submonsterz wrote:it's also an opinion of a lot of users I know and talk to who are reason users soon not to be or have all ready defected and yes some of them swore by reason as much as you before actually learning how to set up and use reaper properly And not just a skimming over the surface and giving up before discovering it's depths beyond the outside Shell. I've not found one thing reason can do better or it cannot do yet everything is better and more fuller from my playing With it. The honest question to yourself is have you run the rabbit hole in both programs to actually make true judgement. And if yes I'd like to hear all it cannot do that reason can to go back down the rabbit hole in it to confirm it cannot be done in reaper .

EnochLight wrote:
You seem to have me confused with someone who hardly used Reaper. I used it as my sole VST host for almost 4 years before dumping it. Trust me, I was quite certain it was exactly what I said it was for my use.

And in all honestly, funny enough, most of the users I know and talk to lament how awful Reaper is to work in for the same reasons as I do:
EnochLight wrote:uninspiring.
EnochLight wrote: Studio One works much better for me.
Regardless, you seem to be comparing Reaper and Reason, but I am talking about an alternative host to Reason - which for me - is Studio One.
My judgement can't be anymore true than that.
Yes my comparison is a direct reason v reaper
I've not got studio one and it doesn't appeal to me to go get it to be honest.
So yes my comparison is reason v reaper
and I'd like to actually hear from you, you're all the what is better and why in the two.
as you say you have extensively used both .
it's not a piss contest he said she said thing
I'm asking for you're solid chunks of info as to why and how and in what way.
If it's just you can't get to grips with its interface then I'd like to know what bits you found not as good.
I all ready stated the only two things that concerned me in the reaper v reason conflict I had in my mind .
Which were stability
which has become less of an issue more and more and finding with reason and res I'm starting to have on par equally amounts of glitchy bad behaviour in the way I use the programs.
And also I will miss the sequencer window mainly because it's so familiar to me in reason now.
as comming from vertical scroller's to reason's window I made shure I got to know it inside out . It's just a little different in reaper and far more in depth if I like it to be .
I'm shure if I put the on three years into reapers sequencer ill find it as easy as I have learning the reason one for that time .