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Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
by KaliKush84
Hey reason heads I have finally made the switch from Windows to Mac.I ordered a 27" 5k i7 quad core with 16gigs of ram bought one of those super drives as well.I have a custom build x99 i7 I just finished building that I am handing over my musician in the making 15 year old son.i love Windows just want stability.I just started to back up gigs of files to my 2 external hard drives.Did I make a good decision?i do not want to purchase another desktop for at least three to five years tops.Any pros and cons

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
by Tincture
I did too... I fuckin' finally made the move from being a fuckin' eegit teee feckin bein a rayt feckin muppett.

Fuck you, you fuckin' aresole of a muppet

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
hmm let's see i have a five year old rig i built myself that's stable AF and upgradable whenever i want. it's at least as powerful as your new mac but i only spent about $700 bucks on it. sooo tell me does this make you think you made a mistake? if not that's cool. peace brudda

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
by QVprod
Personally I would have bought a used Mac Pro model from 2008 (3,1) or later. Still upgradeable and still very powerful. However a quad core i7 isn't bad and should last you very well. I'm using a 2006 Mac Pro, it's still quite powerful. Quad core Xeon processor that I can easily still upgrade to an 8 core.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
by EnochLight
Tincture wrote:I did too... I fuckin' finally made the move from being a fuckin' eegit teee feckin bein a rayt feckin muppett.

Fuck you, you fuckin' aresole of a muppet
Damn dude - are you like.. trying to get banned? I mean, that's fine and all. But just curious...

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
by Loque
Stability and Mac? Did you used Windows 98?

You asked if you made a good decision. I am curious that you did not thought it through before you paid the label called Apple on your computer. I guess for the money you spent you could have the doubled power on a Windows PC...

But i would like to here some good reasons to switch, but please no stability or no malware stuff...

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 11 Feb 2016
by Jagwah
Since people who made big profits became powerful enough to make profits more powerful than people, we now live in the designed to fail, planned obsolescence era. I guess what I am saying is treat those external drives like egg shells and be ready for either your computer drive copies to fail or the external drives to fail one day, having two copies until that moment allows you to be ready to replace one or the other. Touch wood ;)

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by MannequinRaces
I'm tired of seeing freaking computer threads in Propellerhead General. Why aren't these being moved to The Kitchen? To chime in to the OP, enjoy your new Mac. I think quality has slipped since Steve passed away. Your new computer will definitely last you three to five years. I'm still chugging away on a late 2009 iMac.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by Last Alternative
I have Windows and my computer is pretty stable. Apple has its own problems too and costs twice as much for the same power. Just a thought.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
you know what? you made a fine decision. who TF cares??? i'm sorry i borderline flamed you up there. your money was well spent, and your mac will perform fine. just because i happen to be a windows 7 lover doesn't mean i have to shit on apple every chance i get. i'm turning a new leaf. stop the hate!

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by mguh22
I think you made a good decision. CoreAudio to me has always been more stable than any kind of ASIO stuff over on the Windows side.
I also think Macs are more enjoyable to work with, the thing is a piece of art and is inspiring to use. Windows looks diabolical in comparison.

Plus you can get great audio software like the apps made by Rogue Amoeba; which have nothing remotely close in the Windows world!

Enjoy :)

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by CR68
Windows is a very stable operating system. I have used booth mac and win, bit fir me windows is more stable, cheaper and the overall winner. Never got any problems with asio. I used a rme 9652 on a p4 on winxp and it performed aawesome now with windows 10 an and modern audio interface its even better. Both systems are great so in the end it is a personal decision.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by Theo.M
KaliKush84 wrote:Hey reason heads I have finally made the switch from Windows to Mac.I ordered a 27" 5k i7 quad core with 16gigs of ram bought one of those super drives as well.I have a custom build x99 i7 I just finished building that I am handing over my musician in the making 15 year old son.i love Windows just want stability.I just started to back up gigs of files to my 2 external hard drives.Did I make a good decision?i do not want to purchase another desktop for at least three to five years tops.Any pros and cons
YES, you made a terrific decision. Reason on your imac will NEVER crash, mark my words. However, the low latency performance if you were using the same processor from the imac in windows, would be better in windows.. i.e more RE's

