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I am having a brain fart, please help!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016
So I have used Reason for years (since Reason 3), and a few months ago switched over to using only Ableton Live (boo, hiss, I know, haha). I have completely forgotten how to set up an effect as part of an efx chain on the main mixer section. I literally just want to be able to keep the reverb 100% and only send/return a little of the effect to a few of my tracks, not the whole song. Could someone please help me out? I know as soon as I read how to do this I will be like "oh yeah, duh!" but for the life of me I am having an impossible time remembering how to route this in Reason, haha.

Thank you!

Re: I am having a brain fart, please help!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016
by eusti
Does this help?
Screen Shot 2016-12-29 at 18.59.31.png
Screen Shot 2016-12-29 at 18.59.31.png (788.02 KiB) Viewed 953 times

Re: I am having a brain fart, please help!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016
LOL! Yup. That's exactly what I needed. I needed to take the cables out of INSERT FX and chain them into FX SEND and RETURN. That fixes my brain fart, thank you, eusti!

Re: I am having a brain fart, please help!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016
by eusti
Very glad I was able to help! :)


Re: I am having a brain fart, please help!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016
by moneykube
what does a brain fart smell like?

Re: I am having a brain fart, please help!

Posted: 29 Dec 2016
by aisling
I dont know what a brain fart smells like, but I do know hat a brain infart looks like, and its glum, paralysis, inability to speak or swallow food without choking and risking aspiration pneumonia...The sad thing is that i'm seeing people as young as their late 20's having strokes from very poor lifestyle drug use choices....