HiDPI scaling has to be round the corner right?

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19 Oct 2019

Reason looks like trash on my new Hd laptop!. What’s worse is that I installed my copy of Ableton Live Lite to check out the R11 demo with and Ableton looks awesome in Hd! The Reason rack is a blurry mess sitting on top of it. The upshot is that I have started poking around in Ableton and finding things I like very much like Midi Capture and the Simpler device and the nice preset macros in Instrument rack and a UI that plays nice on the small screen. So I downloaded the Live 10 suite trial and now I’m thinking about buying that more than I’m thinking about buying R11. This is not how it’s meant to go for you Reason Studios! I had my wallet open! :roll:

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19 Oct 2019

I was sure they were going to include high DPI support in v11. one of the many things that should have been included, IMO. 😔 I hope you’re right, but my fear is that they’ll put that off until the next major version.
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19 Oct 2019

I speculate 11.5
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19 Oct 2019

I set my DPI scaling to 150% within Windows, which makes Reason's UI usable. Ironically, it makes most modern DAWs unusable because the UI elements are too big and there's usually no way to scale them down.

A cookie to the first developer that can implement high-quality downscaling and upscaling.

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19 Oct 2019

...fingers crossed it happens soon.

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19 Oct 2019

It's hard to comprehend why the graphics are of such a low resolution in 2019, when we live in a time where visuals are everything !

Personally I would like to see not only hi-res graphics, but also the ability to use Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom in/out of the rack as I do with browser windows. Finding it increasingly difficult to read things, especially the tape strips on the 14:2 mixer

That said, I don't really expect Reason Studios to make the end user experience any better. They've never bothered for 20 years, so there's nothing to suggest they're going to start now. :roll:

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19 Oct 2019

If there's one constant thing about Reason Studios, it's that they do everything at their own pace in their own way, and trying to predict it is futile.

Thinking about GUI's, I recently had a job working with a lot of Fabfilter VSTs, and their GUIs are simply the best. Not because they look "badass" but because everything is completely intuitive, smooth, and also beautiful.

In Fabfilter, all parameters can be manipulated by-
1: directly grabbing and dragging around a visual gui
2: using virtual knobs and sliders, just like Reason and most VSTs
3: direct input of text simply by clicking on any parameter
4: you can add extra channels/eq bands/filters simply by clicking roughly where they "should" be, and then fine tuning. And with very few limits. If you want a 24 channel EQ?!!! no problem!

It's workflow heaven. Also, their stuff all sounds great.

If Fabfilter made a DAW, I would buy it immediately.

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19 Oct 2019

I love the FabFilter plugs, especially the EQ, but based on their cost, if they also made a DAW, you'd probably have to remortgage your house to afford it. :)

P.S. @Proboscis: Isn't that the Yamaha logo?

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19 Oct 2019

Ansou said over at KRV that they are 'acutely aware' of the resolution/scalability issues but also it's 'not the most popular request'
I assume they are working on it but really it needs to be done right and I'm sure they want to take some time to work out the best approach.
I think Europa VST is at least some sort of proof that they're aware people want options.

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19 Oct 2019

I know nothing about this subject, but I do know that I have choosen "low res" as default trying to optimize performance on a macbook with "retina" as some have mentioned Reason can not handle Retina resolution.
So, is this still an issue?
If so, I guess RS have some deep learning curve at the school bench until they can implement hires scaling. I really hope they will nail it.
And that an update on that will allow different options for users on different plattforms and computers, so that suddely one does not have to buy a monster of a computer to run Reason.

If there are some experts on this topic I would be glad if you can explain the core of this issue.
I only run on laptop and. yes it is a bit blurry because lowres mode.
Will scalable vector thing solve issue both for ppl with 4K monitors and ppl with retina or simple laptop screen?

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20 Oct 2019

zoidkirb wrote:
19 Oct 2019
Ansou said over at KRV that they are 'acutely aware' of the resolution/scalability issues but also it's 'not the most popular request'
I assume they are working on it but really it needs to be done right and I'm sure they want to take some time to work out the best approach.
If the almost 400 votes on a recent poll on this forum are any indicator of "the most popular requests", then Sequencer improvements, Hi-Res graphics and updating some stock devices are the top three most wanted improvements to Reason, out of 9 possible poll options. That was in June, and all they've addressed is a quarter of one request, that being the sequencer additions in Reason 11


It's completely ridiculous that after all this time, the Combinator has not been revised to at least 2x the buttons, knobs & program slots, since there are around 700 more devices to control than when the Combinator was released. And how about the labeling in the sequencer of 'Rotary 1, Rotary 2' etc ? That's just CRAZY that this is still in place, I figure that the staff don't actually use Reason as their DAW, or they would realize how stupid and unproductive it is when you have many Combinator Automations in a project.

