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Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 14 Jan 2016
by aboutwd
I really like how the audio loop recording works in reason. When it loops back around, the new recording data is saved as another "comp-lane" that can later be mixed and re-comped. So, you can play the same 8 bars twenty times or more, and then go back and select the best parts later.

In short - I want this ability for recording via MIDI too. Right now when the loop starts over, my playing just mixes with the previous recording pass. That's highly annoying and becomes a jumbled mess. (Annoying in most cases. Obviously it works fine for drums, but I rarely record this way).

Is there a workaround for this?

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 14 Jan 2016
by normen
You can just press the period button at the end of the loop to create a new alt take (or a separate dub take with comma)

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 14 Jan 2016
by aboutwd
OK, that's cool. (alt ".") Thanks for the suggestion. I didn't know about that. But If I'm playing with both hands (which I often am) that's going to be somewhat difficult to accomplish.

Anyway to automate that? So it does that automatically on every loop? - THAT would be exactly what I need.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 14 Jan 2016
by normen
I don't think so. You could assign the function to a foot pedal though.

Or as a very elaborate workaround you could create a virtual loopback midi device on your computer (Via Audio-Midi configuration on OSX or via MidiOX on windows), assign it as a MIDI keyboard in the Reason settings and use the external MIDI device to send out a MIDI note which you then assign to the alt button...

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 15 Jan 2016
by ljekio
Another solution

Not so good as I've want, but solution.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 14 Feb 2019
by CloudsOfSound
I have to bump this post. I've just started using Reason 10 (new to Reason in general) and been so busy exploring all my new toys that I haven't really gotten into doing any actual work with the sequencer yet.

I was mildly shocked / put off when I figured out that this basic functionality STILL IS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THE REASON 10 SEQUENCER???

No way to have automatic note-lanes created and previous lanes muted automatically without resorting to keyboard shortcuts or midi magic?
Why can't the sequencer behave similarly as when recording audio in a loop? Creating automatic takes and muting the previous one? This is really inconsistent User Interface / Interaction design...

I get that many would prefer overdubs and/or manual control over the note lanes, but seriously, this should be an option, as it is in Logic, Ableton and any other DAW I've used.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 15 Feb 2019
by boingy
CloudsOfSound wrote:
14 Feb 2019
I have to bump this post. I've just started using Reason 10 (new to Reason in general) and been so busy exploring all my new toys that I haven't really gotten into doing any actual work with the sequencer yet.

I was mildly shocked / put off when I figured out that this basic functionality STILL IS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN THE REASON 10 SEQUENCER???

No way to have automatic note-lanes created and previous lanes muted automatically without resorting to keyboard shortcuts or midi magic?
Why can't the sequencer behave similarly as when recording audio in a loop? Creating automatic takes and muting the previous one? This is really inconsistent User Interface / Interaction design...

I get that many would prefer overdubs and/or manual control over the note lanes, but seriously, this should be an option, as it is in Logic, Ableton and any other DAW I've used.
I agree 100%. I end up copying the section I want to record against then pasting multiple copies beyond the end of the song so I am not recording in loop mode. Workarounds like this should not be necessary.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 15 Feb 2019
by CloudsOfSound
It's really pathetic that it isn't possible to loop-record midi in the same way it is with audio, to create new note-lanes and mute previous ones automatically. Then jump into comp edit and choose what parts to keep when done.

This should either be the default behavior (to make it consistent with recording audio with looping active) or a simple on/off setting in the transport.

Jeez, how much work can it be to implement this? 🤬

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 27 Apr 2019
by TAZ
Bumping this. I've just spent the last 2 hours trying to find this feature. Can't believe it doesn't exist in a modern DAW.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 28 Apr 2019
by CloudsOfSound
TAZ wrote:
27 Apr 2019
Bumping this. I've just spent the last 2 hours trying to find this feature. Can't believe it doesn't exist in a modern DAW.
Sorry mac, no cake.
I've been in contact with the PH developers regarding this, and it is on their "priority list", so whatever that means in practice we'll just have to wait and see.

I guess the main reason for this not being implemented yet is the fact that recording MIDI / instruments and editing the result to fix errors are so much easier compared to the same operation with audio recording.
But both a "punch-in / punch-out" workflow using audio and a loop-record to takes using MIDI are currently missing in Reason and has a place on my wish list.

I use Studio One 4 for most my recording needs as it has a perfect implementation of the mentioned features, so until Reason gets this basic functionality into the sequencer, I'll just have to use two DAWs to get the work done. So many things I like in Reason, so I'm not giving up on it, but I must say that the recording experience in S4 is second to none, done the way it should for a serious recording workflow.

Reason has had the ability to record MIDI since who knows when, but to record audio only since the release of Record, so it's strange that they have a better workflow for recording audio than MIDI,


Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 29 Apr 2019
by boingy
Just one of the several reasons I step outside of Reason into Cakewalk-land for some stuff. Such a basic and easy thing to implement. The alternate lanes are already there!

