RS’s stock EQ, Compressor etc - enough for you?

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06 May 2020

What is your opinion of Reason’s stock plugins for mixing & even for mastering? Are they enough (not only for beginners)?

I was reading on other forum how people commented FL Studio’s stock plugins for finishing mixing & mastering a track. While people seemed to say they are enough, they also said they’re enough “for beginners”.

It’s usually said “pro can do pro results with any equipment “. But that’s not totally true, if the equipment is lacking some important feature etc. I’m not saying Reason’s plugins are lacking. Just an observation:D

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06 May 2020

I'm sure they are adequate but I find it easier to mix and master on other DAWs. Since 11 I barely start Reason as standalone. Always many instances of RRP in Live or Studio One. I get a basic mix, just levels really, then I bounce down to audio stems and work purely in audio for proper mixing and mastering.

You can mix with just about anything. Mastering needs decent tools and some skill.

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06 May 2020

You can configure the models any way so yes.
Sometimes I get the RE if I wanna do it a different way.
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06 May 2020

The M class devices are fairly poor in my opinion. I replaced them with the Kuassa EVE eq.s and Kratos 2 maximiser which sound fantastic. I prefer mixing in Cubase but most of my projects start in Reason and its sometimes easier staying in one place from start to end.

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06 May 2020

They are good and you can work with. But i have additional options, that might work better in some cases. Not every tool works in every context.
Reason12, Win10

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06 May 2020

The SSL and Master class EQs is good enough for me. However I looking for an EQ like Papens and Seligs where you use a graphical interface instead of knobs. Must be a RE.

The SSL EQ is a little bit restricted, I would like to have 5 bands of parametric EQ and drag user interface and not using knobs.

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06 May 2020

They are enough for a lot of things, but not for everything. They have their limits. And there are better and easier to work with alternatives.

Not a fan of the Mclass stuff overall, especially the EQ. The way it does high shelf boosting for example is pretty horrible. It creates these dips before the boost which makes everything sound like shit imo. You don't get that with Synapse GQ-7 for example which automatically creates smoother curves. All the Mclass stuff looks really dull. I know I'm superficial, but the visual aspect of music making is pretty important to me. It's not everything, but it matters.

I do like Reasons master bus compressor a lot, but as always different compressors are good for different things.
The SSL EQ is alright but limited in what it can do.

Of course if you only have the stock stuff, you will still be able to make good sounding mixes if you know what you're doing. But they might be even better with some additional tools.

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06 May 2020

Ulpu wrote:
06 May 2020
While people seemed to say they are enough, they also said they’re enough “for beginners”.
That sort of comment generally comes from two kinds of people: (1) veteran producers who resent the fact that anyone with a bit of cash can now create music in an environment that was previously accessible only to pros, or (2) not-very-good producers who are anxious to differentiate themselves from what they imagine to be the common herd

Plugins "for beginners" don't exist, and you can definitely do a fine mix with the M Class suite - up to a point. They have their limitations, and those limitations tend to become apparent when you've got a particular problem that needs solving, or if they just fail to make something sound good (e.g. I agree with whoever said the high shelf on the M Class EQ doesn't always sound great). Sometimes you need features that the rather basic M Class devices don't have. But there's nothing intrinsically bad or "beginner" about them. The golden rule: if it sounds good, it is good. If you're mixing with M Class and you like the results, then go for it

For mastering, you'll probably need something more flexible/powerful than M Class, but then I tend to master outside of Reason altogether. If you're serious about it, a dedicated mastering DAW like WaveLab is way ahead. But if you're mastering in the sense of "putting a bit of shine on the final result and making it louder", then again M Class might be fine if the mix is good. If the mix has problems, then you might need more specialist tools

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06 May 2020

Many people regard Reason's Master Bus Compressor to be the best sounding emulation. So there's that.

Lots of people make due with just the built-in tools of their DAW of choice, whether it's Reason, Logic, Live, etc...

But third party plugins thrive for a reason, regardless of what DAW has what.

So I would say to just stop overthinking it. Use what works for you. Take the time to create some stuff. Learn more about the tools you have. Encounter challenges along the way. Discover ways you can tackle those challenges with what you have. And explore other plugins out there that inspire you and help speed your workflow.

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06 May 2020

Ulpu wrote:
06 May 2020
What is your opinion of Reason’s stock plugins for mixing & even for mastering? Are they enough (not only for beginners)?

I was reading on other forum how people commented FL Studio’s stock plugins for finishing mixing & mastering a track. While people seemed to say they are enough, they also said they’re enough “for beginners”.

It’s usually said “pro can do pro results with any equipment “. But that’s not totally true, if the equipment is lacking some important feature etc. I’m not saying Reason’s plugins are lacking. Just an observation:D
The SSL mixer in Reason has an overall "muddy" sound to it but it's warm. You can't pump into Reason modules hot. They like HEADROOM.

