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Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 13 Sep 2018
by Voyager
Hello fellow Reasoners,

I had to reinstall Reason on a new build computer. In my previous computer i had for some reason a "Reason" folder and a "Reason 10" folder. Now with the new installation i just have a "Reason 10" folder so i copied all my contents in there. Since i had all my refills and samples in the "Reason" folder when i'm launching a project it says that the sounds are missing. So what i did is renaming the folder " Reason 10" to " Reason" and now the sounds are normally launching with my project.

So do it cause any problem to have renamed the folder or it is not advised ? I guess prior to make any updates to Reason i'll have to rename the folder "Reason 10" to keep the correct path for installation right ?

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 13 Sep 2018
by Namyo85
I'm a bit confused, do you have all your samples and patches in the same folder as the main reason program files?

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 13 Sep 2018
by Voyager
Namyo85 wrote:
13 Sep 2018
I'm a bit confused, do you have all your samples and patches in the same folder as the main reason program files?
Yes, is that bad ? :think:

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 14 Sep 2018
by Namyo85
Erm... Kind of. It's better if they are in a different location than the main Reason Folders that are installed.

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 17 Sep 2018
by Voyager
Why is not recommended to have them in the same folder as Reason ? And where should i place them ?

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 17 Sep 2018
by jam-s
It's usually a good idea to keep programs and user data in different places. That way it is easier to backup only the important parts of the data. Also older Reason versions removed the whole folder during uninstall (on Macs).

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 18 Sep 2018
by deepndark
My all sounds are on a different drive so when I need to re-install everything on c: I don't lose them.

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 18 Sep 2018
by Voyager
Fair enough, but still didn't get a concrete answer to why "technically" it may not be advised. i mean having samples and refills in the same folder as Reason could make the program work any worse ?

Also if i decide to move all my sample and refills to a new folder is there an easy way to change the path so when i open older projects Reason can load the sounds ? I guess the only way is to assign a new location is only when opening the project and get the sounds missing files and relocation folder ?

Re: Changing Reason 10 folder name can cause any problem ?

Posted: 19 Sep 2018
by DrGOA®
Copy used Refiils in Reason 10 folder.