What features are REALLY necessary for Reason 11

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05 Aug 2018

This is just my opinion and many of the things I will mention will have been mentioned already but the OP said REALLY needed.

So with that in mind, for me personally, what's REALLY needed are things that improve workflow and make Reason a tidier more comfortable DAW to use. For me, these are:-

1) Being able to SYNC the browsers and Windows (Colouring, Labeling, Muting, Solo'ing and Order of devices) on the fly. And for browsers, maybe a SYNC button on each browser to go to the same patch destination as the opposing windows browser (Sequencer or Rack) but the advantage of on the fly would be to be able to hit the back button and the have the same patch / folder path remembered as it would be remembering each path click if that makes sense.

2) ALL parameters on all stock devices (and Re's for that matter) in the right readings including automation. Volume = dB, Frequency = Hz and Time = ms / secs. Everything else should be a percent but if that was left at 0-127 it wouldn't be a biggy for me as long as the others were sorted.

3) Time Markers (Stackable up to at least 8, think Logic is infinite) - So that you can not just use them to label the parts of the song but also use them for song analysis purposes (kick starts here, bass line begins etc) where multiple things can happen at once.

4) Ganged Faders on the Main Mixer (or maybe all mixers?).

5) A searchable and customisable Undo Events List and undo's upped to a 1000 (FL Studio can go up to 999). Being able to scroll through a list to a specific undo is such a handy feature. Searchable - search for say an undo on Thor, just type Thor into the search box and all undo's with Thor in the labelling will appear. Customisable - for me Reason undoes too much. If you could eliminate some undo's from being undone by unchecking a box from a list it would be great. As handy as it is to have EVRYTHING undoable on Reason, some things just waste undo's in my opinion such as Colouring, moving tracks, zooming or clicking into tracks etc. You can just do them manually. You want just (is it called destructive?) things to be undone. Things you can't fix yourself such as slicing audio parts, slider and parameter tweaks etc.

6) Cloning / Aliasing Clips (think that's the name) - Very very useful. It's one of my most loved things about FL Studio. You copy a clip on a track and it remembers the Colouring, the Labelling and ALL the midi information contained within that clip so if you have say 20 copied clips and then change any of those 3 aspects, all clips change and you don't have to delete and recopy and have to remember where they all were.

7) An updated more powerful midi editor. I have 30 features here but the most important ones are - Seeing which note you're pressing on your midi controller in the midi editor, being able to change to a different midi clip within the midi editor with a drop down menu, muting / un-muting notes, join notes on the same row together by boxing them with the mouse or ctrl clicking them and using a shortcut such as ctrl / j like you do with clips, slice by grid, nudging notes by seconds not just the snap, note displays, midi chase, colouring of individual notes, being able to adjust velocities with the pointer tool, clicking a note again with the pencil deletes it, a keyboard shortcut to send notes up and down an octave or to the beginning / end of the clip (maybe shift / ctrl back arrow / right arrow / up arrow or down arrow), ghost notes (editable - move them and lengthen / shorten them), remember last note length, clicking a different note length than the current one once will paste in that new note length next, holding right click down will change the tool in the midi editor to a new scrubber tool and you can scrub out notes quickly and easily with the mouse and Legato should extend the last note length to the end of the clip.

8) VST 3 support.

9) Optimisation for VST's.

10) 32 Bit VST's automatically bridged.

11) Scanning for newly installed VST's whilst Reason is still open and it alerts you to the new VST.

12) Multi-Out for VST's.

And things that weren't there from the start:-

13) Being able to open more than one Spectrum EQ at once so you can compare the frequency spectrum say between a Kick and Snare or Kick and a Bass Line.

14) Labelling the track automatically labels the clip within that track.

15) A Refresh button on all folders in the browser so if you add something to a folder when Reason is open, you don't need to click back out of the folder and back in, just click the refresh button at the top.

16) Show / Hide Automation with a keyboard shortcut.