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 29 Apr 2019
by two shoes
CloudsOfSound wrote:
28 Apr 2019
TAZ wrote:
27 Apr 2019
Bumping this. I've just spent the last 2 hours trying to find this feature. Can't believe it doesn't exist in a modern DAW.
Sorry mac, no cake.
I've been in contact with the PH developers regarding this, and it is on their "priority list", so whatever that means in practice we'll just have to wait and see.

I guess the main reason for this not being implemented yet is the fact that recording MIDI / instruments and editing the result to fix errors are so much easier compared to the same operation with audio recording.
But both a "punch-in / punch-out" workflow using audio and a loop-record to takes using MIDI are currently missing in Reason and has a place on my wish list.

I use Studio One 4 for most my recording needs as it has a perfect implementation of the mentioned features, so until Reason gets this basic functionality into the sequencer, I'll just have to use two DAWs to get the work done. So many things I like in Reason, so I'm not giving up on it, but I must say that the recording experience in S4 is second to none, done the way it should for a serious recording workflow.

Reason has had the ability to record MIDI since who knows when, but to record audio only since the release of Record, so it's strange that they have a better workflow for recording audio than MIDI,

this post pretty much sums up the current state of Reason in a nutshell - for every thing you find that makes you fall in love with it there'll be two of these, "really? really?? everyone else took care of this fifteen years ago or got it right from the start" moments. the number of things that they should be able to implement in a few days but for whatever reason they've put off for years is mind boggling. Props are a really unique company and they have and are accomplishing some incredible things, but the "let's shut down our forums so we don't have to listen to any more complaining while we ignore what our entire user base has been telling us they need year after year and spend another two or three development cycles reskinning ancient sample libraries as $100 REs and birthing premature mobile apps that no one asked for or will care about even if we eventually get them working" business model is literally an existential threat to their jobs and our daw.

the good news is there are some signs that they're starting to realize they have to start taking feedback way way way more seriously than they have in the past if they want to survive. I suspect that four to five years from now Reason will either be in the midst of a major comeback, on the way to establishing itself as one of the top two or three daw platforms for the foreseeable future...

or not. and some new private equity owner will be wringing the last drops of revenue from Propellerhead's near obsolete ip as a VST/mobile app that half-heartedly markets itself as Korg gadgets with wires for a year or two before cherry audio acquires it for a song just so they can get their hands on the email addresses of all the people who went down with the ship because they'd sunk thousands into a proprietary plugin format with non-transferable licenses - those suckers are an f'ing goldmine...

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 29 Jun 2019
by SkinnyMessican

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 29 Jun 2019
by ljekio

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 29 Jun 2019
by CloudsOfSound
SkinnyMessican wrote:
29 Jun 2019
Off course you can record MIDI in Reason, but you can't use the same technique for loop-recording MIDI as you can using audio, that is, there is no automatic creation of new note lanes when using record with cycle activated like there is when recording audio.
This is a user-interaction disconnect that I think needs to be addressed, even though it is easier to edit recorded midi notes, it's cumbersome to manually have to add new note lanes while trying to get a part to sit just right using rack instruments / MIDI.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 29 Jun 2019
by CloudsOfSound
ljekio wrote:
29 Jun 2019
See answer above...

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 01 Dec 2019
by Vilebeefcake
Hi All,

I'm new to the forum and Reason, but I found this little gem: explains how do perform audio loop recording with both real and MIDI instruments. The tutorial is in Reason 7, but I've tried this in 10 and it works the same - button locations and appearances are a little different, but it's still really easy to setup. It's super cool, but I do wish that MIDI would work without conversion to an audio loop.

I hope it helps!


Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 04 Dec 2019
by kinkujin
Does every question posted on this forum need to devolve into this sort of discussion and complaint festival? Yes, we all get it, you are put off by the features that each and every DAW you've used in the past has, that Reason doesn't. I too get frustrated and wish for certain features, but this trend is tiresome and makes me frustrated with this forum.

Every discussion and thread doesn't need to sound like a whinge-fest and venting of the spleen - does it?

Thanks to those who are trying to provide workarounds.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 04 Dec 2019
by Oquasec
That's a feature I know for sure fl studio doesn't have in any version

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 04 Dec 2019
by Carly(Poohbear)
I did a video on this a couple of years ago.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 04 Dec 2019
by xboix
kinkujin wrote:
04 Dec 2019
Does every question posted on this forum need to devolve into this sort of discussion and complaint festival?
No, it doesn't need to but it does anyway. Which is a shame. Some forums are just like that. I try to filter it out but I have variable success.

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 07 Dec 2019
by Vilebeefcake
Carly(Poohbear) wrote:
04 Dec 2019
I did a video on this a couple of years ago.
Cool workaround, Poohbear!

Re: Loop Recording in Reason (using MIDI)

Posted: 08 Dec 2019
by ljekio
Also you can use combinator with dedicated remote codec for switching that with smart function detect REC button.
And your alt button will press only with REC active.