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17 Aug 2019

hurricane wrote:
16 Aug 2019
I don't get some of you guys. There's nothing wrong with using a second DAW.
I agree but I think the problem is that Reason has slipped down the ladder to become the second or third DAW of choice rather than the first thing people reach for. My two most recent efforts have seen Reason consigned to just being the thing I comp the vocals on. I couldn't have predicted that a couple of years ago. I didn't upgrade to R10 because I have no use for yet another synth. I can't see 'em catching up with all the features of modern DAWs in R11. At best they will add a few things in the right direction.

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17 Aug 2019

In my experience Reason has never ever been the defacto number 1 music production software for any studio. That has always been Logic, cubase, pro-tools etc. Reason is more like a super-charged OP-1, very cool, very powerful creative tool for the individual artist to express themselves with. It's always been the sideshow.

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17 Aug 2019

Last edited by DougalDarkly on 09 Jan 2020, edited 1 time in total.

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17 Aug 2019

Guys, why is it that everytime someone comes up to state his frustration in Reason, people come up and tell him "Why don't you use another DAW then?" I mean seriously this baffles me. In this case, why does a DAW have updates in the first place? I'll answer that, because we live in a world where everything evolves and progresses. For those who think Reason is good as it is, please stay out of the conversations of the ones who don't. Why are you shredding the thoughts of people who love Reason and want it to be better? It angers me those people who are reluctant to change and blame the user instead of understanding where the user is coming from.

I'm sorry to hit you with reality, but Reason today has MAJOR missing functionalities compared to the other DAWs in the market. I'm still using it because it has been my go-to DAW for more than a decade, and also, SIMPLY, because I love Reason! I genuinely want it to compete with the complete DAWs in the market. I mean c'mon guys, we are not asking for unrealistic functionalities. Why can't we live perform in Reason? And why did they make it seem like you can when Record was released? Is adding key commands and more functionalities to the sequencer that much unrealistic? Why in the other DAWs I just need to press SHIFT + UP on a note in the sequencer and it goes up one octave? And other cooler features like using the laptop keyboard to compose drums and melodies fluidly.. such simple commands yet you just have no idea how much it's helpful in modern music until you use it..

In regards to the comment saying "I'm frustrated because I am paying the platform" , I couldn't agree more with him. Some people are getting the best COMPLETE DAWs for free on torrent!! Don't let that be a taboo discussion, it's super important to understand this! They are not paying a cent and yet they have a full fledged DAW that is capable to do anything in the most efficient way possible! Reason users are constantly paying to get, just like what has been said here, HALF-ASSED FUNCTIONALITIES! WHY? Why do we have to be the victims of a DAW we gladly want to support and invest in, but in return it provides us with an unsatisfied feeling and a communication hierarchy where Props gives us blue balls for a year until they announce their release? It's really not fair, and I understand every person frustrated here.

Just stop it with "use another DAW then" and think before you write. You are inciting new and expressive users to look somewhere else. Instead, welcome the change. Just like all the sucessfull DAWs have done. They listened to their customers. Not the ones that bash! But the ones that suggest newer functionalities. We are all here because we love reason. We are stating the frustrations not because we don't know how to use the DAW. Like I said I've been using it for more than a decade and learnt other DAWs along the way. All the other DAWs have evolved and changed and here we are bashing users and unwelcome their thoughts because it's either you rock with the current reason version or you're out!
Last edited by owlymane on 17 Aug 2019, edited 2 times in total.

