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Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by samp
EnochLight wrote:
26 Aug 2019
samp wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Hello all, So does this mean that we can load the reason rack plugin in an fx slot of another daw and use lets say Scream 4 in another daw? Sorry in advance if this was answered .
Thank you!! This is awesome!!!!!!!

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by centomila
IMHO the Rack Plugin is a great move.

- Ableton sell a rack thing for Max
- Bitwig added a rack module
- VCVRack reached version 1.0
- KiloHearts is really similar to the Rack Plugin (500€ for the ultimate and it's not even a DAW ;) ). - BTW really well made.

Compared to Reason, they all feel "meh".

Musicians and nerds clearly wants to play with Racks, and Reason is the best tool for Racks.

Instead of competing with big names like Steinberg, Propellerheads seems to prefer making what they do best: RACKS!


I've tried every single combination to make Reason work well with Ableton:
- ReWire (an incomplete good idea)
- Internal MIDI routing
- Separate computers
- Separate computers using a soundcard with two USB input
- MAX7 custom script to create a virtual control surface.
- A mix of all above

Meanwhile, Ableton has become stable and with Wavetable + Europa VST ... i've stopped using Reason (with 900 € on updates and REs spent in 3 years).

In software development, enemies are never a good thing. I like to think at Propellerheads hand in hand with Ableton, instead of fighting for the "Best incomplete DAW of the Year".


I'm a little sad for the name change :(. Especially for the logo :(

If you absolutely need to change it, can you at least mirror it vertically? Now the white arrow point in the upper left corner. Logos must point at the future, in the upper right!
I'm joking. i've read too many logos guidelines in my life with this phrase and i never had a good moment to use it in a sentence. Sorry :p.


Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Last Alternative
Is Propellerhead shifting away from being a DAW and into being a VST company?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by bxbrkrz
Heigen5 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
bxbrkrz wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Noob question: does that mean R11 will be great with something like Davinci Resolve?
Does Resolve have a VST support then?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by owlymane
Last Alternative wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Is Propellerhead shifting away from being a DAW and into being a VST company? ... ct-manager

Quote : "Does this news mean we’re abandoning Reason as a standalone music production software? Of course not! Reason 11 is much more than Reason Rack Plugin though."

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by 6502
EnochLight wrote:
26 Aug 2019
6502 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Is it true that Rewire is going away and that one can't load an old song file into Reason VST? That could limit things a bit if one wanted to rework an existing Reason piece in another DAW or with another DAW...
ReWire is being deprecated as of version 11, but you can still open your current version of Reason in your DAW of choice to access any ReWire projects. Reason allows installations of older versions concurrently on the same machine.
This is a bold move. They are pushing people towards other DAWs. For multi-DAW users, there is no way to use Reason as a scratch pad and then finish the piece somewhere else.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by ltbrunt00
Nothing to say here. This is a certified MIC Drop.

I will always use Reason as my Primary DAW but this will help me complete lingering projects I have in Studio 1 and Bitwig.

Being able to use the reason rack like Kontakt in other DAWS is probably the most ground breaking thing I have heard in Years.

Any chance of getting the SSL mixer as a plugin? This is software, anything is possible.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by boingy
ltbrunt00 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Any chance of getting the SSL mixer as a plugin?
It's going to be an RE so you can have a Reason rack as a plugin that contains just the mixer channel RE.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by gullum
I don't get this now I need to learn another DAW statements. Reason still works as it did before. And now they will abandon Reason as a DAW because they will focus on it as a Plugin, now it is a plugin so not much more to do there, other than bug fixes and improvements.
Now Reason works in all other DAW's and Reason has VST support witch opens reason more than any other DAW and gives Reason Studio freedom to work on Reason's daw futures.
So to me, this update is good for everyone using Reason standalone or (rewired) because it will make the userbase larger and making more money to develop Reason even more as a DAW

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by ejanuska
I just wanted to say this sucks.
The final act will be me upgrading to R11, buying Ableton or Pro Tools and never using Reason after my current project is done.

Automation curves? Big F'ing deal.
Clip fade? About time.
Drawing MIDI notes? Wow, don't give me too many features at once there Mattiius!