As far as default modules:

1) Master Bus Compressor is one of the best I've ever seen. In my top 3.
2) Channel Dynamics too....always amazing.
3) M Class Equalizer is 6/10
4) M Class Compressor is handy on light tracks. 6/10
5) M Class Maximizer sucks
6) M Class Stereo Imager has a grainy sound. But okay
7) EVERYTHING in the pic here SUCKS
itallsucks.PNG (24.59 KiB) Viewed 2548 times

1) "The Echo" is the shit...big fan
2) Scream 4 is mediocre
3) Retro Transformer is almost useless
4) Soft Tube Amps suck
5) Vocoder is okay.
6) "Pulverizer" is a great tool
7) Alligator Filter is cool, I guess, for EDM. Barely use it.
8) "Synchronus Effect Modulator" is a great thing
9) RV 7000 is the SHIT. Huge fan.

I just got the Reason 11 Suite, and the additional Reason effect devices are really good quality.


1) MOST KONG stock kits SUCK

They're both for 13 year olds. It's just mostly garbage. Would maybe make good sounds for slapstick comedy reels?

ALL of Reason's utilities are top notch.

Great stuff. Especially the new Beat Map thingy.

As far as "Mastering songs" with stock Reason. Yeah, it can be done if you're good. So get good. :puf_smile:
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06 May 2020

KevTav wrote:
06 May 2020


1) "The Echo" is the shit...big fan
2) Scream 4 is mediocre
3) Retro Transformer is almost useless
4) Soft Tube Amps suck
5) Vocoder is okay.
6) "Pulverizer" is a great tool
7) Alligator Filter is cool, I guess, for EDM. Barely use it.
8) "Synchronus Effect Modulator" is a great thing
9) RV 7000 is the SHIT. Huge fan.
I can't get to love The Echo. The filter in particular is very disappointing. I do use it a bit, but imo Soundtoys' Echoboy is the one delay unit to rule them all

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06 May 2020

dvdrtldg wrote:
06 May 2020
KevTav wrote:
06 May 2020


1) "The Echo" is the shit...big fan
2) Scream 4 is mediocre
3) Retro Transformer is almost useless
4) Soft Tube Amps suck
5) Vocoder is okay.
6) "Pulverizer" is a great tool
7) Alligator Filter is cool, I guess, for EDM. Barely use it.
8) "Synchronus Effect Modulator" is a great thing
9) RV 7000 is the SHIT. Huge fan.
I can't get to love The Echo. The filter in particular is very disappointing. I do use it a bit, but imo Soundtoys' Echoboy is the one delay unit to rule them all
The Echo can do nearly everything what all other delays can. And AFAIK it's not a filter, it's a tilt EQ. For real filter and everything else, you can use the breakout.
Echoboy sounds very smooth and has nice tweaks, but lacks ducking and automation cababilities and sometimes its a bit cumbersome for simple tasks.
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06 May 2020

New EQs, meter limiters, etc. to be released did not develop in consideration of the development of rack stores or conflicts with developers.

See not adding a legend compressor or multiple point eq

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07 May 2020

drloop wrote:
06 May 2020
The SSL EQ is a little bit restricted, I would like to have 5 bands of parametric EQ and drag user interface and not using knobs.
Select track, hit F2 and you can drag the bands any way you want.
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07 May 2020

MClass Compressor isn't too bad but of course no coloring like some comps. It would be cool to add lookahead.. but it's pretty handy for general stuff.. the attack seems a little crispy with out knee..

MClass imager is definitely lacking, especially the spread on high end. And it just sounds like it smears the sdd ound near the crossover point.. which allowed me to learn to never use spread on any splitter.. just make your pans right

MClass EQ... Very basic.. ok for general wide curve adjustments

Never really used the maximizer/limiter so can't really comment on that

The half rack effects are not that great.. very rarely will I use their reverb, delay, and little eq..

Channel strip Dynamics I never use.. I think they're more helpful for initial mix of acoustic instruments. I don't like the attack on the comp and the gate is ok but I just use REs for dynamics. Channel EQ is ok.. good for general stuff

Master Bus comp is awesome! Super smooth and if you sidechain it and filter out the low-end it really adds some sheen. Can't wait to upgrade so I can move that thing around.

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08 May 2020

Nothing MClass but the Stereo Imager for me. My go to for bass mono-ing. It's too easy

all the SSL emu's are great. The only EQs and Comps I use in reason nowadays
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08 May 2020

I use stock SSL mixer for 99% of my mixing and mastering now, I not a beginner but far from pro.
There are some or more like a lot of stock devices I don't use, but it's not because they are bad I just don't need them in my songs. And I have Kuassa for that

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08 May 2020

gullum wrote:
08 May 2020
And I have Kuassa for that
Yeah you do!!! 👍
🗲 2ॐ ᛉ

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08 May 2020

I will try to be as kind as I can but I apologize if I come across as a bit aggressive.

