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When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 17 Jan 2021
by exxx
It's New Year, how are you all?

When I want an update, the update schedule comes out, so I'm going to complain about it.

Isn't it time for an update soon? Not very small error corrections, but a decent update that boosts daw's functionality and utility.

Maybe now everyone gave up and moved on to another daw, and I think it will someday

Until then, let's complain together.

And I would like to put them together in the update of the sound patches. Too much refill and messy management...

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by MannequinRaces
The secret to enjoying Reason is to enjoy it for what it is RIGHT now. New features are added at a snails pace and scores of people are left disappointed each and every update because such and such feature they wanted was omitted. If you use Reason with this mindset you will get more out of it. If you get frustrated with Reason and it’s limitations to YOU marry it with another DAW. It’s that simple.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by Aquila
MannequinRaces wrote:
18 Jan 2021
The secret to enjoying Reason is to enjoy it for what it is RIGHT now. New features are added at a snails pace and scores of people are left disappointed each and every update because such and such feature they wanted was omitted. If you use Reason with this mindset you will get more out of it. If you get frustrated with Reason and it’s limitations to YOU marry it with another DAW. It’s that simple.
I've learned to channel my anger & disappointment over such matters into my creative working. My music can scare demons away. :lol:

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by Loque
TBH, i do not need much more...While i was making a little song at the weekend, its more those little annoying things, that can make me total aggressive and kick me out of the "creative flow". Such little things like when you edit to note lanes at the same time and switch between them and the "window" you are seeing from your notes is jumping around and you loose orientation... Or such things, that if you bounce a clip, it has an error if the last device is a rack-mixer. Or if paste a device, it gets pasted somewhere in between a chain of other devices. Or... Nothing big, but annoying...

But i was really surprised, how quick and fast i can make my sounds and the song, yes even some simple mastering with quickly slapped in SSL Master compressors and Maximizers.

I can understand the feelings about missing updates and features, but i really can work quite good. The best things in the last versions were clearly VST, curved automation and multiple editing of lanes. Remember, the more features you have, the more features are in the way of your work :-P

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by chimp_spanner
Tbh, while there is a small list of features I will probably never stop asking for, I still end up working in Reason despite having other alternatives. I have Cubase Pro 11, Live 10 Suite, FL Studio, Studio One Pro 5. Reason is still the best fit for me because the things it does well, it does really (and in some cases uniquely) well.

A .5 or 12 or 12.5 would basically only need to add folder tracks, tape-mode time stretching and Live style beat slicing for it to be perfect for me.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by guitfnky
yeah, not having track folders is the big thing for me right now. I'm working through a batch of songs for my band's next album, and I've been trying all sorts of weird multi-mic setups on stuff, and my session is an ugly, unwieldy mess. I don't care too much about the ugly, but the unwieldy is becoming a problem.

and man, I could really use auto punch and some damn markers. producing a "real band" in Reason is not a great experience--but it COULD be, with just these three things. (if they threw in linked edits for the different editors [pitch; slice; comp], that would be pretty nice too, but I have workarounds for most of that.)

BUT, I'm not here to complain. overall, Reason is still far and away the best option for musical creativity--and that's the most important feature of a DAW, for me.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by EnochLight
exxx wrote:
17 Jan 2021
When is the 0.5 update?
Who said there was going to be a 0.5 update? :shock: :o :?


Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by Heater
All I want is track freeze. It's the only reason why I use another DAW with Reason as a plugin.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
MannequinRaces wrote:
18 Jan 2021
The secret to enjoying Reason is to enjoy it for what it is RIGHT now. New features are added at a snails pace and scores of people are left disappointed each and every update because such and such feature they wanted was omitted. If you use Reason with this mindset you will get more out of it. If you get frustrated with Reason and it’s limitations to YOU marry it with another DAW. It’s that simple.
Yeah I'm using the Reason Rack Plug-In in Reaper. It's superb.

I've just counted all the features I use on a daily basis in Reaper now that Reason doesn't have yet and it's 42. I don't in all honesty think I could live without any of them.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by 16161d
I'd love MPE support, but that on it's own wouldn't be that big of a deal, and I doubt they will update any reason devices to be fully MPE compatible, but because Reason is the perfect playground for modular solutions, all we need is.... the updated combinator! A combinator that can work to make things MPE compatible by allowing for more flexible and expanded routing, you can build your own MPE compatible instrument out of rack devices and use a new programmer to do things like send to multiple parameters (can we get an official implementation of polyphonic cv?), and actual MIDI routing within Reasons programmers. Poly cv and a combinator that can make even more expressive instruments would be something really special and be an amazing and appropriate evolution of Reason.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by gbuck
Creativemind wrote:
18 Jan 2021
MannequinRaces wrote:
18 Jan 2021
The secret to enjoying Reason is to enjoy it for what it is RIGHT now. New features are added at a snails pace and scores of people are left disappointed each and every update because such and such feature they wanted was omitted. If you use Reason with this mindset you will get more out of it. If you get frustrated with Reason and it’s limitations to YOU marry it with another DAW. It’s that simple.
Yeah I'm using the Reason Rack Plug-In in Reaper. It's superb.