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17 Aug 2019

DougalDarkly wrote:
17 Aug 2019
Wires are weird? ........... Or weird like someone who thinks wires are weird?
That amused me a lot 😂, thanks

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17 Aug 2019

Luxuria wrote:
16 Aug 2019
So much of your guys attention has been Reason Compact 2.0. I understand that every program has to start somewhere, but on the matter of uniqueness. What Pheads has been promoting with Compact hasn't given much options to users. For instance, Rytmik seems like a step backwards in terms of not being able to sample load when you guys were promoting sampling loading as a cool new feature in Reason. From the Facebook reply, it was stated that because IOS doesn't support that feature, Rytmik also doesn't. Why willingly force yourself into a corner if you knew sample loading wouldn't be possible. So now you have everyone using the same samples for drums so everyone's percussion sounds the same. Then you've got Monotone and Europa which are limited to 1 instance per device on Mobile and you further limit the an artist from creating their own sound and separating themselves from everyone else who uses Compact. How are you addressing the issue that Compact is simply creating a "Compact sound" similar to the "Reason sound" stigma that was created due to overuse of Reason presets.
I'm not sure I agree with that much of our attention has been on Compact 2.0, we released several Rack Extension and point updates and worked on things I can't even talk about yet, but we did indeed release and talk about it this year. Reason Compact is, today, not meant to be an advanced, all-encompassing music making studio on your phone. Reason Compact is free and for anyone to get started making music on a mobile device, but with tools that actually sound good. Another important thing (and why we did Europa) is that you can learn a device and then when you want to "move up" to Reason, the same synth is there so you can use what you learned. You can read a bit more about Compact 2 here, I think Hanna sums it up well: https://www.propellerheads.com/blog/rea ... eflections
Luxuria wrote:
16 Aug 2019
My main concern is the core Reason program. I see the efforts in VST optimization with update 10.3 but beyond that I don't know where you guys are envisioning the program going. What do you guys want Reason to be in the next 5 years? Is it a sandbox of synths that are supported by simple recording features, is it a professional DAW you'd like to see more studio's have installed on engineer's desktops, is it none of those?
That's a very big, very strategic question and I don't think I can answer that in a satisfactory way. I don't believe music production is a completely one-platform, in-the-box activity though. I think people use plenty of tools in plenty of different ways and we'll continue to make software that fit in to that one way or the other. But if the question is "will Reason overtake ProTools as the most pro recording and mixing software?" then I can at least say that no, that's not the plan. We're still focused on the creative act of music making, that's in our DNA.
Luxuria wrote:
16 Aug 2019
When preparing major or even minor point updates, what determines how much of that user feedback is implemented? It seems that whenever you release a feature, there is always something not quite complete about it. Is it resource limitations such as staff or are you purposefully choosing to introduce things at a slow pace? For instance, the themes decision to omit the mixer from getting the blue/dark themes perplexes me. I'm sorry but you really let me down on the 10.2 workflow update. You add multi lane editing for MIDI but neglect audio and the rest of the features I can count on one hand. What gives? Other DAW's are competing to meet as many demands as their customers throw at them and you guys seem like your twiddling your thumbs trying to come up with what to add next. Please let us know if this is intentional or that you really are trying but the tasks aren't as easy to implement because no one can tackle Reason's old coding from 20 years ago.
You've phrased your question in a way that makes any answer I give seem really bad :lol: We always try to prioritize and find a good balance of new features, improvements, complexity, improving behind-the-scenes code and so on. Sometimes a feature is how it is on purpose to streamline it, sometimes we didn't have time to do one part of it.
Luxuria wrote:
16 Aug 2019
I hope you can realize that being so tight lipped is hurting your fans who want nothing more but the best for Propellerhead and Reason. I really love making music and mixing other people's projects on the side using Reason. I want to know that Propellerhead has the best interest in users both old and new. That every device is easy to learn but difficult to master. That every update is an attempt to touch base with as many user requests as possible and there is no delay in order to milk us slowly because sooner or later we will get sick of waiting and drop your platform altogether.
We always, always try to do what's in the best interest of users both old and new. We have nothing to gain by not doing that. It's worth repeating though that there are many different kinds of users, old and new. There are plenty of feature requests outside of this forum for example, sometimes they're the same and sometimes not. Additionally, I wouldn't want us to only meet feature requests as it'd mean little innovation, surprise or delight. Often we need to identify interesting technology that could lead to something cool (Parsec is an example when Peter Jubel had experimented with new additive algorithms) or observe user needs that might not be easy to articulate but that we can meet (Players is an example).

