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Is there any way to bypass an AMP envelope for example of malstrom and

Posted: 16 Sep 2017
by Miss Controllerism
...use instead another amp envelope lets say the pasec one?

ive tried to tout cv out with AMP envelope of parsec and as a target the Volume control of OSC 1 of malstrom but the problem is that there is still the AMP envelope of malstrom as primary envelope whic affect the sound ... is there any way to bypass completely it?

Re: Is there any way to bypass an AMP envelope for example of malstrom and

Posted: 16 Sep 2017
by Loque
No attack, no decay, full sustain, full release should work. Maybe reduce the release a bit. It is not fully the same, but should work. Now that it works on the would signal, where the ADSR normally works before the filter. So the result could be different and you need to play the note longer.