More categories perhaps?

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Post 15 Jan 2015

Thanks again for doing this, Lunesis!  

I would absolutely love to see more categories/sub-categories!  That's what I feel the forum before was missing so greatly...  

Having more categories will help keep users on track.
It will help make browsing for tips/tricks easier and more inviting.
And it would make organizing/archiving useful posts easy/natural.

Just a thought =)

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Post 15 Jan 2015

joeyluck wrote:Thanks again for doing this, Lunesis!  

I would absolutely love to see more categories/sub-categories!  That's what I feel the forum before was missing so greatly...  

Having more categories will help keep users on track.
It will help make browsing for tips/tricks easier and more inviting.
And it would make organizing/archiving useful posts easy/natural.

Just a thought =)
Any suggestions? I don't expect a whole lot of traffic at first so I didn't want to create dead subforums.. I thought that if there were just a handful of forums there would be more activity in each one which would make them seem more enticing, and people would run across topics they might not have otherwise. I can also increase the number of threads on a page so that they don't fall off into the page 2 graveyard as easily. I think if things start to explode out of control I would reconsider. I hope with the off-topic forum and the general forum we can keep the functional topics separate from the goofing-off stuff. 

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Post 15 Jan 2015

here is a funny thought...have a timeout corner for all the bad kids who need a temporary ban so that all of the good boys and girls know who the troublemakers are....I am half kidding but part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!

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Post 15 Jan 2015

Good points.  I'm not entirely sure how it would best be organized.

If I wanted to get to a forum on the 'Selig Leveler' would I rather navigate via 'Rack Extensions > Selig Audio > Selig Leveler'?  Or would it best be something like 'Dynamics > Selig Leveler'?

For instance, I just think it would be cool to have a forum dedicated to the PX7...
Folks who are enthusiastic about a device will be involved and can subscribe to that forum.  So, then when someone asks a question, "Hey, how do you do this with the PX7?"  Or "Would you recommend the PX7 for this?"  It would be less likely to be like throwing a message in a bottle out into the water...  They could navigate to the PX7 forum and when they create a thread (if they feel the need to still do so), they will likely get the attention of the people they need to.

This of course is under the assumption this forum is a huge hit.  And I think you are already off to a great start—so I think it will be! =)

But you are definitely right in keeping it simple to start.  And maybe it will continue to work that way.  Just something to keep in mind.  And maybe somebody out there has a better idea than I on how to organize it with this approach.

Thanks again! 

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Post 15 Jan 2015

MarkTarlton wrote:here is a funny thought...have a timeout corner for all the bad kids who need a temporary ban so that all of the good boys and girls know who the troublemakers are....I am half kidding but part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!
Probably more like 2 actually. I don't think I've ever seen somebody come back from a second ban and reform their behavior :D usually they just get even more prickly.

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Post 15 Jan 2015

I'd say keep it simple.
To me it would be preferable if the whole list of subforums could fit on a screen on my laptop without scrolling... If the search function works that should be enough... Otherwise there are going to be tons of areas with only one or two topics in them... Not really sure what that would achieve...


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Post 15 Jan 2015

MarkTarlton wrote:here is a funny thought...have a timeout corner for all the bad kids who need a temporary ban so that all of the good boys and girls know who the troublemakers are....I am half kidding but part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!
Lunesis wrote:
Probably more like 2 actually. I don't think I've ever seen somebody come back from a second ban and reform their behavior :D usually they just get even more prickly.
good point!

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Post 15 Jan 2015

MarkTarlton wrote:here is a funny thought...have a timeout corner for all the bad kids who need a temporary ban so that all of the good boys and girls know who the troublemakers are....I am half kidding but part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!
Not sure what the plan is... Public shaming? Is that the idea?
I have no experience in mod-ing, so I'm not sure what works and what doesn't...
Just trying to figure out what the purpose of this would be...


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Post 15 Jan 2015

eusti wrote:I'd say keep it simple.
To me it would be preferable if the whole list of subforums could fit on a screen on my laptop without scrolling... If the search function works that should be enough... Otherwise there are going to be tons of areas with only one or two topics in them... Not really sure what that would achieve...


I'd also vote for fewer.  

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Post 15 Jan 2015

MarkTarlton wrote:here is a funny thought...have a timeout corner for all the bad kids who need a temporary ban so that all of the good boys and girls know who the troublemakers are....I am half kidding but part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!
eusti wrote:
Not sure what the plan is... Public shaming? Is that the idea?
I have no experience in mod-ing, so I'm not sure what works and what doesn't...
Just trying to figure out what the purpose of this would be...

I explained in the thread as far as what the point would be..."part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!"