Hope these answers at least gave you some info! Now, back to the weekend, my apartment isn't gonna vacuum itself :cry:

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17 Aug 2019

MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019

if the question is "will Reason overtake ProTools as the most pro recording and mixing software?" then I can at least say that no, that's not the plan. We're still focused on the creative act of music making, that's in our DNA.
Well, at least you are honest. Thank you for the information. I'm personally looking to produce, mix and master under 1 software. Ableton, StudioOne and even FL Studio have mastered that today. I've had enough of this. I paid my ass off for "top-notch mix and mastering Rig REs" like you sold us. And now you announce your ambition is not to make Reason a pro recording and mixing software, neither to make it the best and most complete DAW in the market.

It's actually a relief to know this for me now. I guess it's time for a major change for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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17 Aug 2019

owlymane wrote:
17 Aug 2019
And now you announce your ambition is not to make Reason a pro recording and mixing software, neither to make it the best and most complete DAW in the market.
Come on man. Everybody knows a lot of other DAWs are more 'ahead' and feature complete than Reason... it's foolish to think that Reason would catch up and surpass them. Use Reason for it's strengths and fill in the gaps if you have to with other tools.

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17 Aug 2019

MannequinRaces wrote:
17 Aug 2019
owlymane wrote:
17 Aug 2019
And now you announce your ambition is not to make Reason a pro recording and mixing software, neither to make it the best and most complete DAW in the market.
Come on man. Everybody knows a lot of other DAWs are more 'ahead' and feature complete than Reason... it's foolish to think that Reason would catch up and surpass them. Use Reason for it's strengths and fill in the gaps if you have to with other tools.
I'd rather not bro. No need to waste my drive space and more money for several DAWs if I can have an all-in-one solution. I've asked people who fully use Ableton and they tell me they don't need anything else. Directly from DAW to music platforms. I'm more into that.

Nothing but love for Reason but my workflow and spirit have changed and are not on par with Reason's vision anymore.

UPDATE: And yes of course it's not the best DAW out there. But it has to have the ambition to be! At least that's what I put my money on from now.

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17 Aug 2019

owlymane wrote:
17 Aug 2019
MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019

if the question is "will Reason overtake ProTools as the most pro recording and mixing software?" then I can at least say that no, that's not the plan. We're still focused on the creative act of music making, that's in our DNA.
Well, at least you are honest. Thank you for the information. I'm personally looking to produce, mix and master under 1 software. Ableton, StudioOne and even FL Studio have mastered that today. I've had enough of this. I paid my ass off for "top-notch mix and mastering Rig REs" like you sold us. And now you announce your ambition is not to make Reason a pro recording and mixing software, neither to make it the best and most complete DAW in the market.

It's actually a relief to know this for me now. I guess it's time for a major change for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don't misunderstand me—you can absolutely record, produce, mix and master a fantastic album in Reason. Tons of people do, including myself and plenty of famous artists. I just said that our focus is not on overtaking ProTools as the de facto studio standard. That doesn't mean we're not professional or that Reason isn't used by professionals. We'll continue making it even better for all those tasks and to make Reason the best it can be, but our core ambition is not making Reason just like ProTools feature-wise. Ableton and FL doesn't do that either. Does that make more sense?

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17 Aug 2019

MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
owlymane wrote:
17 Aug 2019

Well, at least you are honest. Thank you for the information. I'm personally looking to produce, mix and master under 1 software. Ableton, StudioOne and even FL Studio have mastered that today. I've had enough of this. I paid my ass off for "top-notch mix and mastering Rig REs" like you sold us. And now you announce your ambition is not to make Reason a pro recording and mixing software, neither to make it the best and most complete DAW in the market.

