About to Buy Logic, Please Talk Me into Reason 9 Instead

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30 Jul 2016

According to the title, I assume you´ve already made your decision. But I agree with all the ones, who suggest to demo every DAW your interested in.
:?: The question is - Who cares :?:

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30 Jul 2016

I would go with LOGIC:
You'll have more features to explore.
You will grow with the software over time because you will be in discovery more, workflow improvements that plays a major part in creating Music.
More powerful 3rd party instrument from some of the best developers the world has to offer to date (yes there are very good developers on the RE side also, but in my opinion breakthrough Audio Tech are designed standalone or with VST, AU, AAX in Mind)

I haven't tried LOGIC my self, but I can Imagine that it's a smart DAW , because in my opinion I find S1 a much smarted DAW then REASON IN SOME ASPECTS. I wanted to buy REASON 9 just for the scale and chord then totally by accident I discovered that S1 already had a chord device, not as sexy as the one from Props...but it gets the job done...and if I want something a little more user friendly (again not as sexy as The one from Prop) I found this little device which offers more then the one from Studio One: http://www.codefn42.com/chordz/index.html
and the best part it's that it's *FREE*
It saved me $129 not good for Propellerhead but perfect for me!

It's very strange to me when people complained that they had too many VST installed.... and so they couldn't get any work done. I wasn't interested at S1 because of access to VST's...I wanted a better,smarter and more modern workflow experience, Vst's are a bonus...so far I got Sonic Academy Kick..which I can't live without, haven't used a kick from a sample pack for the longest. Reveal Sound SPIRE...my bread an Butter Synth right now...it's on sale for 20% less right now.
and thanks to a post on these forums I just bought Xpand2 from Air Music, with over 2,000 presets which sound freaking fantastic and almost 2GB of sounds for .99 cent ! :o

The list of why I'm using Studio One is way too long for me to post, but they boil down to better,faster,smarter,modern DAW workflow. In my opinion
Last edited by pjeudy on 08 Aug 2016, edited 1 time in total.
My opinion is that Propellerhead REASON needs a complete rewrite!
P.S: people should stop saying "No it won't happen" when referring to a complete rewrite of REASON. I have 3 letters for ya....VST
Mon Dec 11, 2017 1:53 pm

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30 Jul 2016

If you already have experience with sound I would say get both and ReWire reason into logic. If You do not have experience I would say get Reason if you can learn reason it will teach you the basics of routing audio in a way that is not unlike the way it works in real life. It will also teach you how to use any DAW.
It is not too much of an ask for people or things to be the best version of itself!

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30 Jul 2016

I switched from Logic to Reason long ago when Apple bought it and killed the Windows version. There were a few things I didn't like about Logic, but the main thing was VST technology. It really bugs me when Windows pop-up in front of what I am doing. I also never liked how different VST's from different manufacturer's would have drastically different user interfaces. In Reason everything fits neatly into the Rack like you'd see in a, uh.. um.. studio.

Since jumping to Reason I never turned back. They are both extremely capable but with much different roots. I'd say Reason has a true learning curve that will force an audio education upon you if you can get past it. I'd also consider some of the other leading DAW's before choosing Logic, such as Studio One, Bitwig, and Ableton. Reaper is also no joke with a low price tag. They all get 'er done. I can easily recommend Reason for being professional, great sounding, and extremely creative. If you can learn the basics, the routing, and the SSL, you can still say you've only scratched the surface. CV is always waiting there for a rainy day. Reason 9 might offer the best possible value of any DAW for its price tag, considering the new pitch technologies being built-in.

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30 Jul 2016

I have both and there are things both bring to the table, however Logic is great on some compositions I just cannot do such as film and video timing issues. I am sure there must be a way in Reason in some work around but Logic has it in their program. Lastly most times Logic is in my opinion respected as a rival to Protools. Not that Reason quality as good but some plugins like Waves, UA, and others are not available within Reason. Still If you are new to recording Reason Is the best learning tool on the market. Their RE's are great but are not the same as some plugins but are good, and can be wired like in a real hardware studio. So I would say; get both.
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31 Jul 2016

If money allows, both. I know that's a cop out answer but I have Cubase 8.5 and Reason 9 and my usage is basically split right down the middle. For experimentation, sound design and flexibility nothing touches Reason (IMO). As someone mentioned earlier clip based automation is one of its most powerful, if understated, features. And there's a lot of stuff I do using that that I couldn't with Cubase.

