST plug-ins
If this continues, I will have no choice but to roll back to Reason 11.

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03 Sep 2021

I am also having absolutely horrendous performance on Reason 12.
I let everything index for over 24-hours. I also confirmed that the size of the index file is no longer increasing,
which seems to indicate that the indexing is. complete. So it should not be an issue of creating a cache file.
Still, Reason 11 Suite vs Reason 12 on two different Macs runs over 400% percent better when you look at the CPU usage.
In addition my fan in Reason 12 is going into overdrive just hitting a few notes of the default Europa patch.
Getting audio clicks all over with R12 as well. At the moment it is honestly unusable on two different Macs (both pretty current, an i9 and an i7). I even tried updating one from Catalina to Big Sur...but no change in R12 performance.
I don't know what else to look at, but I am pretty disappointed. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. In the meantime I have to keep working in R11 Suite, because R12 just straight-up isn't working adequately.

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03 Sep 2021

I don't buy R12 yet, but what it concerns me is the different scenarios some people are facing since launch.
Some users says it works great, without any issues and others like in this thread are getting big cpu, memory or crash issues....

Is those exceptions or these are acknowledge bugs that will be fixed soon? Should wait a bit more before I jump in this boat ?


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03 Sep 2021

I just wrote on another thread but it may help some: check your settings, make sure hyperthreading is off. I had CPU issues yesterday until I realised the settings from 11 don't automatically move to the new version. The theme change should have been the first clue 😂

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03 Sep 2021

By the looks of it, it seems it's gonna be quite a while before I jump on this upgrade. Plan was to wait 1-2 weeks after release just in case. Was totally ready to dive right into Mimic and start creating. Maybe this is not the biggest Reason upgrade feature wise, but I can live with that.
But reading about all these problems is such a turn off. And there seems to be A LOT of problems people are experiencing, some small, some big. It really seems like they rushed to get this release out before it was ready.
I know Mattias said RS are taking a new direction with making little improvements/updates more often and that's cool. And it's good that they are more transparent about the direction they're going.
But it's one thing to add new features to an already finished product, it's another to sell a product that obviously isn't in a finished state yet. Unfortunately this upgrade seems to be in the latter category.
If this is the path they'll continue treading (early access method, selling unfinished stuff) I'll be very careful when buying anything from RS from now on.

Having said all that, I do realize I have enough shit to make music for at least 5 years before really needing to add anything new. Anything new is just a fun bonus in my view. So it's all a matter of perspective I guess. I'm quite content with what I have. Just recently I've been rediscovering how much fun one can have with Europa and Grain. Just those two devices alone could generate an endless amount of sounds. So maybe I should just relax, stay with R11 while I cautiously observe where RS is going.

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03 Sep 2021

Thanks, but I already checked my settings, hyper-threading is off.
I have even gone as far as doing a fresh Operating System install on one of my Macs...it didn't help.
I left Reason open for half a day to make absolutely sure everything is cached...that also didn't help.
It is also a pretty current and powerful 8-core I9, and again everything is still working fine in Reason 11 Suite.
So, I don't know what else to try at this point.

PhillipOrdonez wrote:
03 Sep 2021
I just wrote on another thread but it may help some: check your settings, make sure hyperthreading is off. I had CPU issues yesterday until I realised the settings from 11 don't automatically move to the new version. The theme change should have been the first clue 😂

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03 Sep 2021

I’m enjoying Reason 12, but experiencing the some of the same types of issues on my Windows and macOS devices.
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04 Sep 2021

I just upgraded this morning, Reason 12 opens a solid white document with a search bar and file menu and that's it. Can't edit any settings since it won't open. Does this over and over, even as the only application running. Back to Reason 11 I guess.
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04 Sep 2021

If you've got trouble, be sure to also submit detailed bug reports (including system specs, CPU/GPU etc.) to RS, os they can perhaps find a pattern and narrow down the root cause of the bugs: https://help.reasonstudios.com/hc/en-us/requests/new

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05 Sep 2021

syzygianrrf9999 wrote:
04 Sep 2021
I just upgraded this morning, Reason 12 opens a solid white document with a search bar and file menu and that's it. Can't edit any settings since it won't open. Does this over and over, even as the only application running. Back to Reason 11 I guess.
Maybe they decided to add another theme option in R12. They could call it "Solid White" or "Invisible".

But seriously, that really sucks man. I hope things work out for you soon.
Seeing stuff like this, I'm so far away from pushing that upgrade button right now.

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05 Sep 2021

syzygianrrf9999 wrote:
04 Sep 2021
I just upgraded this morning, Reason 12 opens a solid white document with a search bar and file menu and that's it. Can't edit any settings since it won't open. Does this over and over, even as the only application running. Back to Reason 11 I guess.
Looks like you don't have proper OpenGL drivers installed. Check if there is a newer driver for your GPU to download at the respective manufacturer website (AMD, nvidia).

