submonsterz wrote:Yes my comparison is a direct reason v reaper I've not got studio one and it doesn't appeal to me to go get it to be honest. So yes my comparison is reason v reaper and I'd like to actually hear from you, you're all the what is better and why in the two. as you say you have extensively used both .
EnochLight wrote:
Well, this thread is about what we use outside of Reason, hence my preference to use Studio One (and clearly your preference to use Reaper). But if you want to add to the things that Reason can do that Reaper can't, well OK then:
Let's see, what can Reason do that Reaper can't (aside from rock solid stability- I find reason to not be the case here more and more.)?
- Inspiring rack paradigm that no other DAW has replicated to date- I find it restricting and badly laid out with out the chance of setting it for personal preference ie no resize or change of layout to restrictive.
- Easy visual connectivity to all rack devices by flipping the rack and dragging cables-I find cv and audio routing visually not so exciting or even sometimes logical and just way to distracting and pure eye candy . I find I use drop down menus to connect in reason and else where more logical and easier to use and quicker to be honest less scrolling to far away devices complex combinations the eye candy obstructs and interferes with creativity with a speghetti effect.
- Massively efficient when using stock devices alone (though Reaper is pretty damn efficient by itself)I find stock devices in most cases in reason ok dsp wise but some not so much pul erizer etc come to mind I find lots of vst or reaper own created devices to be very very lean in comparison
- Massive collection of stock devices - feel being able to script things in reaper means much more scope can be had for a stock set up which can be changed at discretion with reason you cant.- with huge sound library ITB- sound library is old outdated and there is huge amounts of free stuff out there for reaper to make a good lubary for pluggs and soundbanks etc which are in most cases more up to date and more in depth in a good few ways
- Unified 3rd party plugin store that allows you to sync all 3rd party plugins in one easy process (go to your account, hit sync, done - I find props servers most unreliable and sync all is not a sold in stone feature and cab render you're session you wanted to have non existant) just so long as you have Internet access - I'd rather not have my system online or subjected to attack from doing so
- Unified 3rd party plugin UID standard, so there is absolutely no need to relearn new browsers, button arrangements, etc.- I find this uninspiring no resize no moveability and frankly find vst interfaces easier and more logical with menus and multi page views. All 3rd party devices feel like a native "rack citizen".- I also feel this to me not true as they no way can access the core program and act as a real reason rack citizen and have less than third party rights
EnochLight wrote:Those are the things that occur to me off of my head, and the things that really keep me inside Reason as much as possible. That said, what can Reaper do that Reason can't? How about:
- Host VST
- Much more advanced MIDI editing
- Much more advanced linear sequencer
EnochLight wrote:See, those 4 years I spent in it really were used. I just couldn't stand looking at it in comparison to Reason, and again - found it
EnochLight wrote:completely uninspiring.
EnochLight wrote:
EnochLight wrote:
submonsterz wrote:it's not a piss contest he said she said thing I'm asking for you're solid chunks of info as to why and how and in what way.
EnochLight wrote:
Excellent, then you will understand that this is my
EnochLight wrote:opinion
EnochLight wrote:, as everything you said previous is your
EnochLight wrote:opinion
EnochLight wrote:. We don't have to agree with each other. And that's OK.
I placed my whys for me I prefer next to you're non likes . Also I find that not just reaper but even fl etc etc have better slice edit and chopping and re arranging methods with better editing features than rex and can also and do transient detections much more precise and easier quicker Than rex. Seeming as rex seems to be a huge part of the reason audio side if things I thought I'd add that for flavour too. Also it has better control options and way better automation for tracks midi or audio . I find its time stretching alogarithms so much more in depth more usable and quicker and to be honest of better quality than reasons. It's got so much more diverse options even for that.