However, when it comes to realism of sound (Kontakt instruments, amp sims, acoustic drums) then I have to work in Cubase, for now. Maybe this will change in future. I also find conventional writing a little easier in Cubase, and obviously the same will hold true for logic as well.

So yeah, basically, two very different tools for different jobs. I love them both, and I'm sure you will too!

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31 Jul 2016

Stock Music Musician wrote:Both are good, but I'd say that Logic (like Pro Tools) is slightly more for engineers who want to record musicians, whereas Reason (like Abelton, Fruity Loops, Maschine) is more of an instrument for musicians.
I'd tend to disagree with this, at least for me. Right now I'm recording my band solely in Reason and the process has been about as painless as it can get for someone who has never tried this large scale type of project before (especially running 10 mics on a drum kit). From my perspective the ease of creating adaptive click tracks with tempo and time signature changes has made it wholeheartedly worth while.

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31 Jul 2016

I like Reason because the "plugins" or Rack Extensions, as they call it, are less expensive than VST's or AU's. For me, it inspires more creativity. The sequencer is very limited though, but I know it will be improved in the near future.

I also work with Reaper, which has a ton more workflow enhancements, and customization functionality, but I find myself wanting to write songs in Reason more, because of the fun factor.

The addition of Pitch edit mode, the new players (with send notes to track functionality), are the huge new improvements that made me update from 7 to 9.

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01 Aug 2016

Someone mentioned Waves Vocal Rider.. That thing is perfect. Reason needs something that can do that. Leveller maybe the closest sort of..

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01 Aug 2016

JerrelTheKing wrote:Someone mentioned Waves Vocal Rider.. That thing is perfect. Reason needs something that can do that. Leveller maybe the closest sort of..
I've read so many mixed reviews of Vocal Rider. Many say it's good for VO but not as much for music. Many say they spend so much time tweaking it they may as well ride the vocal themselves as they've done for years. I would guess the main appeal would be for folks who don't know how to mix a vocal to a track and need help doing so, but still - you HAVE to know whether it's doing the job you want or not and the only way to know is to listen and train your ear. And at $250 + you've got to really NEED this thing for vocals, as that's all it's good for.

Still, the concept is basically sound, and the underlying technology is bound to improve over the the years I would think. Like Autotune before it, someone is bound to "overuse" it and possibly create a "sound" that many will hate and others will love. And like Autotune, someone else will eventually come along with better technology (Melodyne) that will likely go well beyond the original. Stay tuned, things are starting to get interesting! ;)
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01 Aug 2016

The way this question is phrased, I think the OP is worried about buying into Logic and then regretting it, the grass looking greener on the other side. I can say this much: You’ll always see something on the other side you wish your DAW of choice had. But if you choose either Logic or Reason (both excellent choices) and just concentrate on making the most of the tool you go with, you’ll be happy and you’ll love making music.

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06 Aug 2016

Thanks so much, guys! Lots to think about here. I love the potential
of Reason (esp. Thor), but Logic's price might win the day. I'll let you know what I decide!

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06 Aug 2016

YOu DARE utter that word in this forum? Someone get a rope! j/k

I got into Reason in v. 4 and have loved it ever since.... The day I fell in love with it was when we played LIVE..a full band...using the mixer and effects for live performance....I was blown away it could do that...with a little latency, but nobody complained. Best sounding live gig we ever had.

Credit to the Tascam US-1800 for the hookups too
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06 Aug 2016

Ahornberg wrote:If Logic can do Rewire, then buy both.
Very good answer. To me it's should I buy apples or go with oranges. The reality is Logic is so far superior than Reason in so many ways. Sometimes that can be a bad way to choose. Things like workflow, genres, GUI and licensing can be a factor. If you want to do film scoring Reason would be the last choice. As for Reason I can install it on every machine in the house and still use it by logging in. I'm big on authorization schemes. I don't use Cubase or Pro Tools. I don't use Logic because I don't have a Mac.