17) A keyboard shortcut to put the End Marker at the end of the track, either it detects where the last sound on the last clip decays to nothing (which someone said isn't possible) or it detects the last clip and puts it 1 bar, 2 bars, 3 bars, 4 bars after it or so many seconds (selectable within the preferences).

18) Marker modes - 3 modes - 1 is the same as it is now, plays beyond the end marker and to infinity, 2 plays beyond the end marker but cuts off the sound at the end marker and 3 stops playing the track at the end marker.

19) More options for the fade in/out line on audio clips.

20) Auto crossfading of audio clips in the sequencer.

21) Punch In/Out for audio.

22) Tempo detect for audio.

23) Nudging audio by seconds, not just the snap.

24) Notes / Patterns / Loops to track for Re's.

25) Improving the resolution for different sized monitors.

26) More snap values - 128th note, 2 bar, 3 bar, 4 bar.

27) Notepad for lyrics and notes.

28) Not having to restart Reason all the time for things to apply too. I.e - themes, screenshots on VST's and as stated above, when you've installed a VST to access it.

29) Being able to scroll through patches (Malstrom is irritating) etc using the middle mouse wheel too.

They for me are the most important things needed. These things can't be worked around or seriously hinder your creativity to do so and take time. Bussing channels on the mixer instead of moving multiple faders isn't the same either. I can think off the top of my head right away 1 reason ganged faders is needed that bussing wouldn't fix. If you need to turn all the faders down to then bring up the levels of each instrument for mixing relationship purposes (which is a method some like to employ and also for the pink noise method) then you may need to bring down the levels of 20 channels before raising each slider, bussing wouldn't work in these scenarios, not to mention how untidy it makes your mixer look with loads of bussed channels with red faders.


Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6
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05 Aug 2018

Loque wrote:
21 Jun 2018
Massiv sequencer enhancements, sample editing, Combinator and modular improvements.

And seriously not more content.
Yes, please!! I was so looking forward to that in version 10, but that's not what happened. I really hope that props will pay attention to us and improve the things that seasoned user's are highlighting. Hopefully this won't be a 10 year deal like vst support.

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05 Aug 2018

Personally I don't have a long list. I use Reason because I like the way it works, all FAWs have their quirks. Anyway:

Improved performance of course, including improved graphics performance (might only be a Mac thing but I love the way Logic performs graphically as a contrast).

Better browser, maybe with some sort of indexing so it doesn't have to search from scratch every time? And remembering the last position in the browser as well. Sometimes I'll be browsing a folder, click on a Favourites tab, then want to go back to where I was in the first folder but they're all collapsed. That's a bit annoying.

Everything else is really icing. I can make songs so fast in Reason even without things like bezier curves for example. I draw em in about as fast as I can in Logic with the tool.

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06 Aug 2018

I don't care what features are added. All Reason needs is a performance upgrade. It is SO SLOW and struggles to run just a handful of VST's that other DAW's eat up without hiccup. Even on latest hardware.


06 Aug 2018

I can live without high-DPI GUI, alias clips, multi-clip editing, track folders, missing keyboard shortucts, etc. but really at this very moment I'd give everything for easy track freezing.

I can't finish the tune I'm currently working on, because adding anything causes it to glitch & pop (already at the highest buffer, low bit-rate, etc.) and I'm not ready to commit & bounce the stuff that's already there and even if I would, the process is very convoluted if you're using Reason's strengths (parallel tracks, inter-channel CV modulations, automated sends & inserts, etc...)

Ugh! :(

two shoes
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06 Aug 2018

(13) Being able to open more than one Spectrum EQ at once so you can compare the frequency spectrum say between a Kick and Snare or Kick and a Bass Line.
In the meantime the Optic RE, made by static cling iirc, is for exactly this - it's just a multi spectrum display with eight color coded stereo inputs on the back so you can view multiple spectrum signals overlayed on top of one another.