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Post 15 Jan 2015

MarkTarlton wrote:here is a funny thought...have a timeout corner for all the bad kids who need a temporary ban so that all of the good boys and girls know who the troublemakers are....I am half kidding but part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!
eusti wrote:
Not sure what the plan is... Public shaming? Is that the idea?
I have no experience in mod-ing, so I'm not sure what works and what doesn't...
Just trying to figure out what the purpose of this would be...

MarkTarlton wrote:
I explained in the thread as far as what the point would be..."part of me thinks it would stop some of the repeat childish tempers, as well as keep new threads from starting like "why was ras banned?" and than that thread just becomes a sh#t storm.  maybe make it locked so no one can post...other than moderators. if you get 3 timeouts you are perma banned!"
Mmh... Ok.

- Not sure how that could be implemented in a sensible way.
- I do not see how this would reduce threads asking why this or that happened, as people seem not to be too good at looking for that kind of info.
- Not disagreeing about the 2 / 3 timeouts = perma ban idea. I think this makes sense.


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Post 16 Jan 2015

One way to implement the idea with the time-out zone could be similar to the "users online" feature... Although I'm still not sure how to include enough succinct info with that to avoid those "why did xyz banned"...
Anyways, I sure hope we don't need to make too much use of those features! :P


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Post 16 Jan 2015

eusti wrote:One way to implement the idea with the time-out zone could be similar to the "users online" feature... Although I'm still not sure how to include enough succinct info with that to avoid those "why did xyz banned"...
Anyways, I sure hope we don't need to make too much use of those features! :P

If somebody wants to know why somebody else got banned, I will gladly point to the offending post as an example of what not to do. You are all mature adults, I expect you can interact without slinging vitriol at each other or starting cliques. In order to make this work we need to hold ourselves up to higher standard than we did at the PUF. Let's make this place something to be proud of instead of a ship that sinks because we were afraid to plug the holes.

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Post 16 Jan 2015

An extra category for tutorials or a sticky section or library for threads of special interest (tech tips n tricks) wouln't be too bad.

Again, thanks for building up a new home for us.
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Post 16 Jan 2015

Smedberg wrote: Why not a "tool" section where we can advice and/or give reviews of different devices/hardware?
New controllers etc...

I'd like that.
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Post 16 Jan 2015

More categories is a good idea, but only after a critical mass of traffic is reached.  Otherwise, everything gets too spread out.  Just my opinion. 
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Post 16 Jan 2015

I wouldn't mind seeing categories by Reason version number. A lot of users are still on 6.5 and 7.1 (I'm sticking with 7 for the foreseeable future) and version specific categories may help with keeping advice targeted to what your version can/can not do. Also a beginners section for those new to Reason. Just my opinion/suggestion.

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Post 16 Jan 2015

offaxisdaddy wrote:I wouldn't mind seeing categories by Reason version number. A lot of users are still on 6.5 and 7.1 (I'm sticking with 7 for the foreseeable future) and version specific categories may help with keeping advice targeted to what your version can/can not do. Also a beginners section for those new to Reason. Just my opinion/suggestion.
I think that would be cumbersome since the old versions apply for every following version.
Most anyway...
How would you know if there is a version number specific issue or Reason general one?

Better to mark in title if there is a R version specific issue or question.

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Post 16 Jan 2015

Smedberg wrote:
I think that would be cumbersome since the old versions apply for every following version.
Most anyway...
How would you know if there is a version number specific issue or Reason general one?

Better to mark in title if there is a R version specific issue or question.
I thought it may be helpful, for example, a user on version 6/7 is not instructed to "drag and drop", etc. as older version licenses are always on the secondary market for new users. Just wanted to offer a suggestion to help those who are taking on Reason for the first time with an older version as well as those of us who didn't find version 8 a worthwhile investment. :) Marking the title is a viable solution as well.

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Post 16 Jan 2015

I would like to see Rack Extensions and ReFills to be two seperate subs. Since REs it seems, that ReFills are overlooked because of the big thing RE ;)  - so, a place where it´s only about ReFills, promoting them, to have reviews or even polls ("Which ReFill is your top 1?", "Which ReFill developer …?" and so on …

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Post 16 Jan 2015

Soundcells wrote:I would like to see Rack Extensions and ReFills to be two seperate subs. Since REs it seems, that ReFills are overlooked because of the big thing RE ;)  - so, a place where it´s only about ReFills, promoting them, to have reviews or even polls ("Which ReFill is your top 1?", "Which ReFill developer …?" and so on …
Agree, RE's and Refills as seperate subs :)

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Ocean of Waves
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Post 16 Jan 2015

I'd like to have a Reason Techniques subforum.
So if I want to contribute in all different ways one could achieve Sidechaining in Reason (for example) I could make a thread in that Subforum.


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