It's actually a relief to know this for me now. I guess it's time for a major change for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Don't misunderstand me—you can absolutely record, produce, mix and master a fantastic album in Reason. Tons of people do, including myself and plenty of famous artists. I just said that our focus is not on overtaking ProTools as the de facto studio standard. That doesn't mean we're not professional or that Reason isn't used by professionals. We'll continue making it even better for all those tasks and to make Reason the best it can be, but our core ambition is not making Reason just like ProTools feature-wise. Ableton and FL doesn't do that either. Does that make more sense?
Yes it makes much more sense. Thank you for the clarification. You have to understand the frustration from my behalf. My intention is not to be a hater. I have invested my hard work in this software and I'm grateful for any clear and informative news you provide us about Reason's feature development. Don't see us only as consumers. We love the software as much as you do and any obstacle or doubt you come across just know we're in this together Matthias.

Much love and I commend you for being around here to give your ears and thoughts :thumbs_up:

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17 Aug 2019

owlymane wrote:
17 Aug 2019
MannequinRaces wrote:
17 Aug 2019

Come on man. Everybody knows a lot of other DAWs are more 'ahead' and feature complete than Reason... it's foolish to think that Reason would catch up and surpass them. Use Reason for it's strengths and fill in the gaps if you have to with other tools.
I'd rather not bro. No need to waste my drive space and more money for several DAWs if I can have an all-in-one solution. I've asked people who fully use Ableton and they tell me they don't need anything else. Directly from DAW to music platforms. I'm more into that.

Nothing but love for Reason but my workflow and spirit have changed and are not on par with Reason's vision anymore.

UPDATE: And yes of course it's not the best DAW out there. But it has to have the ambition to be! At least that's what I put my money on from now.
I agree. I’d rather stay in one DAW myself. And I do. Haven’t felt the need to use another DAW because Reason already has the tools I need to make music.

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17 Aug 2019

DougalDarkly wrote:
17 Aug 2019
Raveshaper wrote:
16 Aug 2019
People have invested in this platform in good faith
No they haven't - they bought software! Since when did you think you were buying the future version/s? Did you make your buying decision based on what you 'guess' might be features added later? Are you psychic or stupid? Come to think of it, you can't be psychic, because you didn't get what you wanted...
This is disingenuous. Unless you only ever make impulse purchases to dabble with and throw away, the process of buying software, learning it, and building skill with its tools absolutely is an investment into its future. All the more when you buy and learn add-ons within an ecosystem, such as Rack Extensions.

Let me ask you to do a little thought experiment: Imagine a company introduced a software package you were interested in, and then discontinued it. Would you still buy it, knowing it will never be updated, there will never be any bug fixes, and that it will only become less compatible as technology evolves?

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17 Aug 2019

boingy wrote:
15 Aug 2019
He's there to prepare the company for sale because venture capitalists need a return on their investment. That's all.
Sounds about right.
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17 Aug 2019

MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
Don't misunderstand me—you can absolutely record, produce, mix and master a fantastic album in Reason. Tons of people do, including myself and plenty of famous artists. I just said that our focus is not on overtaking ProTools as the de facto studio standard. That doesn't mean we're not professional or that Reason isn't used by professionals. We'll continue making it even better for all those tasks and to make Reason the best it can be, but our core ambition is not making Reason just like ProTools feature-wise. Ableton and FL doesn't do that either. Does that make more sense?
Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that PH does not fix simple glaring oversights, such as not having steptime input, a line tool, or cutting/pasting in the sampler.
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17 Aug 2019

fullforce wrote:
17 Aug 2019
MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
Don't misunderstand me—you can absolutely record, produce, mix and master a fantastic album in Reason. Tons of people do, including myself and plenty of famous artists. I just said that our focus is not on overtaking ProTools as the de facto studio standard. That doesn't mean we're not professional or that Reason isn't used by professionals. We'll continue making it even better for all those tasks and to make Reason the best it can be, but our core ambition is not making Reason just like ProTools feature-wise. Ableton and FL doesn't do that either. Does that make more sense?
Makes sense. What doesn't make sense is that PH does not fix simple glaring oversights, such as not having steptime input, a line tool, or cutting/pasting in the sampler.
Thanks for the feedback! To be clear, what do you mean when you say line tool? For automation or more like a marquee tool for audio?