One of the things I like about the SSL mixer channel EQs is that they encourage you to listen (and mix) with your ears rather than your eyes like so many of the newer eye candy plugins, but I agree that this is a very useful feature to have.

two shoes
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06 Aug 2018

Zac wrote:
04 Aug 2018
My main one would be midi based vsts.. harmonisers, chord things etc.
THIS. THIS, THIS, THIS - it's this is the one missing feature forcing me to use multiple hosts instead of migrating wholeheartedly to Reason.

Composition aids like the Captain series, Instachord, etc have completely changed the way me and lots of other musicians without formal training or deep knowledge of music theory make music. I'd go so far as to say they're one of the most important trends in music software over the past 12-18 months and Reason is completely cut off from this stuff because it doesn't do VST midi output. This kind of plugin has become an essential feature of the way I make music and not adding it is pretty much the only way Pheads could lose me as a long term customer.

When I fire up Reason 11 I need to see a midi out plug on the back of the VST wrapper and a new player device to connect it to - now that we're doing the whole Players/midi thing what possible justification could there be to not do this? If it isn't in Reason 11 ima cry.

In addition to the now essential composition aid type plugin we could then use real-time dynamic playalong stuff like Jamstix to trigger and interact with all the Reason rack drum goodies - how cool would that be? Midi out for VSTs is an absolute must!!!

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07 Aug 2018

Creativemind wrote:
05 Aug 2018
This is just my opinion and many of the things I will mention will have been mentioned already but the OP said REALLY needed.

So with that in mind, for me personally, what's REALLY needed are things that improve workflow and make Reason a tidier more comfortable DAW to use. For me, these are:-

1) Being able to SYNC the browsers and Windows (Colouring, Labeling, Muting, Solo'ing and Order of devices) on the fly. And for browsers, maybe a SYNC button on each browser to go to the same patch destination as the opposing windows browser (Sequencer or Rack) but the advantage of on the fly would be to be able to hit the back button and the have the same patch / folder path remembered as it would be remembering each path click if that makes sense.

2) ALL parameters on all stock devices (and Re's for that matter) in the right readings including automation. Volume = dB, Frequency = Hz and Time = ms / secs. Everything else should be a percent but if that was left at 0-127 it wouldn't be a biggy for me as long as the others were sorted.

3) Time Markers (Stackable up to at least 8, think Logic is infinite) - So that you can not just use them to label the parts of the song but also use them for song analysis purposes (kick starts here, bass line begins etc) where multiple things can happen at once.

4) Ganged Faders on the Main Mixer (or maybe all mixers?).

5) A searchable and customisable Undo Events List and undo's upped to a 1000 (FL Studio can go up to 999). Being able to scroll through a list to a specific undo is such a handy feature. Searchable - search for say an undo on Thor, just type Thor into the search box and all undo's with Thor in the labelling will appear. Customisable - for me Reason undoes too much. If you could eliminate some undo's from being undone by unchecking a box from a list it would be great. As handy as it is to have EVRYTHING undoable on Reason, some things just waste undo's in my opinion such as Colouring, moving tracks, zooming or clicking into tracks etc. You can just do them manually. You want just (is it called destructive?) things to be undone. Things you can't fix yourself such as slicing audio parts, slider and parameter tweaks etc.

6) Cloning / Aliasing Clips (think that's the name) - Very very useful. It's one of my most loved things about FL Studio. You copy a clip on a track and it remembers the Colouring, the Labelling and ALL the midi information contained within that clip so if you have say 20 copied clips and then change any of those 3 aspects, all clips change and you don't have to delete and recopy and have to remember where they all were.

7) An updated more powerful midi editor. I have 30 features here but the most important ones are - Seeing which note you're pressing on your midi controller in the midi editor, being able to change to a different midi clip within the midi editor with a drop down menu, muting / un-muting notes, join notes on the same row together by boxing them with the mouse or ctrl clicking them and using a shortcut such as ctrl / j like you do with clips, slice by grid, nudging notes by seconds not just the snap, note displays, midi chase, colouring of individual notes, being able to adjust velocities with the pointer tool, clicking a note again with the pencil deletes it, a keyboard shortcut to send notes up and down an octave or to the beginning / end of the clip (maybe shift / ctrl back arrow / right arrow / up arrow or down arrow), ghost notes (editable - move them and lengthen / shorten them), remember last note length, clicking a different note length than the current one once will paste in that new note length next, holding right click down will change the tool in the midi editor to a new scrubber tool and you can scrub out notes quickly and easily with the mouse and Legato should extend the last note length to the end of the clip.