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06 Aug 2016

Honestly, I can't go one without the other - it feels as tho I'm living a digital Polyamorous lifestyle...lol! When I'm with one and everything is going good, it's still not 100% - I miss the other too. 3 somes via rewire make life very enjoyable. Especially when you utilize the multi output, therefore using my computers full cores. But hey thats just me

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07 Aug 2016

I don't like Apple as a company in general. They aren't offering you anything (both soft/hardware) special that another company wouldn't give to you. The only perks of Logic is that it's really cheap. Too cheap, but then again you paid lots and lots of money for a machine with lower specs than your average competitor (not that I'm liking Windows, but it's a scenario of pick your poison, but I digress)...

Choosing for Reason is picking a smart alternative to create music. It allows you to make music really quickly or go nuts on sounddesign as far as you please. I don't feel you can compare both pieces of software. Bitwig would be more close in that aspect to Reason than Logic. Logic is better for mixing/mastering (very good tools in the box I have to admit).

EDIT: something offtopic, I'm really liking the build quality of the macbooks tho. They far exceed in quality than other laptop builders imo. I'm still awaiting their Macbook pro 2016 update. :|

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07 Aug 2016

Skullture wrote:EDIT: something offtopic, I'm really liking the build quality of the macbooks tho. They far exceed in quality than other laptop builders imo. I'm still awaiting their Macbook pro 2016 update. :|
Yeah I'm still getting the job done with my 2008 MBP. But I do have my eye on the 2016 MBP :)

It was an investment when I purchased it 8 years ago... But a great investment for sure. They've always done a great job with build quality. And this one is before the unibody versions. Mine even has a button to open the display!

I upgraded it a few years ago with an SSD.
It had a video issue early on that was covered under an NVIDIA recall. They replaced the logic board free of charge, of course.
Then a couple years ago (when the laptop was 6 years old) I had an issue with the sound card. I took it into the Apple Store and they sent it to have the logic board replaced again. I was not charged and I do not have and never have had Apple Care. I think maybe they were pretty happy to have someone come in a say, "Hi, this is not an iPhone I dropped or a MacBook I spilled my coffee in...just something I've taken good care of that simply stopped working." Haha. I've been pretty happy with them.

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07 Aug 2016

I'd put Logic in the boring bucket along with all other typical traditional VST hosts like Pro Tools, Cubase, Cakewalk, Reaper, and Digital Performer. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with these excellent programs just nothing particularly new or inspiring. For some all that is needed is a solid host for VST plugins and a good sequencer.

I put Ableton, Presonus, Bitwig, Native Instruments, Reason, and iOS (AUM, Audiobus) on my list of the top most interesting new music tools.

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08 Aug 2016

My cousin has Logic 9 and he tried convincing me Logic 9 is better then Reason 4
I think we didn't see audio recording until Reason 5 with the Neptune vocal auto tune thingy and all, so I could understand his point of view as he was making beats in Logic 9 and recording Rappers. But I was just making beats and was happy with Reason 4, I think it was when Reason 5 came out my cousin started using Reason and while he uses both I don't hear him say Logic is the bomb, I heard him say Reason is the bomb a few times.

For me it's Reason, but again i'm not recording vocals, i'm making beats. Even when I gave Logic a go it was too advanced, i'd rather stick with what I know.

Also I'm after that stability and I don't wanna be loading up vst and having crashes, especially once the melodies are flowing, from my past experience I also had problems with Vst format where I would save a beat in my daw and I would go to load up my beat and one or 2 of the Vst had gone back to the stock sound which stuffed the whole beat up as I scrolled through 100's of sounds trying to find the preset I used. (Boring)

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08 Aug 2016

As an ex user of Cubase 8 - Reason Rules - Others Suck. You better decide whether you want to invest in VST which have a minefield of licensing, download and protection schemes, vendors - OR consolidate on a single - simple purchase and runtime licensing scenario.