I've just counted all the features I use on a daily basis in Reaper now that Reason doesn't have yet and it's 42. I don't in all honesty think I could live without any of them.
Could you make a list of these 42 features?

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 18 Jan 2021
by groggy1
I feel similar: there’s nothing I really need additionally in reason, but there are a few annoyances (track folders, linked clips)

Also, I want to be wowed once every two years please (eg vst, players, etc)

It’s sort of like marriage

[fixed typo]

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
gbuck wrote:
18 Jan 2021
Creativemind wrote:
18 Jan 2021

Yeah I'm using the Reason Rack Plug-In in Reaper. It's superb.

I've just counted all the features I use on a daily basis in Reaper now that Reason doesn't have yet and it's 42. I don't in all honesty think I could live without any of them.
Could you make a list of these 42 features?
1) Track Folders
2) Track Templates
3) Volume and Panning Parameters on the Track Control Panel (left of the sequencer)
4) Linked Clips
5) Linked Automation
6) Being Able to Duplicate Linked Clips By Just Extending the Clip
7) Hiding Automation Lanes
8) Slice By Play Cursor (Song Position Pointer)
9) Time Markers
10) Regions
11) Transient Sensitivity For Audio Clips
12) Transient Time Displays On Audio Clips
13) Midi Chase
14) Note Displays
15) Joining Midi Notes
16) Slice By Grid
17) Having a Note Length as Well As Grid Snap Setting
18) Labelling the Piano Keys (Great for drums - Kick, Snare etc)
19) This thing where the further you click into a piano key in the midi editor, the lower the velocity is and the last velocity is applied to the next note you paste into the midi editor
20) Remember Last Note Length
21) Clicking a Different Note Length than the Last Pasted Note Length to Change the Next Pastes Note Length
22) This thing when 2 notes or items (clips) are in succession and you can shorter the one before at the end and the one after will lengthen from the start but still be directly after the one before (if that makes sense)
23 & 24) Manual Parameter Inputs with Copy and Paste
25) Bypass All Effects Button on Mixer
26) Double Clicking To Reset Parameters To Default (So Much Quicker Than Ctrl Clicking)
27) Scanning the VST Folder While the DAW is Open
28) Changing Themes While the DAW is Open
* A New Section For Newly Installed Plug-ins (Very Handy)
29) Undo History
30) Being Able to go back 50 Recent Projects
31) Being Able to see 50 Plug-Ins in Chronological Order in Your Recent VST's Folder
32) Switching Places of 2 Clips Shortcut (But I Found a Script For That Myself)
33) Left Click Adding a Midi Note (Assigned That Myself)
34) Audio Wave Display in Media Browser
35) Play Audio From Anywhere or Loop It From Any 2 Points in the Waveform In Media Browser
36) Tempo Match Audio In Media Browser
37) Pitch Shift Samples In Media Browser (+ or - 12 semitones)
38) Route Media Browser To a Track To Audition Samples with Effects Applied
39) Play Midi Files in Media Browser (Uses the sound of whatever track is selected in the Arranger)
40) All Changes (Start, Pitch Shift, Tempo Match) All Apply To the Sample When You Drag It To a Track
41) Adding Effects To Clips In Arranger (Sequencer) Not Just the Track
42) Version Saving
43) Custimization
44) Create Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts

Actually more than 42.

Also using VST 3 although I don't have any that are VST 3 only and I have used Video Sync a couple of times as well and learnt the other day you can do lyric video's from within Reaper itself. Also I like to switch to Notation View in Midi Editor just to see my Midi Tracks in Score for Fun and Prestige lol!

Oh and 5 other things, being able to load themes that other users have designed into it, having a full colour pallet, having the ability to load User Designed Plug-Ins (JS Plug-Ins) Into It - Someones only gone and made a free Fab Filter Pro Q3 clone (ReEQ), having more than 1 CC Event in the Midi Editor (there's literally about 15 and you go back to Reason and there's 1 - Velocity lol!) and Autosave.

