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Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by AttenuationHz
EdGrip wrote:
24 Sep 2017
I just had a look at the Reason 10 thread over at KVR! Haha! And you guys thought this thread was bad!
What's funny is can't find it got a link?

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Creativemind
miscend wrote:
24 Sep 2017
Can you believe they still haven’t included a notepad and a multi lingual rhyming dictionary? We’re onto version ten and I still need to open up a word processor just to write down lyrics.
Yeah I'm with you. Dunno about the multi-lingual rhyming dictionary, maybe a bit too far but a notepad within Reason, definitely. I have made a thread (do a search) on it on this site about it. Needs thinking through as well if they included one. If the Props include one, it'll open in 1 window, it'll have 1 rubbish font, and won't leave the screen or something like the On-Screen Piano Keys unless you kill it and won't open on playback or record if it's not onscreen. Should have highlight button for each within the notepad if you so wish that to happen.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Pralijah
Agree with opinion that "Layers" RE should have better been included in the R10 upgrade. To mention Radical Piano as if everyone gets it for free, is not a good move. Many of us have paid quite some for it already, so it is nothing to count in as if it was part of R10 release.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Heater
Am not spending another dime On Reason until they sort out the horrendous VST performance.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by EdGrip

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by AttenuationHz
Who started this "The Props" nonsense its just Props as in Propellerhead's it not The Propellerhead's

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by normen
AttenuationHz wrote:
24 Sep 2017
Who started this "The Props" nonsense its just Props as in Propellerhead's it not The Propellerhead's
Then it would be "Prop" because the company is called "Propellerhead", not "Propellerheads" :)

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by gullum
you guy are missing one thing. who would have come up with Europe or the Grain if not Pheds and are synths and devices not a core future of Reason? Reason selling point is that it is a music production set in a box.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Catblack
I am going to buy Reason 10. I'll try it out in the beta first, but I am pretty sure I'll get it.

I too have been wishing for sequencer workflow improvements. I have Reason open all the time. I record midi (without caring for tempo,) all the time. So I'd love a feature to lock a midi clip to it's tempo while I move the global tempo (automation lane) around to match it. It's not a big deal, but I'd use it on about 50 song files the minute I could.

Also any improvements to the Remote subsytem are welcome. (Yes, I noticed and gave a cheer to the ones in the latest update.)

I have no doubt that @ryanharlin and @MattiasHG are listening. I have hope that we'll see some sequencer and workflow improvements in early 2018.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by phaza
I am glad that they didn't include any new features. None of the racks interest me so i'll simply skip this ver.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by TritoneAddiction
EdGrip wrote:
24 Sep 2017
I just had a look at the Reason 10 thread over at KVR! Haha! And you guys thought this thread was bad!
I dared to take a look. Wow, just wow. It's so depressing I actually find it hilarious :lol:
So much bitterness and hate, hahaha.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by EnochLight
TritoneAddiction wrote:
24 Sep 2017
EdGrip wrote:
24 Sep 2017
I just had a look at the Reason 10 thread over at KVR! Haha! And you guys thought this thread was bad!
I dared to take a look. Wow, just wow. It's so depressing I actually find it hilarious :lol:
So much bitterness and hate, hahaha.
Lol - yeah, it's always a mixed bag over at KVR. It's sad, because there are some genuinely good people over there. It's just difficult to connect with that community because the negativity and trolling can be so rampant. :(

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by joeyluck
EnochLight wrote:
24 Sep 2017
TritoneAddiction wrote:
24 Sep 2017

I dared to take a look. Wow, just wow. It's so depressing I actually find it hilarious :lol:
So much bitterness and hate, hahaha.
Lol - yeah, it's always a mixed bag over at KVR. It's sad, because there are some genuinely good people over there. It's just difficult to connect with that community because the negativity and trolling can be so rampant. :(
Recruit the good ones to come here :puf_smile:

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by JiggeryPokery
EnochLight wrote:
24 Sep 2017
TritoneAddiction wrote:
24 Sep 2017

I dared to take a look. Wow, just wow. It's so depressing I actually find it hilarious :lol:
So much bitterness and hate, hahaha.
Lol - yeah, it's always a mixed bag over at KVR. It's sad, because there are some genuinely good people over there. It's just difficult to connect with that community because the negativity and trolling can be so rampant. :(