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17 Aug 2019

I'll take this chance to make requests that I think everybody can agree on:

-A browser update for better folder and RE management, and an improved sample preview like ableton's (

- An improved sequencer with more tools and better UI (in terms of workflow and speed, key commands, zoom, focus, revisit all the editing tools and their interactions for faster editing) better automation (curved) and better interaction with the browser ( For ex: Drag audio samples directly from the browser to the music instrument in the sequencer (viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7512888))

It's in the details but it's life-improving.
Last edited by owlymane on 17 Aug 2019, edited 1 time in total.

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17 Aug 2019

They might add one thing on your list. MIGHT. But I bet you (most of Reasontalk) are going to be disappointed by R11. I guarantee we all will be in some way. And it's going to be extra hard this time to pay that $129 upgrade fee. Your financial investment in Reason is no joke - I get it. But in my opinion, your emotional investment in it is unhealthy. Some of you sound like you're in an abusive relationship with Reason. Maybe it's time to get out and start seeing other DAWS. I don't think you have the patience for Propellerhead's "baby-steps" approach anymore. I can already see the "Ok, That's it I'm Done With Reason" threads after R11 comes out. Let's face it, we know how Propellerhead do things. Do you REALLY think R11 is going to be any different???
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17 Aug 2019

hurricane wrote:
17 Aug 2019
They might add one thing on your list. MIGHT. But I bet you (most of Reasontalk) are going to be disappointed by R11. I guarantee we all will be in some way. And it's going to be extra hard this time to pay that $129 upgrade fee. Your financial investment in Reason is no joke - I get it. But in my opinion, your emotional investment in it is unhealthy. Some of you sound like you're in an abusive relationship with Reason. Maybe it's time to get out and start seeing other DAWS. I don't think you have the patience for Propellerhead's "baby-steps" approach anymore. I can already see the "Ok, That's it I'm Done With Reason" threads after R11 comes out. Let's face it, we know how Propellerhead do things. Do you REALLY think R11 is going to be any different???
Hahaha man Reason's my B$%#H :lol: :P

Joke aside. You might be right. But you know what? At least I did my best to express my frustrations and it is all for their best. It's up to then whether they want to position themselves as a credible company that grew with their fans or be the EA Games of the music industry.

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17 Aug 2019

Raveshaper wrote:
16 Aug 2019

And that's going to be the toughest damn thing for Niklas. I wish him well, and I hope he's capable of doing something about the following:
  • Learning this program involves discovery of limitation, rather than harnessing potential
  • User experience of this product is synonymous with lengthy bad practice work-arounds
  • They have had 20 years and some things still aren't fixed
  • The brand image is synonymous with broken, outdated things
  • The entire paradigm of the platform is an anachronism.
That's the final off-topic elephant in the room. Nobody is competing with Reason at doing what it does because users find that way of working confusing or counter intuitive. Wires in the computer? Why. That's weird. This dude Niklas somehow has to spin the positive of insisting on doing things differently like that -- in ways that are basically harder than patching a wire in real life -- and then modernize that same backward business model into finding new relevance without betraying its own dogma.

In short, Reason has to grow up and become contemporary, but it is defined by its 90's software vibe and "virtual museum of retro devices" identity. It can't do both, and seemingly won't do either.

Good luck, Niklas.
I'm relatively new to Reason, I didn't start using it until version 10.

I knew that I had to re-learn lotsa stuff when starting to use Reason, I use Studio One as my main "regular" DAW, and some things are implemented in a rather strange way in Reason, no doubt about it.

But, I've learned to appreciate the differences, it's like a splash of cold water in the face when you're really tired or a big espresso shot.
It forces me to think out of the regular "box" that most other DAWs have in common, and that makes me more creative.

I'm having more fun working in Reason than in any other DAW, even if things are sometimes clumsy.

I get the frustration, but nobody can please everyones needs, especially in cases like this.
As a software company with a rather unique product with a rather different / unorthodox approach to doing common things compared with most other DAWs, I feel that this is actually Reason's strength, not its weakness.