8) VST 3 support.

9) Optimisation for VST's.

10) 32 Bit VST's automatically bridged.

11) Scanning for newly installed VST's whilst Reason is still open and it alerts you to the new VST.

12) Multi-Out for VST's.

And things that weren't there from the start:-

13) Being able to open more than one Spectrum EQ at once so you can compare the frequency spectrum say between a Kick and Snare or Kick and a Bass Line.

14) Labelling the track automatically labels the clip within that track.

15) A Refresh button on all folders in the browser so if you add something to a folder when Reason is open, you don't need to click back out of the folder and back in, just click the refresh button at the top.

16) Show / Hide Automation with a keyboard shortcut.

17) A keyboard shortcut to put the End Marker at the end of the track, either it detects where the last sound on the last clip decays to nothing (which someone said isn't possible) or it detects the last clip and puts it 1 bar, 2 bars, 3 bars, 4 bars after it or so many seconds (selectable within the preferences).

18) Marker modes - 3 modes - 1 is the same as it is now, plays beyond the end marker and to infinity, 2 plays beyond the end marker but cuts off the sound at the end marker and 3 stops playing the track at the end marker.

19) More options for the fade in/out line on audio clips.

20) Auto crossfading of audio clips in the sequencer.

21) Punch In/Out for audio.

22) Tempo detect for audio.

23) Nudging audio by seconds, not just the snap.

24) Notes / Patterns / Loops to track for Re's.

25) Improving the resolution for different sized monitors.

26) More snap values - 128th note, 2 bar, 3 bar, 4 bar.

27) Notepad for lyrics and notes.

28) Not having to restart Reason all the time for things to apply too. I.e - themes, screenshots on VST's and as stated above, when you've installed a VST to access it.

29) Being able to scroll through patches (Malstrom is irritating) etc using the middle mouse wheel too.

They for me are the most important things needed. These things can't be worked around or seriously hinder your creativity to do so and take time. Bussing channels on the mixer instead of moving multiple faders isn't the same either. I can think off the top of my head right away 1 reason ganged faders is needed that bussing wouldn't fix. If you need to turn all the faders down to then bring up the levels of each instrument for mixing relationship purposes (which is a method some like to employ and also for the pink noise method) then you may need to bring down the levels of 20 channels before raising each slider, bussing wouldn't work in these scenarios, not to mention how untidy it makes your mixer look with loads of bussed channels with red faders.

This is a GREAT list! :thumbs_up:

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08 Aug 2018

1. Something I am asking for many years and it is (probably) simple to implement.....TYPE IN VALUES !!!
2. Overall update of the sequencer and piano roll (Take notes from FL Studio)
3. Automation curves
4. High resolution monitor support (it's blurry right now)
5. Mclass devices desperately need an upgrade
6. Video support

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08 Aug 2018

( MPE ) MIDI Polyphonic Expression (MPE) Support would be nice.

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08 Aug 2018

Work on several projects on the same internet project, collaborative music, it would be enough to organize in advance concerning the RE to use and to have the same version of Reason

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08 Aug 2018

WillyOD wrote:
04 Aug 2018
It may be a long and "scary" list, but let's consider why that is?

Because Props haven't implemented ~90% of the requested user features and the list keeps on growing...

(Also, some of the requested features are quite simple to develop and test; making the list less scary as it seems)

Makke's post above is just about perfect. I don't need another Refill in a Sampler form. I want CORE software FEATURES. I understand that Props wants to make money and they've got wages to pay, but I think customer satisfaction should be way up there, almost on the top of their priorities. It does not feel that way and has not felt like it in a long while.

