Roland Botique in reason

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29 Dec 2015

what do you think about this Hardware, is it an addition that makes sense or can you get the same sound from the reason synths? anyone using it?

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29 Dec 2015

Hi there

There are two parts to my view here.
(1) Using hardware synths with Reason, and
(2) Specifically, the Roland Boutique synths.

For (1): Using hardware has a number of downsides.
- you can't use as many 'instances' of your hardware simultaneously you want. You use what you've got and record it, so it is free to be used for another track.
- because it is recorded audio rather than softsynth settings, you can't go back into a track later and say brighten the filter a bit. You have to re-record it all over again
- There is a bit of latency introduced, even when the synth is connected via USB MIDI. So you need to go intro the recorded audio clips and move them forward a bit to compensate for the latency.
- Your audio interface of course needs to have inputs to plug in your hardware (although the Boutique synths have built in audio interface which is great, but not sure if that works when you have more than one Boutique synth)

Using hardware has advantages too:
- Gear Acquisition Syndrome satisfied (for now ) :)
- It is tactile, and real sliders and knobs beat the mouse every time
- Can sound great
- Doesn't eat CPU. Get lots of recorded tracks with limited CPU (though I suppose you could by bouncing too)

That's the main points really. The really important decision on whether you want one of these Roland synths is really about whether you want to jump into hardware or not.

for (2): Let the sound speak for itself. There's a lot of demos and reviews online now so I won't go into all the issues of limited polyphony, is VA really analog sounding, tiny sliders etc.
But for me, I always wanted the Jupiter 8 sound and there aren't any refills I can find with good (if any) Jupiter 8 sounds. And I love the Juno sound as well (Redominator is superb, but it is an Alpha Juno emulation, not 106, and the chorus is excellent but not 100% there).

Am I happy I bought these things - yes extremely! To me, they are complementary to all the great Refills and Rack Extensions.

PS: If you really like the vintage synth sound - if you don't already have it, you need to buy Bitley's Way Beyond Fairlight refill.


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30 Dec 2015

raymondh wrote:Hi there

There are two parts to my view here.
(1) Using hardware synths with Reason, and
(2) Specifically, the Roland Boutique synths.

For (1): Using hardware has a number of downsides.
- you can't use as many 'instances' of your hardware simultaneously you want. You use what you've got and record it, so it is free to be used for another track.
- because it is recorded audio rather than softsynth settings, you can't go back into a track later and say brighten the filter a bit. You have to re-record it all over again
- There is a bit of latency introduced, even when the synth is connected via USB MIDI. So you need to go intro the recorded audio clips and move them forward a bit to compensate for the latency.
- Your audio interface of course needs to have inputs to plug in your hardware (although the Boutique synths have built in audio interface which is great, but not sure if that works when you have more than one Boutique synth)

Using hardware has advantages too:
- Gear Acquisition Syndrome satisfied (for now ) :)
- It is tactile, and real sliders and knobs beat the mouse every time
- Can sound great
- Doesn't eat CPU. Get lots of recorded tracks with limited CPU (though I suppose you could by bouncing too)

That's the main points really. The really important decision on whether you want one of these Roland synths is really about whether you want to jump into hardware or not.

for (2): Let the sound speak for itself. There's a lot of demos and reviews online now so I won't go into all the issues of limited polyphony, is VA really analog sounding, tiny sliders etc.
But for me, I always wanted the Jupiter 8 sound and there aren't any refills I can find with good (if any) Jupiter 8 sounds. And I love the Juno sound as well (Redominator is superb, but it is an Alpha Juno emulation, not 106, and the chorus is excellent but not 100% there).

Am I happy I bought these things - yes extremely! To me, they are complementary to all the great Refills and Rack Extensions.

PS: If you really like the vintage synth sound - if you don't already have it, you need to buy Bitley's Way Beyond Fairlight refill.

hey raymond, thx a lot for these deep insights. usually nowadays i tell myself that i really dont want any additional stuff to reason, neither hardware nor REs or refills, because its basic capabilities cover about everything. but im a Roland nostalgist, started making Music on the mc 303, did a lot with rebirth and once had the "history of Roland" refill which was really good. i just wondered if i would just buy these "for no reason" (turn knobs and have roland, y'know :D) or if it really adds possibilities. which would you say is the most versatile of these synths?

about (1), i thought there was this "external midi Instrument" device which widens the control possibilites in reason?

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30 Dec 2015


Yes the external midi instrument device is what you use for your Reason sequencer track to control the hardware synth.
Then you have an audio track to record the audio produced by the synth.
Then when you are done, you turn off snap and slide the recorded audio clip forward a bit.

So I don't have the boutique JX (no point when I have a JX-8P), I have two JP-08s polychained together to provide 8 note polyphony, and One JU-06.

From the way you described your situation, I think you need one of these units :)

Which one?
- the JU is easy to program and instant gratification. Thunderous bass, warm string pad, amazing chorus, self-oscillating filter - I suspect this might be the one for you.
- but the JP is much more versatile than the JU. The JP is much better for someone who thinks they will get bored with the "samey" Juno sound.

Both modules will appeal to your sense of Nostalgia. Have a look on Youtube at Juno 106 and Jupiter 8 demos and see what appeals more.

The only other comment - I think it is easier to get the JP type sound with Reason synths, than the JU sound.

If you like the sounds in the track I posted yesterday, but decide not to buy one of these modules, I would recommend strongly the Korg REs - Polysix and Mono/Poly.


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30 Dec 2015

raymondh wrote:Hi.