It's a well-reported fact that George Lucas based the Mos Eisley cantina bar on the KVR forum.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by EnochLight
JiggeryPokery wrote:
24 Sep 2017
It's a well-reported fact that George Lucas based the Mos Eisley cantina bar on the KVR forum.
Lol! I almost lost my blue milk all over my keyboard. Thanks JP! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Exowildebeest
JiggeryPokery wrote:
24 Sep 2017
EnochLight wrote:
24 Sep 2017

Lol - yeah, it's always a mixed bag over at KVR. It's sad, because there are some genuinely good people over there. It's just difficult to connect with that community because the negativity and trolling can be so rampant. :(

It's a well-reported fact that George Lucas based the Mos Eisley cantina bar on the KVR forum.
I dunno, I haven't seen Star Trek.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by davidvilla
I used to be a 50/50 Logic & Reason user. As I advanced, I realized Reason wasn't advancing with me, so I gravitated more towards Logic. Now I'm 90% Logic, 10% Reason, so this update doesn't anger me. However, if Logic 11 came out, and all Apple did was give us 2 synths, some drum samples (lol), and 3 bare-bones rompler devices that could have easily been one device, and then didn't fix any bugs, or add any features to the actual program, I WOULD BE PISSSSSSSSSED. But you know what? That would never happen because our Logic team isn't run by Ernst Nathorst-Boos.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by beatmincer
This, if anything, should be a point release. Kudos to the Props for releasing a serious host of very interesting instruments, but there seems to be little (if anything?) done on Reason itself. Having escaped to Ableton (and Logic X for linear projects) for about almost 10 years now, I have been waiting for an excuse to return to Reason.

A great benefit would be to be able to move the mixer below the sequencer window, and to significantly improve the sequencer functionality. Why isn't there an intelligent snap, for instance? If you record something just a bit off and want to move it to the nearest beat, it won't snap...

This is a breeze in both logic pro X and Ableton, but for some reason not in Reason.

Thumbnails for every VST would be a welcome addition, too.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by manuel radioact77
Hello, i've been a reason user since Reason 4. And yes, i know this is only my 2nd post in the forum.

Some thoughts:

1- The Reason 9.5.1 was, for me, a great little update as it optimized the performance from Reason 9.5 in at least 50 %. That was huge to me and made me really happy.

What i was mainly looking for in Reason 10:

1- Improve general Reason performance by at least another 50% (and even then, i suspect Reason will still be behind Cubase or Logic) .

2- Improve general Reason performance by at least another 50%

3- Improve general Reason performance by at least another 50%

4- Improve VST integration/ performance at least to acceptable levels.

Then also:

3- The SSL it's nice, but i would like: an integrated (not RE, not VST) free good flexible EQ that allows micro EQ adjustments. And an integrated (not RE, not VST) good multiband compressor.

What i really, definitely do not need from Reason 10 : a new piano.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by flexluthor
I'm just hoping they put in support for the keystep. That would be pretty nice!

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by EnochLight
beatmincer wrote:
24 Sep 2017
Thumbnails for every VST would be a welcome addition, too.
You can already take your own thumbnails and customize (to an extent) already using the screenshot button on the VST window. And for those who are more inclined, it's not that difficult to use any photo you want as a thumbnail. ;)

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Hydrosonic

Our Greatest Upgrade EVER is just a redeemable voucher for 2 Synths, 3 IDTs, 1 old piano, 1 old CV/Effects unit and some samples!

Thank us later guys cos musicians don't ask for much, thats why we gave you MORE!!!! Yes MORE of what you didn't ask for!

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by Creativemind
normen wrote:
24 Sep 2017
AttenuationHz wrote:
24 Sep 2017
Who started this "The Props" nonsense its just Props as in Propellerhead's it not The Propellerhead's
Then it would be "Prop" because the company is called "Propellerhead", not "Propellerheads" :)
Haha, well spotted.

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by wendylou
It's propellerheads plural on their website, as in

Re: Reason 10 announced!

Posted: 24 Sep 2017
by stratatonic
wendylou wrote:
24 Sep 2017
It's propellerheads plural on their website, as in
I think the "s" stands for software.