The first ten seconds of the video said it all. Get another DAW because we just wanted to wrap our rack in a VST. You guys must have really stretched the limits of software design with that feat of coding. Sooooo impressive. Not

At first I thought the sequencer lost all that wasted space between tracks, but then I realized that was ANOTHER DAW.

What a way to bring down an otherwise good year.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Heigen5
bxbrkrz wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Heigen5 wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Does Resolve have a VST support then?
Ok, but we don't have any solution there, if you want to use Reason 11 for everything + Resolve for it's video. This is where Rewire WOULD be a solution.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by guitfnky
halfnhalf wrote:
26 Aug 2019
guitfnky wrote:
26 Aug 2019

I came to Reason from Digital Performer for the same reason. there's no function that can beat out inspiration, and that's what Reason has in spades.
In all fairness this doesn't count. DP to Reason is a step up not a step down. I'm talking about the big boys. DP, Waveform, MuTools, Acid Pro, Samplitude etc. are not serious competitors to the programs I listed.
:lol: that's total bullshit. just because it's not in the list of most-used DAWs doesn't mean it's not a competent DAW. it had most of the major features most of us are still griping about not being in Reason back in 2010 when I was using it.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Catblack
I wonder how the new Reason VST will work with Savihost for patching my guitar through.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by 6502
gullum wrote:
26 Aug 2019
So to me, this update is good for everyone using Reason standalone or (rewired) because it will make the userbase larger and making more money to develop Reason even more as a DAW
Rewire is gone as of 11.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by gullum
6502 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
gullum wrote:
26 Aug 2019
So to me, this update is good for everyone using Reason standalone or (rewired) because it will make the userbase larger and making more money to develop Reason even more as a DAW
Rewire is gone as of 11.
the point of putting rewire in ( ) was that now it is Rack plugin instead

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Wook
I see this as Propellerhead's way to be a lesser Native Instruments for the same price. I'm referring to the Suite version vs Komplete 12. Good luck with that. Somebody mentioned Grain and Thor. Is that person seriously thinking that Grain and Thor can compete with Form and Massive X? Glorious Form that oozes lush textures to one dimensional and thin sounding Grain? Thor against Massive? It's not even funny. Or Reason Orkester refill with Session Strings? Not even mentioning other instruments and effects.

I can see why the new guy's company went bust.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by boingy
Catblack wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I wonder how the new Reason VST will work with Savihost for patching my guitar through.
I would expect that to work well. I've used it for big plugins like Omnisphere in the past.

Of course, you could just continue to use Reason standalone.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by jlgrimes
Creativemind wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Don't understand why many things are left unfinished in Reason though before they start adding more stuff. They add things and then just leave them. It's like they go, that's it, that's done, never touching the code for that again, even after many requests, let's look:-
I agree.

Reason have a goldmine of things that if improved would add value to the program.

Kong multi outs for each sound.

Rework Sample editor to be inline with program.

Kong tempo sync on echo.

Blocks, make them trigger able patterns.

Modernize NN19, NNXT.

Drum sequencer, make more than one bar pattern.

Ableton 10 was announced with a plethora of new features.

So was Studio One 4.5

Reason usually just comes with a handful. It has always been this way for the most part.

I'm a little disappointed you wont be able to open Reason as a VST and do the same standalone things like compose in both programs or even record audio. Reason+Ableton, with Reason comping, cleaner timestretching, and pitch editing is a missed opportunity, and somewhat sells this idea short.

That said have to see how it is implemented.

Can you easily drag patterns (from Players) to DAW for further editing?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by DParris
Wow, reading some of these complaints you'd think that music didn't actually exist in physical reality until some DAW finally introduced midi chase and high-res graphics.

Really, Reason was perfectly capable of pushing your music out into the air a million versions ago. Workflow improvements are welcome conveniences. But until we have cerebral implants that convert neural impulses directly to sound, there will always be a need mold your working habits to the quirks of your tools.