I appreciate the breath of fresh air when I open up Reason after working in Studio One for some time.
Sure, I wish that some things did work more like the more or less "standardized" DAW workflow, but I don't think that conformity to more standard workflows has ever been Propellerhead's goal, they've always been the strange kid on the block.
But, I like the kid.

I mean, if you want a more standard way of doing things like recording and editing audio there are plenty of cheap alternatives you can use for that part, and still enjoy all the fun ways you can work in Reason that simply isn't possible in any other DAW.
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17 Aug 2019

Personally, I am fully prepared to be disappointed with Reason 11. I wish things were different, but honestly I've just kind of given up hope. Or rather, I just don't have all my emotional eggs in one basket anymore. I'm just BLAH about Reason nowadays. Logic Pro X treats me better.

But whatever, I will most likely upgrade, HA.
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Without trying to sound like a fucking hippy I definitely won’t be disappointed with Reason 11 either way. I’ve got no expectations and there’s nothing more that I need or want as far as features go. That’s not to say I won’t buy it hahaha but disappointed...nope.
🗲 2ॐ ᛉ

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17 Aug 2019

I have been in talks with some incredibly important people and they are talking about removing features that make the rack look complicated to the new potential user. I have offered the slogan "Options complicate, simplicity is a soft warm blanket in a winter cabin." More can only lock the door but less is what Wes used to stay out of the joint and attain success.
To further that noble emphasis, I have suggested that they reduce knobs on the combinator from 4 to 2. Let us fearlessly toss backwards compatibility into the bin whilst exercising the Jokers scarred grin and give the user the ability to 'shrink device' (I loved micro machines as a tyke). Most daringly of all, lets challenge the antiquated 'the customer is always right' with the prematurely abandoned approach I am calling: remind the people who is GOD!
One person was happy with an idea that I presented ( this man looks like the late Wally George before he got plastic surgery) to create a list of things the company has no interest in changing going forward, to tame the self destructive imaginations of the user base. Unapologetic Dictatorship has been demonized and I know some girls who actually prefer it.
The new guy is interested in AI and I am all for doing highly gross/bizarre stuff with it inside reason, to ensure this daw will standout in the long run, despite the violent yet semi-temporary backlash.

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17 Aug 2019

chimp_spanner wrote:
16 Aug 2019
artotaku wrote:
16 Aug 2019

The cut down of employees could also partly be explained by the founding of Allihoopa, effectively moving some of the Propellerhead employees to the new company. If they didn´t made any profits with Allihoopa the wages of these employees had to be payed still. Assuming they made no profits with Allihoopa either there has been a new invest from outside investors or the Allihoopa employees have been cross-financed by Propellerhead. If this is true the increased profit may not be explained solely by reduced wages.
Totally unrelated but just been listening to your track "Critical Mass". <3 Smooth!!
Thanks. This was one of the tracks for the Expanse RE Synth challenge. I remember that at least in the Reason Eco-System Expanse has been a game-changer when introduced.

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17 Aug 2019

MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
I'm not sure I agree with that much of our attention has been on Compact 2.0, we released several Rack Extension and point updates and worked on things I can't even talk about yet, but we did indeed release and talk about it this year. Reason Compact is, today, not meant to be an advanced, all-encompassing music making studio on your phone. Reason Compact is free and for anyone to get started making music on a mobile device, but with tools that actually sound good. Another important thing (and why we did Europa) is that you can learn a device and then when you want to "move up" to Reason, the same synth is there so you can use what you learned. You can read a bit more about Compact 2 here, I think Hanna sums it up well: https://www.propellerheads.com/blog/rea ... eflections
Update 10.4, which is looking to be the last V10 update before you guys drop V11 was solely for Compact to be integrated! How is that not much of your attention? You could have added a few more workflow improvements as freebies instead of 2 new devices. I read the bit by Hanna when it was released. The decision to create an all new drum machine because Redrum's code wasn't worth porting was a misplay in my opinion. Then to say, "Well we can't include Umpf because it isn't free" was a weird way of saying "We don't know how to put a paywall on Umpf so lets start from scratch."