Considering it's 6yrs younger than Reason (2006) it's 5 versions ahead in terms of functionality with only 2 coders. They have updates about every 2 weeks to a month with between 10 and 30 features (including bug fixes) in every update. It works out an update every 20 days (I did an average out of the last say 20 updates). The last one was I think 11th December so we're due one any day now.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Loque
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Interesting list. While i do not need all of those features or have okayish ways to do it in Reason, a few things really would make Reason less annyoing and comfortable, while another few things must come within the next version and one of those features is clearly Track Folders, or better: "Help me, to manage my chaos and complexity!".

Just thought about dragging the 5th compressor under a synth and it gots labeled "Compressor 5". I mean, wtf? Why should i name it like this in 21st century? It should be named "SynthSoundXy Compressor" or "Kong Big Bang Kit Compressor". I can rename it sure, but really, why must i do this to keep control over my song?

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
Loque wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Interesting list. While i do not need all of those features or have okayish ways to do it in Reason, a few things really would make Reason less annyoing and comfortable, while another few things must come within the next version and one of those features is clearly Track Folders, or better: "Help me, to manage my chaos and complexity!".

Just thought about dragging the 5th compressor under a synth and it gots labeled "Compressor 5". I mean, wtf? Why should i name it like this in 21st century? It should be named "SynthSoundXy Compressor" or "Kong Big Bang Kit Compressor". I can rename it sure, but really, why must i do this to keep control over my song?
Yeah Reason doesn't have any common sense sometimes. Lol! Those arrows on midi notes and parameters in no kind of relatable readings and automation for faders in 0-1000, eh?

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Loque
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Loque wrote:
19 Jan 2021

Interesting list. While i do not need all of those features or have okayish ways to do it in Reason, a few things really would make Reason less annyoing and comfortable, while another few things must come within the next version and one of those features is clearly Track Folders, or better: "Help me, to manage my chaos and complexity!".

Just thought about dragging the 5th compressor under a synth and it gots labeled "Compressor 5". I mean, wtf? Why should i name it like this in 21st century? It should be named "SynthSoundXy Compressor" or "Kong Big Bang Kit Compressor". I can rename it sure, but really, why must i do this to keep control over my song?
Yeah Reason doesn't have any common sense sometimes. Lol! Those arrows on midi notes and parameters in no kind of relatable readings and automation for faders in 0-1000, eh?
I still cant get the f*ck make the record wheel automation into its own lane...

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
And it not going to the part of the clip you click in the sequencer if there's a gap at the start.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
Loque wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021

Yeah Reason doesn't have any common sense sometimes. Lol! Those arrows on midi notes and parameters in no kind of relatable readings and automation for faders in 0-1000, eh?
I still cant get the f*ck make the record wheel automation into its own lane...
You mean pitch bend or mod wheel?

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by zoidkirb
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
.... having more than 1 CC Event in the Midi Editor (there's literally about 15 and you go back to Reason and there's 1 - Velocity...
Reason has the default CC lanes available : velocity , mod wheel, breath control, expression, sustain pedal inside the clip editor plus more depending on the instrument used.
Maybe I don't understand what you mean here...I only ever really use velocity and pitchbend in the clips themselves.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Loque
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Loque wrote:
19 Jan 2021

I still cant get the f*ck make the record wheel automation into its own lane...
You mean pitch bend or mod wheel?
Yes. Am i too stupid?

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
zoidkirb wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
.... having more than 1 CC Event in the Midi Editor (there's literally about 15 and you go back to Reason and there's 1 - Velocity...
Reason has the default CC lanes available : velocity , mod wheel, breath control, expression, sustain pedal inside the clip editor plus more depending on the instrument used.
Maybe I don't understand what you mean here...I only ever really use velocity and pitchbend in the clips themselves.
Oh not in the Midi Editor. I see them, as automation lanes, not CC events.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by zoidkirb
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
zoidkirb wrote:
19 Jan 2021

Reason has the default CC lanes available : velocity , mod wheel, breath control, expression, sustain pedal inside the clip editor plus more depending on the instrument used.
Maybe I don't understand what you mean here...I only ever really use velocity and pitchbend in the clips themselves.
Oh not in the Midi Editor. I see them, as automation lanes, not CC events.
IMO midi CC events like velocity, pitch bend, breath, sustain etc all belong inside the midi editor because those values directly correlate to the notes being played. So Reason does it the right way.

It's cool that Reaper can show those values in automation lanes for those that want that, but personally with Reason I prefer not to have every possible option available, but rather they perfect and improve what's already there.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by Creativemind
zoidkirb wrote:
19 Jan 2021
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021

Oh not in the Midi Editor. I see them, as automation lanes, not CC events.
IMO midi CC events like velocity, pitch bend, breath, sustain etc all belong inside the midi editor because those values directly correlate to the notes being played. So Reason does it the right way.

