Tincture wrote:I saw the mention of "Revert" for the browser and thought "hurray, hurray, hurray!". But now I think I have read somewhere that it "reloads" the patch used before browsing, rather than actually just going back to its previous state. Can anyone confirm/deny please?
The reason it matters to me is that I quite often tweak patches quite a bit after loading them and so "reloading" the patch wouldn't take me back to where I was before browsing :/
selig wrote:
It can work exactly as you describe if you understand HOW it works and you approach it like the "old" version.
If you browse and tweak WHILE browsing (not possible to do in previous versions), it will not work as expected, which is logical IMO because the idea of Revert is to take you back to the "pre-browsing" state.
But if you browse, then leave browse mode to tweak a patch, then when you begin browsing again, revert will return you to your tweaked patch (not the stored "preset" you started with).
This is exactly what you want, you just have to "tell" it when you want to keep the patch by ending your browse session. This worked automatically in the old version, fwiw because you had was no other option!
Reverting, BTW, takes you OUT of browse mode, so you'll have to "browse" again to re-activate the feature.
selig wrote:Again this is how it used to work, except the browser is not now "modal" which causes the confusion IMO.
selig wrote: But it was pretty easy to learn the new workflow for me.
Remember that Revert takes you back to the state of the instrument when you ENTERED browse mode, not the preset stored on disk - sometimes these are the same thing, like if you created a device loaded with a factory patch, then loaded a second patch, then hit revert you would be returned to the factory patch. But not because it's the one on disk but because it was the one LOADED into the device when you began browsing.
I probably could have stated this more clearly - hope this helps!
Eagleizer wrote:
Never thought I`ll say this, but you are wrong Giles.

probably read my post which is the
Eagleizer wrote:correct
Eagleizer wrote: description of how Revert
http://www.reasontalk.com/post/show_sin ... stcount=12Eagleizer wrote:
Feel free to try for yourself:
- Create an instrument
- Move mix fader to get out of browse focus
- Make 5 tweaks to the patch (Let`s call them Tweak 1-5)
- Click the instrument`s browse button
- Load 5 patches (one by one)
- Click Revert
The patch, with your latest tweak setting (Tweak 5), is
Eagleizer wrote:loaded
Eagleizer wrote:.
When you now hit Ctrl+Z, you are
Eagleizer wrote:not
Eagleizer wrote: going back to Tweak 4,
but you start to go back through the patches you previewed.
So, if you want to go back to Tweak 4, you can save 1 operation
(Revert) by using Ctrl+Z right away, instead of Revert first.
Example. When you do the following:
1 Thor Init patch
Eagleizer wrote:(
Eagleizer wrote:no browser focus
Eagleizer wrote:)
Eagleizer wrote:
2 Adjust Master Volume
Eagleizer wrote:Change Mode
Eagleizer wrote:
4 Load: Epic Poly
5 Load: Gangsta Lead 3
6 Revert
- your history (for Undo) now looks like this, with a
Eagleizer wrote:copy
Eagleizer wrote: of Thor`s
latest state before browsing; first:
(Numbers representing Undo 1, 2, 3 times and so on.)
Eagleizer wrote: Change Mode (
Eagleizer wrote:copy of your original state, before browsing, without the undo`s
Eagleizer wrote:)
Eagleizer wrote:
1 Load: Gangsta Lead 3
2 Load: Epic Poly
Eagleizer wrote:Change Mode (
Eagleizer wrote:Original
Eagleizer wrote:)
Eagleizer wrote:
4 Adjust Master Volume
5 Thor Init patch
Same example for R7:
1 Thor Init patch
2 Adjust Master Volume
Eagleizer wrote:Change Mode
Eagleizer wrote:
4 Load: Epic Poly
5 Load: Gangsta Lead 3
Eagleizer wrote:Cancel
Eagleizer wrote:
- your history (for Undo) now looks like this, with Thor`s
latest state before browsing; first:
(Numbers representing Undo 1, 2, 3 times and so on.)
Eagleizer wrote:
Eagleizer wrote:Change Mode (
Eagleizer wrote:Original
Eagleizer wrote:)
Eagleizer wrote:
1 Adjust Master Volume
2 Thor Init patch
I`d prefer that Revert actually "went trough" the Undo`s until it
found the last state before browsing, but that`s not how it works.
Hope this was clear enough
selig wrote:
I think we are talking about two different things, as I don't dispute anything you've written above!
Every thing I described in my post was something I actually DID in Reason as I wrote that text (how I always work). So if you do exactly what I describe you'll find out it works exactly as I described!
Plus, I wrote a LOT of things in my post - are you saying each and every line I wrote is wrong, or if not which ones are you saying is wrong?
Sorry about that! I spent so long time testing and writing that I
forgot to highlight what I disagreed on in your post

I also see
how Tincture may have misunderstood my post, which is why I
probably read your post in a different way than you meant.
Tincture wrote:
"But now I think I have read somewhere that it "reloads" the patch used before browsing, rather than actually just going back to its previous state. Can anyone confirm/deny please?"
You wrote:
this is how it used to work, except the browser is not now "modal" which causes the confusion IMO.
"Remember that Revert takes you
back to the state of the instrument when you ENTERED browse mode"
I my book,
back to the same state means "as if nothing ever
happened" (like in R7), and back isn`t entirely correct either,
as you are still going forward in the history of Undo. This is
what I thought Tincture was asking about. And if it wasn`t,
I apologize for that too.
Anyway, sorry for the misunderstanding. At least it should now
be clear to everybody how this works