I feel like I'm repeating myself every six months so this is my last post EVER complaining about Propellerheads. But I sure hope your company gets it shit together someday in the near future. I know I've done my part in supporting you financially (Record, Balance [another cool looking hardware with shit drivers and support, great only for BSODing any Windows], Reason and its many, many PAID updates, Refills and too many Rack Extensions).

Check out Reaper's changelog and you can see how a proper development should be done. They've added features and crushed bugs like I've never seen before. And they've done this constantly over the years.

Have a nice day, y'all!
Thinking about not spending one more dollar until they get this performance issue solved. It is useless they give us more instruments and samples if you can't use them and finish a project that sounds professional. Really don't want to switch to another DAW, but if they don't solve this I'm going to start investing my money in Reaper.

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08 Aug 2018

I dont know if someone said this before but I would like Reason continue download REs from shop without start over from zero every time download fail.

And better cpu usage, freeze, track folders, dark theme for mixer, zoom everything...

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11 Aug 2018

Makis wrote:
08 Aug 2018
1. Something I am asking for many years and it is (probably) simple to implement.....TYPE IN VALUES !!!
2. Overall update of the sequencer and piano roll (Take notes from FL Studio)
3. Automation curves
4. High resolution monitor support (it's blurry right now)
5. Mclass devices desperately need an upgrade
6. Video support
Yes to number 1. It was on my list previous in this thread. I also hope that if they do implement this feature (Manual Parameter Inputs) that they don't also leave out the ability to Copy and Paste Parameter Values from one parameter to another. I envisaged at first, this could be implemented by right clicking said parameter and then what comes up is the automation and control / over-ride mapping box isn't it. So I thought, "Copy Parameter Value" could be included in there. Then after thinking about further, I though that seemed like it was in the wrong place. I have a better idea, just double clicking the parameter could bring the parameter value up and highlighted ready to type in the parameter value but also you could, instead of typing in a new value, just do ctrl or command c to copy the value, then just go to the other parameter and double click it to highlight the value ready to type and just do ctrl v to paste it in. Voila!

Yes to number 2. I have previously mentioned too.

Also, 5, I've always thought that the M-Class Compressor could do with a visual display to show you how you're compressing the signal. Something like how Logics compressor shows a box with the line in it.

I agree with 6, that Reason would be awesome with Video Sync / Support but there's too many other things that need addressing first. Get the audio and workflow sussed first before adding another format entirely. So for me, not till Reason 12 or 13 for that.
Logic Compressor.PNG
Logic Compressor.PNG (32.98 KiB) Viewed 2810 times

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6
http://soundcloud.com/creativemind75/iv ... soul-mix-3

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13 Aug 2018

Creativemind wrote:
05 Aug 2018
This is just my opinion and many of the things I will mention will have been mentioned already but the OP said REALLY needed.

So with that in mind, for me personally, what's REALLY needed are things that improve workflow and make Reason a tidier more comfortable DAW to use. For me, these are:-

1) Being able to SYNC the browsers and Windows (Colouring, Labeling, Muting, Solo'ing and Order of devices) on the fly. And for browsers, maybe a SYNC button on each browser to go to the same patch destination as the opposing windows browser (Sequencer or Rack) but the advantage of on the fly would be to be able to hit the back button and the have the same patch / folder path remembered as it would be remembering each path click if that makes sense.

2) ALL parameters on all stock devices (and Re's for that matter) in the right readings including automation. Volume = dB, Frequency = Hz and Time = ms / secs. Everything else should be a percent but if that was left at 0-127 it wouldn't be a biggy for me as long as the others were sorted.

3) Time Markers (Stackable up to at least 8, think Logic is infinite) - So that you can not just use them to label the parts of the song but also use them for song analysis purposes (kick starts here, bass line begins etc) where multiple things can happen at once.

4) Ganged Faders on the Main Mixer (or maybe all mixers?).

