Integrate official Reason outlets?

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16 Jan 2015

I was wondering if there was a way to integrate the official Reason channels to this site somehow, like at least links to their social media and blog or even a twitter sidebar or a overview of their blog posts. Maybe even something like automatic threads for each blog/twitter post or something? Just to keep in touch with whats really going on on their side, I have the feeling otherwise this place might spiral off because of a lack of "connection" to the official site?

Anyway, just an idea, tell me if I'm totally off here ;)

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Ocean of Waves
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16 Jan 2015

Great idea Normen

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16 Jan 2015

I like that idea, as well. Would be very convenient to have those links, and could make this site a launchpad instead of just a gathering place.
I'm still doing it wrong.
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16 Jan 2015

Very good idea

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16 Jan 2015

Good idea!  I agree this would be very useful.

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16 Jan 2015

Sticky at the top ;)  going to school for coding so maybe I can make this site a bit sexier as time goes on.

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17 Jan 2015

Good idea, iI think it would be cool if you can stay on this site but still go to other reason channels from here.
Like have this site be the wrapper, if that makes sense. Still have reasontalk be the header, but be able to link to reason site, their facebook, etc.
it is late and i am having a real hard time explaining this of thinking of an example right now. But im sure you understand or at least get the gist of it.

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17 Jan 2015

Great Idea. I would settle for a Propellerhead tab listing all links that open in a new window.


Lunesis wrote:Sticky at the top ;)  going to school for coding so maybe I can make this site a bit sexier as time goes on.
BTW I'm more than willing to help with anything on this site. Just PM me if interested.
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17 Jan 2015

Great likes!

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17 Jan 2015

Nicola wrote:The navigator on the top should allow addings of more links/buttons. A very useful idea Normen!

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