It's cool that Reaper can show those values in automation lanes for those that want that, but personally with Reason I prefer not to have every possible option available, but rather they perfect and improve what's already there.
No I was saying they're not in the midi editor in Reason. I don't see them? I saw them as automation lanes though in the track automation dropdown.

Yes they should be in the midi editor.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by zoidkirb
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
zoidkirb wrote:
19 Jan 2021

IMO midi CC events like velocity, pitch bend, breath, sustain etc all belong inside the midi editor because those values directly correlate to the notes being played. So Reason does it the right way.

It's cool that Reaper can show those values in automation lanes for those that want that, but personally with Reason I prefer not to have every possible option available, but rather they perfect and improve what's already there.
No I was saying they're not in the midi editor in Reason. I don't see them? I saw them as automation lanes though in the track automation dropdown.

Yes they should be in the midi editor.
Ah Roger that!
In the editor to the top right there's some (tiny) icons that have expandable drop down menus. One of them is what type of editor (drum, midi...and something else)
And the other is your show CC lanes.

Re: When is the 0.5 update?

Posted: 19 Jan 2021
by gbuck
Creativemind wrote:
19 Jan 2021
gbuck wrote:
18 Jan 2021

Could you make a list of these 42 features?
1) Track Folders
2) Track Templates
3) Volume and Panning Parameters on the Track Control Panel (left of the sequencer)
4) Linked Clips
5) Linked Automation
6) Being Able to Duplicate Linked Clips By Just Extending the Clip
7) Hiding Automation Lanes
8) Slice By Play Cursor (Song Position Pointer)
9) Time Markers
10) Regions
11) Transient Sensitivity For Audio Clips
12) Transient Time Displays On Audio Clips
13) Midi Chase
14) Note Displays
15) Joining Midi Notes
16) Slice By Grid
17) Having a Note Length as Well As Grid Snap Setting
18) Labelling the Piano Keys (Great for drums - Kick, Snare etc)
19) This thing where the further you click into a piano key in the midi editor, the lower the velocity is and the last velocity is applied to the next note you paste into the midi editor
20) Remember Last Note Length
21) Clicking a Different Note Length than the Last Pasted Note Length to Change the Next Pastes Note Length
22) This thing when 2 notes or items (clips) are in succession and you can shorter the one before at the end and the one after will lengthen from the start but still be directly after the one before (if that makes sense)
23 & 24) Manual Parameter Inputs with Copy and Paste
25) Bypass All Effects Button on Mixer
26) Double Clicking To Reset Parameters To Default (So Much Quicker Than Ctrl Clicking)
27) Scanning the VST Folder While the DAW is Open
28) Changing Themes While the DAW is Open
* A New Section For Newly Installed Plug-ins (Very Handy)
29) Undo History
30) Being Able to go back 50 Recent Projects
31) Being Able to see 50 Plug-Ins in Chronological Order in Your Recent VST's Folder
32) Switching Places of 2 Clips Shortcut (But I Found a Script For That Myself)
33) Left Click Adding a Midi Note (Assigned That Myself)
34) Audio Wave Display in Media Browser
35) Play Audio From Anywhere or Loop It From Any 2 Points in the Waveform In Media Browser
36) Tempo Match Audio In Media Browser
37) Pitch Shift Samples In Media Browser (+ or - 12 semitones)
38) Route Media Browser To a Track To Audition Samples with Effects Applied
39) Play Midi Files in Media Browser (Uses the sound of whatever track is selected in the Arranger)
40) All Changes (Start, Pitch Shift, Tempo Match) All Apply To the Sample When You Drag It To a Track
41) Adding Effects To Clips In Arranger (Sequencer) Not Just the Track
42) Version Saving
43) Custimization
44) Create Your Own Keyboard Shortcuts

Actually more than 42.

Also using VST 3 although I don't have any that are VST 3 only and I have used Video Sync a couple of times as well and learnt the other day you can do lyric video's from within Reaper itself. Also I like to switch to Notation View in Midi Editor just to see my Midi Tracks in Score for Fun and Prestige lol!

Oh and 5 other things, being able to load themes that other users have designed into it, having a full colour pallet, having the ability to load User Designed Plug-Ins (JS Plug-Ins) Into It - Someones only gone and made a free Fab Filter Pro Q3 clone (ReEQ), having more than 1 CC Event in the Midi Editor (there's literally about 15 and you go back to Reason and there's 1 - Velocity lol!) and Autosave.

Considering it's 6yrs younger than Reason (2006) it's 5 versions ahead in terms of functionality with only 2 coders. They have updates about every 2 weeks to a month with between 10 and 30 features (including bug fixes) in every update. It works out an update every 20 days (I did an average out of the last say 20 updates). The last one was I think 11th December so we're due one any day now.
Thank You for taking the time to make this informative list.