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05 Sep 2021

Crashed, again. Infuriating. I know we have been spoiled with the bulletproof stability of Reason up to now but this not production-ready software at the moment.

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05 Sep 2021

jam-s wrote:
05 Sep 2021

Looks like you don't have proper OpenGL drivers installed.
Because all musicians want to be worrying about f***ing graphics drivers. :thumbs_down:

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06 Sep 2021

FiatLux wrote:
03 Sep 2021
Thanks, but I already checked my settings, hyper-threading is off.
I have even gone as far as doing a fresh Operating System install on one of my Macs...it didn't help.
I left Reason open for half a day to make absolutely sure everything is cached...that also didn't help.
It is also a pretty current and powerful 8-core I9, and again everything is still working fine in Reason 11 Suite.
So, I don't know what else to try at this point.

PhillipOrdonez wrote:
03 Sep 2021
I just wrote on another thread but it may help some: check your settings, make sure hyperthreading is off. I had CPU issues yesterday until I realised the settings from 11 don't automatically move to the new version. The theme change should have been the first clue 😂
Please submit a report via Support. You seem to have tried all the common things so I'm particularly curious about your case. We're working hard to hunt these things down now. A majority of people seems to have the same or better performance and it doesn't seem to be related to computer specs so any help figuring this out is great. In your report, please also include what actually happens in terms of performance. For example, even if performance "looks" worse when checking usage using OS tools you might be able to do the exact same project you could before without dropouts, hangs or other issues. That's super key for us to know!


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06 Sep 2021

I've only tried it on 2 systems so far; my 16GB 2017 MBP, and an old HP Envy 4th gen i7 w/12GB. Performance is definitely better on both. I'd agree with Mattias that in some instances it might feel or look like the load is heavier but the actual experience is more stable (projects that used to stutter now play without interruption). The biggest improvement for me has been in scrolling or expanding devices in busy projects. That used to create huge spikes. Not so much any more.

No crashes on either yet.

The only thing I did notice on the Windows machine was that on one launch, the transport was completely blank (no play/stop/record graphics). Only happened once. But I thought it was interesting. Definitely keeping 11 on standby just in case though while the wrinkles get ironed out.

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06 Sep 2021

I roll back to Reason 11 right today. this thing is totally unusable!!!! :cry:
FiatLux wrote:
03 Sep 2021
I am also having absolutely horrendous performance on Reason 12.
I let everything index for over 24-hours. I also confirmed that the size of the index file is no longer increasing,
which seems to indicate that the indexing is. complete. So it should not be an issue of creating a cache file.
Still, Reason 11 Suite vs Reason 12 on two different Macs runs over 400% percent better when you look at the CPU usage.
In addition my fan in Reason 12 is going into overdrive just hitting a few notes of the default Europa patch.
Getting audio clicks all over with R12 as well. At the moment it is honestly unusable on two different Macs (both pretty current, an i9 and an i7). I even tried updating one from Catalina to Big Sur...but no change in R12 performance.
I don't know what else to look at, but I am pretty disappointed. Hopefully this gets fixed soon. In the meantime I have to keep working in R11 Suite, because R12 just straight-up isn't working adequately.
Last edited by Karim on 07 Sep 2021, edited 1 time in total.
Karim Le Mec : Dj/Producer/Label Owner ( :reason: 11.3 + R12.x + IMac 2016 21")
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06 Sep 2021

I've been on board with Reason since 9. I've been upgrading since then, whether point upgrade, or whole number. By and large, the upgrades have fixed and improved the software, and done little if anything to make Reason worse. Little bugs? I can live with them mostly.
But this? Like Tritone, I was planning to give it a week or two just in case. But at the moment, I can't justify dropping $129 for an upgrade that gives us some nice improvements, while causing other problems which are too big to ignore. Especially since I have to re-deploy my Mixer Jaexx maps every time (Reason forces them back to Reason default.)
I know that it's common for users to skip an upgrade from time to time. I get that. But it seems to me that something has changed from 9, 10, and 11, with people now regretful and scrambling back to 11 safety. Was Beta testing ineffective for some reason? I really doubt it. But if RS was getting feedback during testing/UAT, what happened? Up to this point, I haven't had any reason to skip an upgrade since 9. I think $129 is reasonable for an upgrade, but not one that makes the software work worse than before. I would upgrade to 12 for the various enhancements. But not if I have to take crashing along with it. I'm also puzzled that some people seem to be fine with the upgrade, while others are not.
Does anyone else have perspective on this? Are we witnessing a sea change with R12?