but you will love plug and play thunderbolt for drives, super quiet machine, amazing screen, amazing stability. I believe you will be extremely happy.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by jappe
KaliKush84 wrote:Hey reason heads I have finally made the switch from Windows to Mac.I ordered a 27" 5k i7 quad core with 16gigs of ram bought one of those super drives as well.I have a custom build x99 i7 I just finished building that I am handing over my musician in the making 15 year old son.i love Windows just want stability.I just started to back up gigs of files to my 2 external hard drives.Did I make a good decision?i do not want to purchase another desktop for at least three to five years tops.Any pros and cons

congratulations to the achievment of inspiring your son to begin with music making - I have yet failed to inspire my son (which is sad because he has a lovely voice - the best I can hope for are rare sessions recording him singing).

I'm running on Windoze 8, 10 and on Mac Book Pro, and it works very well on all machines.
Mac Book Pro...when I look at it I smile, when I'm working with it I get happy, it must be love :puf_bigsmile:

I guess the instability issues you've experienced are hardware/driver dependent?
I've built some PC:s and it's not uncommon to encounter problems, but most often there's a resolution even if it's not always click and fix.

When building a PC I guess it's a good idea to avoid first versions of hardware, and do thorough research on track record for any known problems before buying the hardware.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by Last Alternative
It's all personal preference really. And how much money you have to spare. I do think Apple stuff is more fun and attractive but for me, just having a standard high performance computer with features that would cost double for Mac is why I choose Windows. And I totally love Windows 7. It's their best OS yet!

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by kitekrazy
The advantage here is you can explore the possibility of running Logic.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 12 Feb 2016
by KaliKush84
Well thanks everyone for all the replies.To a few go swallow buckshot to the others thanks for the input.My budget permitted I have a family member who works for Apple at their headquarters so I didn't pay the full amount so yeah.True Windows systems can be updated and upgraded but I still have a x99 fully decked out desktop I'm giving my son so I'm not really losing out here.I can see why the propellerhead user forum was closed because of typical scumbags like the first reply.Thanks theo and everyone else .

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 14 Feb 2016
by tronam
KaliKush84 wrote:Hey reason heads I have finally made the switch from Windows to Mac.I ordered a 27" 5k i7 quad core with 16gigs of ram bought one of those super drives as well.I have a custom build x99 i7 I just finished building that I am handing over my musician in the making 15 year old son.i love Windows just want stability.I just started to back up gigs of files to my 2 external hard drives.Did I make a good decision?i do not want to purchase another desktop for at least three to five years tops.Any pros and cons
I recently got the very same system and it was an enormous boost in performance for me across the board. I went SSD this time and the latest Apple designed controllers are remarkably fast with read/write speeds sitting at 2.2 gigabytes/sec and the whole system boots to desktop in less than 10 seconds. Beautiful display, elegant operating system and tight integration. I used to build custom PCs, but eventually grew weary of being a computer nerd so much of the time and just wanted to focus on my creative projects. Working in IT I lived with and supported Wintel client/server systems for years, but prefer the Mac at home. The higher upfront cost is worth it for me.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 14 Feb 2016
by philosurfer
Welcome to the cult.
The cult that gets shit done, vs. fucking with broken .dll's

I made the jump 3 years ago. and It will be sometime before I reconsider going back. :)

Maybe when windows run on BSD.. hehe..

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 15 Feb 2016
by Rick75
Maddox addressed this matter quite succinctly some time ago in his article One thing PC users can do that Mac users can't

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 15 Feb 2016
by RealmUK
I have a 2013 Macbook Pro - running like the day I took it out the box - I use when on the move and I have a Windows 7 machine in my studio also running just as smooth as the day it was first built. Both are perfectly stable and I love using both for different reasons. I have no desire to change either. End of.

Re: Finally made the move

Posted: 16 Feb 2016
by plaamook
Go check out a Magic Trackpad. It's one of the main reasons I won't have anything to do with Windows rigs. Not until someone else can make anything even close to an A[pple Trackpad.
After you check out the track pad, go check out an app called Better Touch Tool.
That combo is gonna change your life, no joke.