In summary - don't hold your breath waiting for Reason to be sorted out. Chances are much of what is requested will never be implemented :thumbs_down:

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20 Oct 2019

Periwinkle wrote:
19 Oct 2019

P.S. @Proboscis: Isn't that the Yamaha logo?
Yamaha will be releasing Reason 12 once the investment company owners turn a quick profit, and flog the software off to the highest bidder.

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20 Oct 2019

Proboscis wrote:
20 Oct 2019
Periwinkle wrote:
19 Oct 2019

P.S. @Proboscis: Isn't that the Yamaha logo?
Yamaha will be releasing Reason 12 once the investment company owners turn a quick profit, and flog the software off to the highest bidder.
The Return of the Jed....Line 6 amps...

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20 Oct 2019

Yonatan wrote:
20 Oct 2019
The Return of the Jed....Line 6 amps...
Except they'll sell them back to us as $99 Rack Extensions :lol:

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20 Oct 2019

Proboscis wrote:
20 Oct 2019
zoidkirb wrote:
19 Oct 2019
Ansou said over at KRV that they are 'acutely aware' of the resolution/scalability issues but also it's 'not the most popular request'
I assume they are working on it but really it needs to be done right and I'm sure they want to take some time to work out the best approach.
If the almost 400 votes on a recent poll on this forum are any indicator of "the most popular requests", then Sequencer improvements, Hi-Res graphics and updating some stock devices are the top three most wanted improvements to Reason, out of 9 possible poll options. That was in June, and all they've addressed is a quarter of one request, that being the sequencer additions in Reason 11


It's completely ridiculous that after all this time, the Combinator has not been revised to at least 2x the buttons, knobs & program slots, since there are around 700 more devices to control than when the Combinator was released. And how about the labeling in the sequencer of 'Rotary 1, Rotary 2' etc ? That's just CRAZY that this is still in place, I figure that the staff don't actually use Reason as their DAW, or they would realize how stupid and unproductive it is when you have many Combinator Automations in a project.

In summary - don't hold your breath waiting for Reason to be sorted out. Chances are much of what is requested will never be implemented :thumbs_down:
Oh don't worry, not holding my breath here!
I can understand how the gui hasn't been addressed as imo it's probably tricker than expected. They put their resources into rack vst first to get some cash flow and I think that's fair enough.
Ok combinator yes that's kinda unforgivable given the time passed and the sheer number of other, far less requested rack extensions they have released since.

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20 Oct 2019

They've been acutely aware of this issue ever since 2012 when Apple released the first retina high-DPI display laptop. They even posted about it at the time on their Propellerhead blog. What's baffling is that they built the rack extension SDK to future proof REs for high resolution assets, so clearly they have some kind of longterm plan to make the transition. There has to be some core technical reasons why it's taken so long to implement. Perhaps the memory requirements to maintain that many interactive onscreen interface panels at once are too high, or they're waiting until Reason's engine can take advantage of GPU acceleration to allow for smooth scrolling of dense device racks. I wish I knew.
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20 Oct 2019

I highly doubt it's a memory thing.

My leyperson n00b guess is they want to move the UI to the GPU when/before they do the hi-res GUI. Which would free up a CPU core, if I understand previous posts correctly. So that'd be nice.


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20 Oct 2019

Proboscis wrote:
20 Oct 2019
Periwinkle wrote:
19 Oct 2019

P.S. @Proboscis: Isn't that the Yamaha logo?
Yamaha will be releasing Reason 12 once the investment company owners turn a quick profit, and flog the software off to the highest bidder.
Personally I that wouldn't be so bad at all. They could merger reason with cubase :idea:

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20 Oct 2019

it’s getting harder and harder not to be cynical about stuff like this. sure, maybe it’s not the number one feature request, but geez, RS, read the damn room already, and do something about it before it becomes a glaring issue...they spend so much time rushing from innovation to innovation while ignoring the bread-and-butter stuff that makes the core experience better.
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21 Oct 2019

This times a million.