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06 Sep 2021

brand wrote:
06 Sep 2021
I've been on board with Reason since 9. I've been upgrading since then, whether point upgrade, or whole number. By and large, the upgrades have fixed and improved the software, and done little if anything to make Reason worse. Little bugs? I can live with them mostly.
But this? Like Tritone, I was planning to give it a week or two just in case. But at the moment, I can't justify dropping $129 for an upgrade that gives us some nice improvements, while causing other problems which are too big to ignore. Especially since I have to re-deploy my Mixer Jaexx maps every time (Reason forces them back to Reason default.)
I know that it's common for users to skip an upgrade from time to time. I get that. But it seems to me that something has changed from 9, 10, and 11, with people now regretful and scrambling back to 11 safety. Was Beta testing ineffective for some reason? I really doubt it. But if RS was getting feedback during testing/UAT, what happened? Up to this point, I haven't had any reason to skip an upgrade since 9. I think $129 is reasonable for an upgrade, but not one that makes the software work worse than before. I would upgrade to 12 for the various enhancements. But not if I have to take crashing along with it. I'm also puzzled that some people seem to be fine with the upgrade, while others are not.
Does anyone else have perspective on this? Are we witnessing a sea change with R12?
I'm one of the weirdos who's happy :lol: I think it's probably because it doesn't feel so much like we're locked into this iteration of Reason for a whole 1-2 years until another big version comes out. They're already busy patching and have hinted at some new Combi 2 features and other stuff coming down the pipe soon. So I guess for me it doesn't feel like *this* is the version I'm stuck with until 13. That's my take on it anyway. Plus I have had a generally positive experience since release. Been working on it, performance is good, love Combi 2, still feels stable at least so far. But obviously that's little comfort to anyone who's been having problems, so I sincerely hope you all get fixes soon as possible!

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06 Sep 2021

chimp_spanner wrote:
06 Sep 2021
The biggest improvement for me has been in scrolling or expanding devices in busy projects. That used to create huge spikes. Not so much any more.
Wow. Thank you and thanks again for mentioning this.
I asked so many times in different threads about whether this was cleared up at all and no one replied.

I may actually upgrade after all...but not yet!
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06 Sep 2021

plaamook wrote:
06 Sep 2021
chimp_spanner wrote:
06 Sep 2021
The biggest improvement for me has been in scrolling or expanding devices in busy projects. That used to create huge spikes. Not so much any more.
Wow. Thank you and thanks again for mentioning this.
I asked so many times in different threads about whether this was cleared up at all and no one replied.

I may actually upgrade after all...but not yet!
Yeah it was one of the first things I checked! It's a weird one cos like, the program doesn't exactly feel 'lighter'. More like...more solid. Like it holds a consistent level on the DSP rather than freaking out. But yeah totally understand if you wanna wait for a few more updates. I'm far too impatient haha.

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07 Sep 2021

I have some work to finish and it is better for me to complete them with Reason 11. In the meantime I will take a look to update R12 but to work on serious productions it is practically impossible to propose at present (any song of 12-16 tracks between audio and VST takes 6-7 minutes to open only). The demo worked much, much better!!!

chimp_spanner wrote:
06 Sep 2021
plaamook wrote:
06 Sep 2021

Wow. Thank you and thanks again for mentioning this.
I asked so many times in different threads about whether this was cleared up at all and no one replied.

I may actually upgrade after all...but not yet!
Yeah it was one of the first things I checked! It's a weird one cos like, the program doesn't exactly feel 'lighter'. More like...more solid. Like it holds a consistent level on the DSP rather than freaking out. But yeah totally understand if you wanna wait for a few more updates. I'm far too impatient haha.
Karim Le Mec : Dj/Producer/Label Owner ( :reason: 11.3 + R12.x + IMac 2016 21")
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07 Sep 2021

Karim wrote:
07 Sep 2021
I have some work to finish and it is better for me to complete them with Reason 11. In the meantime I will take a look to update R12 but to work on serious productions it is practically impossible to propose at present (any song of 12-16 tracks between audio and VST takes 6-7 minutes to open only). The demo worked much, much better!!!
Same. Deadline work till october so even if I was so inclined I need to stay on 11 for now. Don't really need new toys in he middle of a job.
Or do I...

Anyway, it's funny that the demo worked better than the paid copy. Is that even possible?
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07 Sep 2021

Performance has been noticeably worse for me, and when DSP load gets high, it now likes to freeze up my entire computer for a few seconds. If I hadn't already started working in R12 on most of my current projects, I would probably revert to Reason 11 for a while and hope for improvement. I'm on an i9-9900k with 64GB RAM, so I don't think it's my system to blame...
Sarah Mancuso
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