There was already more in Reason 10 than any of us will ever use individually. The improvements in 11 are genuinely useful. Quit whining and make some music.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
:puf_smile: Guys, do you realize, this could mean a huge flood of rack extensions in the future!?!

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by LittleBoy
DParris wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Wow, reading some of these complaints you'd think that music didn't actually exist in physical reality until some DAW finally introduced midi chase and high-res graphics.

Really, Reason was perfectly capable of pushing your music out into the air a million versions ago. Workflow improvements are welcome conveniences. But until we have cerebral implants that convert neural impulses directly to sound, there will always be a need mold your working habits to the quirks of your tools.

There was already more in Reason 10 than any of us will ever use individually. The improvements in 11 are genuinely useful. Quit whining and make some music.
Reason 11 improvements are a joke. The latest free update of Ableton Live Lite (10.1) was better and included more new features. You really don't see that for those who don't want the VST rack it's a terrible update for 129€?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by DParris
LittleBoy wrote:
26 Aug 2019
DParris wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Wow, reading some of these complaints you'd think that music didn't actually exist in physical reality until some DAW finally introduced midi chase and high-res graphics.

Really, Reason was perfectly capable of pushing your music out into the air a million versions ago. Workflow improvements are welcome conveniences. But until we have cerebral implants that convert neural impulses directly to sound, there will always be a need mold your working habits to the quirks of your tools.

There was already more in Reason 10 than any of us will ever use individually. The improvements in 11 are genuinely useful. Quit whining and make some music.
Reason 11 improvements are a joke. The latest free update of Ableton Live Lite (10.1) was better and included more new features. You really don't see that for those who don't want the VST rack it's a terrible update for 129€?

Some perspective: I'm a full-time working composer and arranger. Years ago I remember getting a welcome update to my notation software. It made a small but noticeable difference in my speed and efficiency. I wouldn't want to go back.

But in the old software, I wasn't constantly missing deadlines for submitting scores and parts. If I did miss a deadline, it was always my fault, and never the software's fault. I still made music, and lots of it. In fact, I've always found a way to make music no matter what means I had available. Imagine that!

In other words, a poor craftsman blames his tools.

I'm looking forward to upgrading, and then to making more music.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by LittleBoy
DParris wrote:
26 Aug 2019
LittleBoy wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Reason 11 improvements are a joke. The latest free update of Ableton Live Lite (10.1) was better and included more new features. You really don't see that for those who don't want the VST rack it's a terrible update for 129€?

Some perspective: I'm a full-time working composer and arranger. Years ago I remember getting a welcome update to my notation software. It made a small but noticeable difference in my speed and efficiency. I wouldn't want to go back.

But in the old software, I wasn't constantly missing deadlines for submitting scores and parts. If I did miss a deadline, it was always my fault, and never the software's fault. I still made music, and lots of it. In fact, I've always found a way to make music no matter what means I had available. Imagine that!

In other words, a poor craftsman blames his tools.

I'm looking forward to upgrading, and then to making more music.
What are you talking about? Reason is still a great tool, but this update is a joke for € 129 if Reason is your main workspace.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by miscend
Heigen5 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
6502 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Is it true that Rewire is going away and that one can't load an old song file into Reason VST? That could limit things a bit if one wanted to rework an existing Reason piece in another DAW or with another DAW...
Yeah, that's true. The Reason Studio stated that we should keep Reason 10.4. installed parallely because of that very Reason. This means I'll have Reason 8 there for the Line6 amps, Reason 10 for the rewire and Reason 11 for the new stuff added to it.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by miscend
halfnhalf wrote:
26 Aug 2019
guitfnky wrote:
26 Aug 2019

I came to Reason from Digital Performer for the same reason. there's no function that can beat out inspiration, and that's what Reason has in spades.
In all fairness this doesn't count. DP to Reason is a step up not a step down. I'm talking about the big boys. DP, Waveform, MuTools, Acid Pro, Samplitude etc. are not serious competitors to the programs I listed.
Lol... Danny Elfman uses DP. It's been used on big budget movies. I don't know which multiverse you live in where Fl Studio and Bitwig are big boys compared to DP and Samplitude. They are niche DAWs but very capable.