5) A searchable and customisable Undo Events List and undo's upped to a 1000 (FL Studio can go up to 999). Being able to scroll through a list to a specific undo is such a handy feature. Searchable - search for say an undo on Thor, just type Thor into the search box and all undo's with Thor in the labelling will appear. Customisable - for me Reason undoes too much. If you could eliminate some undo's from being undone by unchecking a box from a list it would be great. As handy as it is to have EVRYTHING undoable on Reason, some things just waste undo's in my opinion such as Colouring, moving tracks, zooming or clicking into tracks etc. You can just do them manually. You want just (is it called destructive?) things to be undone. Things you can't fix yourself such as slicing audio parts, slider and parameter tweaks etc.

6) Cloning / Aliasing Clips (think that's the name) - Very very useful. It's one of my most loved things about FL Studio. You copy a clip on a track and it remembers the Colouring, the Labelling and ALL the midi information contained within that clip so if you have say 20 copied clips and then change any of those 3 aspects, all clips change and you don't have to delete and recopy and have to remember where they all were.

7) An updated more powerful midi editor. I have 30 features here but the most important ones are - Seeing which note you're pressing on your midi controller in the midi editor, being able to change to a different midi clip within the midi editor with a drop down menu, muting / un-muting notes, join notes on the same row together by boxing them with the mouse or ctrl clicking them and using a shortcut such as ctrl / j like you do with clips, slice by grid, nudging notes by seconds not just the snap, note displays, midi chase, colouring of individual notes, being able to adjust velocities with the pointer tool, clicking a note again with the pencil deletes it, a keyboard shortcut to send notes up and down an octave or to the beginning / end of the clip (maybe shift / ctrl back arrow / right arrow / up arrow or down arrow), ghost notes (editable - move them and lengthen / shorten them), remember last note length, clicking a different note length than the current one once will paste in that new note length next, holding right click down will change the tool in the midi editor to a new scrubber tool and you can scrub out notes quickly and easily with the mouse and Legato should extend the last note length to the end of the clip.

8) VST 3 support.

9) Optimisation for VST's.

10) 32 Bit VST's automatically bridged.

11) Scanning for newly installed VST's whilst Reason is still open and it alerts you to the new VST.

12) Multi-Out for VST's.

And things that weren't there from the start:-

13) Being able to open more than one Spectrum EQ at once so you can compare the frequency spectrum say between a Kick and Snare or Kick and a Bass Line.

14) Labelling the track automatically labels the clip within that track.

15) A Refresh button on all folders in the browser so if you add something to a folder when Reason is open, you don't need to click back out of the folder and back in, just click the refresh button at the top.

16) Show / Hide Automation with a keyboard shortcut.

17) A keyboard shortcut to put the End Marker at the end of the track, either it detects where the last sound on the last clip decays to nothing (which someone said isn't possible) or it detects the last clip and puts it 1 bar, 2 bars, 3 bars, 4 bars after it or so many seconds (selectable within the preferences).

18) Marker modes - 3 modes - 1 is the same as it is now, plays beyond the end marker and to infinity, 2 plays beyond the end marker but cuts off the sound at the end marker and 3 stops playing the track at the end marker.

19) More options for the fade in/out line on audio clips.

20) Auto crossfading of audio clips in the sequencer.

21) Punch In/Out for audio.

22) Tempo detect for audio.

23) Nudging audio by seconds, not just the snap.

24) Notes / Patterns / Loops to track for Re's.

25) Improving the resolution for different sized monitors.

26) More snap values - 128th note, 2 bar, 3 bar, 4 bar.

27) Notepad for lyrics and notes.

28) Not having to restart Reason all the time for things to apply too. I.e - themes, screenshots on VST's and as stated above, when you've installed a VST to access it.

29) Being able to scroll through patches (Malstrom is irritating) etc using the middle mouse wheel too.

They for me are the most important things needed. These things can't be worked around or seriously hinder your creativity to do so and take time. Bussing channels on the mixer instead of moving multiple faders isn't the same either. I can think off the top of my head right away 1 reason ganged faders is needed that bussing wouldn't fix. If you need to turn all the faders down to then bring up the levels of each instrument for mixing relationship purposes (which is a method some like to employ and also for the pink noise method) then you may need to bring down the levels of 20 channels before raising each slider, bussing wouldn't work in these scenarios, not to mention how untidy it makes your mixer look with loads of bussed channels with red faders.