Reason didn't need yet another drum machine! You introduced Rytmik alongside the included and superior Redrum and the (exclusive) Umpf, for nothing more then to upsell Compact.
MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
That's a very big, very strategic question and I don't think I can answer that in a satisfactory way. I don't believe music production is a completely one-platform, in-the-box activity though. I think people use plenty of tools in plenty of different ways and we'll continue to make software that fit in to that one way or the other. But if the question is "will Reason overtake ProTools as the most pro recording and mixing software?" then I can at least say that no, that's not the plan. We're still focused on the creative act of music making, that's in our DNA.
Why are you promoting Reason as a one-platform, in the box activity then? In the What is Reason? video the opening lines are "An entire music studio" and "It’s instruments. It’s audio recording. It’s professional mixing tools and special devices to help you create more and better music than you ever have before." yet you're saying you don't believe in the philosophy of a one-plaform system? :?

You misunderstood my question. I don't want Reason to overtake Pro Tools. I want Reason to offer something special that studios notice engineers coming in asking if Reason is installed so they can load up some files. Like Rick Rubin back in the day showing Eminem Reason in the studio. I see Reason's strongest suit in sound design. The presets don't represent that at all and neither does the features to make sound design easier. The rack is still clunky with things like scrolling horizontally to move wires or mix tracks, and having to do 2 passes to route stereo lines. We don't have to be complete 1 to 1 conversion of analogue paradigm to digital. Why can't outputs have multiple line outs from one output instead of having to route a splitter? Sorry I'm getting side tracked.

I disagree that your software fits the idea that people can use it it in plenty of different ways. Reason is clearly pushing a way of doing things. There is very limited customization in how we can arrange the 3 main windows. One of the requests I saw that really impressed me was to be able to view the 3 windows vertically instead of the horizontal look that hides a lot of functionality. Another is the poor customization of the browser window. I can't choose to hide certain devices or condense only 1 device from one developer in the list. *Cough* sequencer customization *Cough*

MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
You've phrased your question in a way that makes any answer I give seem really bad :lol: We always try to prioritize and find a good balance of new features, improvements, complexity, improving behind-the-scenes code and so on. Sometimes a feature is how it is on purpose to streamline it, sometimes we didn't have time to do one part of it.
I'm sorry what? "Sometimes a feature is how it is on purpose to streamline it," What does that even mean? You said a lot there without saying anything at all.

I didn't phrase my question in any way to socialite a bad answer. I think your development lacks a rational answer you can give me. What was the good balance in leaving out the mixer from getting dark theme then? I'm not going to press you on the multi lane audio editing because it probably fall under "we didn't have time to do part of it"

MattiasHG wrote:
17 Aug 2019
We always, always try to do what's in the best interest of users both old and new. We have nothing to gain by not doing that. It's worth repeating though that there are many different kinds of users, old and new. There are plenty of feature requests outside of this forum for example, sometimes they're the same and sometimes not. Additionally, I wouldn't want us to only meet feature requests as it'd mean little innovation, surprise or delight. Often we need to identify interesting technology that could lead to something cool (Parsec is an example when Peter Jubel had experimented with new additive algorithms) or observe user needs that might not be easy to articulate but that we can meet (Players is an example).

Hope these answers at least gave you some info! Now, back to the weekend, my apartment isn't gonna vacuum itself :cry:
Look, I follow your Facebook posts and even read the comments more then I would like to in my off-time. I also keep up with Reasoners on Reddit and here on the forums. There aren't a lot of differences in opinion that others feel that I don't agree with. Old and new, we want to see big steps in progress not baby steps. Don't try to spin meeting feature requests to mean little innovation. Let your synth developers do what they are doing. They are making synths like Complex-01 that are met with positive criticism.

"User needs that might be easy to articulate but that we can meet" sounds like your trying to say that you are listening to non musicians who want to make music but don't know how to explain what they want to make. The approach you are taking remind me of the proverb "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."

Thanks for the reply but your comments dodged most of my topics and you didn't address any of my questions directly.

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