Because.. everything I've learnt about music production in the last 20+ years is cringing right now at the sight of how some of you people can dismiss simple devices like this SUCKS that SUCKS that's USELESS. Take half-rack devices in Reason. For instance the good old DDL-1 or the ECF-42, or the UN-16. These devices will forever have their uses. It's like saying a wrench sucks. If you're so far away from conceiving any uses for these devices and/or you're not knowledgeable enough to have an idea of what uses skilled people may have for these devices that you have to come here and declare that they SUCK in capital letters, you suck to the extent that your opinion doesn't matter. Seriously, I can't take this nonsense seriously.
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08 May 2020

Seckin wrote:
08 May 2020
I will try to be as kind as I can but I apologize if I come across as a bit aggressive.

Because.. everything I've learnt about music production in the last 20+ years is cringing right now at the sight of how some of you people can dismiss simple devices like this SUCKS that SUCKS that's USELESS. Take half-rack devices in Reason. For instance the good old DDL-1 or the ECF-42, or the UN-16. These devices will forever have their uses. It's like saying a wrench sucks. If you're so far away from conceiving any uses for these devices and/or you're not knowledgeable enough to have an idea of what uses skilled people may have for these devices that you have to come here and declare that they SUCK in capital letters, you suck to the extent that your opinion doesn't matter. Seriously, I can't take this nonsense seriously.
Well you're not going to sell many jars of Magic Fairy Dust. The whole plugin industry depends on enough people believing that buying the next tool will make them great. It's like buying a signature guitar and wondering why you don't sound like Steve Vai. :puf_smile:

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08 May 2020

there’s so much false BS in this post it’s hard to know where to start, but this gem really stands out.
KevTav wrote:
06 May 2020
The SSL mixer in Reason has an overall "muddy" sound to it but it's warm. You can't pump into Reason modules hot. They like HEADROOM.
this must be the “Reason sound” everyone’s been talking about. 🙄
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08 May 2020

Every time I start messing around with other DAWs the one thing I miss the most is per-channel, immediate access to Reason's SSL EQ/dynamics section. I use the filters all the time, and when I need a bit of compression or EQ it's so handy to just have them there and waiting while I'm mixing.

I also think they sound great, which is a handy bonus :)

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08 May 2020

KevTav wrote:
06 May 2020
[The SSL mixer in Reason has an overall "muddy" sound to it but it's warm. You can't pump into Reason modules hot. They like HEADROOM.
Not sure I understand these comments. Reason's mixer doesn't have "a sound" at all, it's 100% transparent, something that's been proven again and again. Meaning, it is neither "muddy" nor "warm" because it can't be - it's response is totally flat!

I love the SSL approach in Reason, but it's also what I learned to mix on back in the early 1980s, so I'm biased. Having mixed on E series, G series, and J series over the years I'm quite at home on the Reason SSL. The EQ and Dynamics sections behave exactly as the hardware version behave IMO. Are they 100% exact clones? I don't know, that's one thing I have not tested. But they are close enough I can work like I've always worked without second guessing myself.

I also find Reason has the exact same headroom as EVERY other DAW in existence. You can add over 700 dB gain in the Reason mixer if you want, and just like every other DAW you'll have to reduce it to below clipping before it hits the D/A and speakers or you will hear clipping. If that's not enough headroom, I don't know what to say! ;)
So I would say "yes" you can pump into Reason modules as hot as you want. But there is no D/A out there I'm aware of that allows playing music above 0 dBFS without clipping, so you'll have to lower the level before it hits the outputs.

Kev Tav, I hope I'm not mis-representing anything you've said (apologies if so!), I'm just sharing my experience using (and testing) Reason.
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09 May 2020

antic604 wrote:
07 May 2020
drloop wrote:
06 May 2020
The SSL EQ is a little bit restricted, I would like to have 5 bands of parametric EQ and drag user interface and not using knobs.
Select track, hit F2 and you can drag the bands any way you want.
Yes I use that function, great. But I would like to have 5 bands and not the limitations the SSL EQ have. :)

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09 May 2020

adfielding wrote:
08 May 2020
Every time I start messing around with other DAWs the one thing I miss the most is per-channel, immediate access to Reason's SSL EQ/dynamics section. I use the filters all the time, and when I need a bit of compression or EQ it's so handy to just have them there and waiting while I'm mixing.

I also think they sound great, which is a handy bonus :)
Yeah and using REs means that you don’t have to open up plugins to edit insert EQ, the controls are open all time.

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