I dream of Reason being like this one day. Great suggestions.

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14 Aug 2018

Video support and I would be the happiest person in the world.

Like my comment if you cry errytime you hear this story :'(

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14 Aug 2018

I wish Propellerhead would implement a two factor log in. A thread the other day reminded me that I've spent quite a lot on this hobby of mine, so I'd like my licenses to be extra safe. It may be unlikely, but just the thought of losing my account to a horrible internet thief...
:reason: 12, Win10

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16 Aug 2018

Adabler wrote:
14 Aug 2018
I wish Propellerhead would implement a two factor log in. A thread the other day reminded me that I've spent quite a lot on this hobby of mine, so I'd like my licenses to be extra safe. It may be unlikely, but just the thought of losing my account to a horrible internet thief...
Given the title of the thread -- do you really think this is a necessary feature?

I feel that threads like this dilute the message. Every one starts listing a laundry list of features that would be completely irrelevant to most other users. Props can just look and say ok obviously these people do not know what they want. Scan for vsts while program is open instead of closing and starting again? 2-factor log in? :roll:

All of these things are second or third order. First order is: Improve performance, make it usable by someone with normal eyesight, improve workflow to be similar to comparable DAWs. We can talk about 2-factor authentication and other features once these basic things are taken care of.

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16 Aug 2018

daisky wrote:
16 Aug 2018
Given the title of the thread -- do you really think this is a necessary feature?
First order is: Improve performance, make it usable by someone with normal eyesight, improve workflow to be similar to comparable DAWs. We can talk about 2-factor authentication and other features once these basic things are taken care of.
Yes, I do. Also, people often start talking about two factor authentication after something terrible has happened. I also assume that the propshop and account back end stuff is not developed by the same people working on the actual program, but that might be wrong. :)
:reason: 12, Win10


16 Aug 2018

Adabler wrote:
14 Aug 2018
I wish Propellerhead would implement a two factor log in. A thread the other day reminded me that I've spent quite a lot on this hobby of mine, so I'd like my licenses to be extra safe. It may be unlikely, but just the thought of losing my account to a horrible internet thief...
How is two-factor authentication of the web shop in any way related to 'What features are REALLY necessary for Reason 11'?

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17 Aug 2018

Undistraction wrote:
16 Aug 2018
How is two-factor authentication of the web shop in any way related to 'What features are REALLY necessary for Reason 11'?
They both use the same log in.
:reason: 12, Win10

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17 Aug 2018

Agree with most suggestions on here, particularly those related to the sequencer which I believe must be focused on. If I could only choose two options they would be:

1. Grouping and folding tracks in all three sections of the program.

2. Automation overhaul. ( I'd particularly like to be able to draw automation directly onto the sequencer track and have only one track per instrument with a dropdown menu. )

These are the two I feel would help most on a daily basis. Although I would love to see a lot more, I'm trying not to be greedy!

Another much smaller request I have that I hope would be easier to implement but would have a huge impact on my workflow is "Select all between locators" or "Select all... " and manually type the coordinates. I can't stress enough how much this would help while arranging large projects.

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17 Aug 2018

multiple MIDI clock out
Reason 12 ,gear4 music sdp3 stage piano .nektar gxp 88,behringer umc1800 .line6 spider4 30
hear scince reason 2.5

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17 Aug 2018

1- A better audio editing workflow
2- The option to import data from another session (Mixer tracks,midi tracks,instruments,etc)
3- Improve the audio engine

I guess this features are what i miss the most.

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17 Aug 2018

Thinking about not spending one more dollar until they get this performance issue solved. It is useless they give us more instruments and samples if you can't use them and finish a project that sounds professional. Really don't want to switch to another DAW, but if they don't solve this I'm going to start investing my money in Reaper.

That is exactly my opinion!

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