Imagine using Reason while working for Reason Studios. Every day the same workflow problems: Which one of these 40 automation channels was the band pass filter??? lol, who knows. This project has 100+ audio clips; I have to select timestretch OFF for every single one by hand.. This is a huge waste of time...oh well, nothing I can do... Oh, I ran out of automation on the combinators AGAIN... Maybe I could...add more knobs to the combinator...Nah, why bother making it easy for myself...

If they were forced to produce music with it, all of that would be fixed the next day. Unless they are total masochists I guess.

I can already hear people thinking of excuses "It's not a problem if you don't use much automation! Reason isn't for audio anyway! Why don't you use a different DAW!?"

If Reason isn't for, y'know, helping you make music in the best way it can, then what IS it for?
Proboscis wrote:
20 Oct 2019

It's completely ridiculous that after all this time, the Combinator has not been revised to at least 2x the buttons, knobs & program slots, since there are around 700 more devices to control than when the Combinator was released. And how about the labeling in the sequencer of 'Rotary 1, Rotary 2' etc ? That's just CRAZY that this is still in place, I figure that the staff don't actually use Reason as their DAW, or they would realize how stupid and unproductive it is when you have many Combinator Automations in a project.

In summary - don't hold your breath waiting for Reason to be sorted out. Chances are much of what is requested will never be implemented :thumbs_down:

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21 Oct 2019

Jackjackdaw wrote:
19 Oct 2019
Reason looks like trash on my new Hd laptop!. What’s worse is that I installed my copy of Ableton Live Lite to check out the R11 demo with and Ableton looks awesome in Hd! The Reason rack is a blurry mess sitting on top of it. The upshot is that I have started poking around in Ableton and finding things I like very much like Midi Capture and the Simpler device and the nice preset macros in Instrument rack and a UI that plays nice on the small screen. So I downloaded the Live 10 suite trial and now I’m thinking about buying that more than I’m thinking about buying R11. This is not how it’s meant to go for you Reason Studios! I had my wallet open! :roll:
I recently upgraded to a new Windows 10 Gaming PC, with a HiDPI monitor 28 inch 4K. I wouldn't call it trash but yes they should work on improving this. It mainly looks a bit blurry compared to other apps. It looks somewhat tiny as well but I was expecting that coming from the Mac but it wasnt as tiny as I though it would be so that is a plus.

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21 Oct 2019

I genuinely expected a visual update in v10, and with it also absent in v11, I'm just going to forget about it until it actually drops and continue to use Reason in the fuzzy, slightly janky "Low Res" mode on Mac - because isn't that what Reason is all about? Workarounds.

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21 Oct 2019

Even in its current state with HD assets, the scrolling frame rate of the rack on my 5K retina display is pretty awful. It has to be less than 4 fps. Programs like Logic and Ableton Live or plugins in the vein of Fabfilter are buttery smooth, but they seem mostly vectorized or their screen elements are so minimal that it doesn't negatively impact the frame rate. A full Reason rack is pushing a *lot* of bitmap pixels. If this was a trivial issue to solve, I'm sure ReasonStudios would've done it by now.
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21 Oct 2019

They were too busy with Allihopa, then Europa Web, then ELK SDK, then fixing buffer size, then fixing bugs from the buffer size fix, then making the Rack Plugin, then fixing Rack Plugin bugs, now something else… (hopefully something we need).
Since it has been said the REs they make are outsourced, so what are their own C++ coders up to, makes you wonder?

During this other DAWs have forged ahead with ARA2 support, MPE support, VST3 support, Vocal align (Cubase), VST midi, integration of zPlane, 20-50 feature updates per year. Confusing strategy. Not all is bad, but really confusing on so many levels.
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22 Oct 2019

Boombastix wrote:
21 Oct 2019
Since it has been said the REs they make are outsourced, so what are their own C++ coders up to, makes you wonder?
I would say they've all been terminated now that Reason 11 is out. The investors can report a greater EOFY profit with less staff on the payroll. I guess their last hurrah was under the instruction of "quickly finish whatever's in progress, slap some lipstick on some old existing assets to make them look new & shiny, and don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out"

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