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Posts: 238
Joined: 17 Jan 2015

18 Jan 2015

That's what I call a successful move - from the PUF to this new place, feels virtually like breathing fresh air. It's a pleasure to see that many members that the PUF are gathering here, including PPH's Mattias. Hopefully many other PUF members will follow. Have a nice Sunday, folks!

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18 Jan 2015

:wave:  Nice to see you here as well!

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Posts: 125
Joined: 15 Jan 2015

18 Jan 2015

Yep, pretty amazing to see and be a part of. Makes me feel good to know that so many of us are of a similar mindset. Obviously we all love Reason and wish for it to succeed, and we like having a respectful forum to hang out in.

If this were not true then we would not be here.
Reason 8, EZ Drummer 2, Loop Loft loops

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