Then when down to Reason itself - workflow and standardized RE plug format wins again.

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09 Aug 2016

Raveshaper wrote:Logic is an overwhelmingly better deal for your money than Reason could ever hope to be.
In terms of cost and forward thinking creative potential, I would choose Logic between these two.
I can't say I disagree, having never used Logic, but I do wonder why someone with that opinion of Reason has almost 800 posts in an online forum dedicated to Reason...? :)

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09 Aug 2016

Dafydd wrote:
Raveshaper wrote:Logic is an overwhelmingly better deal for your money than Reason could ever hope to be.
In terms of cost and forward thinking creative potential, I would choose Logic between these two.
I can't say I disagree, having never used Logic, but I do wonder why someone with that opinion of Reason has almost 800 posts in an online forum dedicated to Reason...? :)
Because once a person digs in deep enough over many years, it is possible for them to clearly see and understand the limitations of workflow and hardware interaction imposed by the intricate and many layered onion that is the unbelievably closed propellerhead ecosystem. People who live in North Korea would rather be free, to make a comparison.

My opinion is mine, but I am well educated to come to that conclusion.

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09 Aug 2016

Raveshaper wrote:
Dafydd wrote:
Raveshaper wrote:Logic is an overwhelmingly better deal for your money than Reason could ever hope to be.
In terms of cost and forward thinking creative potential, I would choose Logic between these two.
I can't say I disagree, having never used Logic, but I do wonder why someone with that opinion of Reason has almost 800 posts in an online forum dedicated to Reason...? :)
Because once a person digs in deep enough over many years, it is possible for them to clearly see and understand the limitations of workflow and hardware interaction imposed by the intricate and many layered onion that is the unbelievably closed propellerhead ecosystem. People who live in North Korea would rather be free, to make a comparison.

My opinion is mine, but I am well educated to come to that conclusion.

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I too have dug in deep over as many years, but have come to a different conclusion. Which is fine because different folks have different needs and there really isn't a right or wrong answer (but there are more and less helpful answers…).
That is to say, Logic is ONLY a better deal IF it works better for YOU.
If a tool doesn't appeal to your way of working, even FREE isn't a good deal…
Selig Audio, LLC

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10 Aug 2016

On paper, yes, Logic gives you more in the package from the getgo. But as said already, in the end, it all boils down to the individual chemistry and that´s emotional, mental and personal taste.

And still, that can be affected by environment (influensed by another artist/producer/friend using it), how well you get to know the DAW and also some prejudice. You have associated a DAW with some things positive or negative.

To a degree, what you prefer and what inspires you, can be "rewired" so that one get to love a DAW that before felt boring etc.

The more time one has spent with a DAW, you get to know its qualities and also limits, so you feel more in control. But at the same time, the "grass is greener" comes in after the honeymoon. Luckily, there is no cheating not allowed in music production. Whatever works, however it works.

Reason is so much more home to me because all of these factors. I resonate better with its personality.
But it can be beneficial to have some other DAW to host VST:s and to function as a second environment.
Reaper has a very good price for this, and Logic is cheap if you have use for the extra stuff it comes with.

So, it depends what you need, and what you want and how you want to work and what genres of music and if producent others or yourself, if colaborating with other artists and producers and if it makes sense to exchange the projects etc.

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10 Aug 2016

selig wrote:That is to say, Logic is ONLY a better deal IF it works better for YOU.
If a tool doesn't appeal to your way of working, even FREE isn't a good deal…
Yes. Very well put.
I have struggled and fought hard for years now to try and improve what I see as major errors in this tool I have used for nearly the last 14 years. It is quite literally as if it is fighting my attempts to improve it. This, in contrast to other platforms having more improvements than I may ever find a need for. I am not interested in REs, I want the program itself to mature in ways that should seem obvious even to its creators, but they just give me the blank stare of incomprehension. To encounter that is a very faith-breaking experience, at least for me.
I am simply fed up, Giles. I really am.
But, that's me.
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