Yes the external midi instrument device is what you use for your Reason sequencer track to control the hardware synth.
Then you have an audio track to record the audio produced by the synth.
Then when you are done, you turn off snap and slide the recorded audio clip forward a bit.

So I don't have the boutique JX (no point when I have a JX-8P), I have two JP-08s polychained together to provide 8 note polyphony, and One JU-06.

From the way you described your situation, I think you need one of these units :)

Which one?
- the JU is easy to program and instant gratification. Thunderous bass, warm string pad, amazing chorus, self-oscillating filter - I suspect this might be the one for you.
- but the JP is much more versatile than the JU. The JP is much better for someone who thinks they will get bored with the "samey" Juno sound.

Both modules will appeal to your sense of Nostalgia. Have a look on Youtube at Juno 106 and Jupiter 8 demos and see what appeals more.

The only other comment - I think it is easier to get the JP type sound with Reason synths, than the JU sound.

If you like the sounds in the track I posted yesterday, but decide not to buy one of these modules, I would recommend strongly the Korg REs - Polysix and Mono/Poly.

update: did what i should have done in the first place and went to that huge music store 10 mins from my house and tested all three of them :lol:

i think the jp08 is the most versatile in terms of sound creation with oscillators only. i did not figure out how to make polyphonic sounds mixing the oscillators and the preset samples though, but i guess its possible, at least on the jp08 and the ju06?

but while it was fun to play around, i thought there was not really much that couldnt be achieved with the reason synths and a hardware controller. plus when i came home i had a 250€ bill in my mail :thumbs_down: so i guess ill stick with what i got for now. but thanks for your effort anyway.

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30 Dec 2015

Hey, I got one for Christmas (JP-08) and so far I love playing with it. Its very well built and just a fun thing to mess around with. My mom got it for me (as a birthday/christmas present!) so the cost wasn't a huge concern for me. Raymond, I'm interested how you are recording to Reason, are you doing it over USB or the audio out? I bought a 1/8" to 1/4" TS cable I'm waiting to arrive. The audio output jack on the back isn't true stereo correct?

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30 Dec 2015

skie wrote:Hey, I got one for Christmas (JP-08) and so far I love playing with it. Its very well built and just a fun thing to mess around with. My mom got it for me (as a birthday/christmas present!) so the cost wasn't a huge concern for me. Raymond, I'm interested how you are recording to Reason, are you doing it over USB or the audio out? I bought a 1/8" to 1/4" TS cable I'm waiting to arrive. The audio output jack on the back isn't true stereo correct?
If you play it in dual mode then each channel plays a different patch. JP-08 does not have any other stereo features (unlike JX-03 which has a stereo chorus).

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30 Dec 2015

skie wrote:Hey, I got one for Christmas (JP-08) and so far I love playing with it. Its very well built and just a fun thing to mess around with. My mom got it for me (as a birthday/christmas present!) so the cost wasn't a huge concern for me. Raymond, I'm interested how you are recording to Reason, are you doing it over USB or the audio out? I bought a 1/8" to 1/4" TS cable I'm waiting to arrive. The audio output jack on the back isn't true stereo correct?
I'm using the analog audio out. For one reason: I have a Focusrite Scarlett 18i8 interface and Focusrite ASIO only supports one audio device. So I can't use the Boutique's digital audio stream with my Focusrite gear.

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30 Dec 2015

shinjo wrote:
skie wrote:Hey, I got one for Christmas (JP-08) and so far I love playing with it. Its very well built and just a fun thing to mess around with. My mom got it for me (as a birthday/christmas present!) so the cost wasn't a huge concern for me. Raymond, I'm interested how you are recording to Reason, are you doing it over USB or the audio out? I bought a 1/8" to 1/4" TS cable I'm waiting to arrive. The audio output jack on the back isn't true stereo correct?
If you play it in dual mode then each channel plays a different patch. JP-08 does not have any other stereo features (unlike JX-03 which has a stereo chorus).
Yes that's true, and for that reason, you want to connect with a stereo lead. Some very nicely spread sounds in dual mode especially if you detune one of the sounds a bit.

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30 Dec 2015

In case you are interested, I've posted a screenshot of the arrangement I used in my demo track here:

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31 Dec 2015

As far as the roland boutique series goes, there's far better synths for the money, novation mini nova springs to mind. A far more powerful and capable synth, for the same price or cheaper.
But hey your call I guess your wanting something that emulates that roland sound.

All the best happy new year

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31 Dec 2015

Hydrosonic wrote:As far as the roland boutique series goes, there's far better synths for the money, novation mini nova springs to mind. A far more powerful and capable synth, for the same price or cheaper.
But hey your call I guess your wanting something that emulates that roland sound.

All the best happy new year
The Mini Nova is a very different synth from the Boutique range - I wouldn't use the word "better" I would say different.
The Mini Nova has much greater polyphony, and a lot more versatility than any of the Boutique synths and I think it is probably a much more fun performance instrument too. But it has it's own sound. All the sounds, including the "classic" patches, sound contemporary, not retro. You wouldn't sit in front of the synth and feel like you're in front of an old Roland, and you wouldn't be inspired to program it either, unless you like menu diving.
Great value for money and some really inspiring preset patches, just not something I'd compare to the Boutique synths.

I do agree, if you're not looking for the Roland sound, there are other great instruments for the $. The Waldorf Blofeld would be another good option, with again it's own sound.

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31 Dec 2015

The mini nova has a VSTi plugin interface, very easy to program patches from say reaper which you can use for free.
I hate novation products I've had 3 and not like any of em, automap is a pain.... S trust me I only recommend the mini nova on value for money, I don't own one, but most reviews come out good for it.

If you suggest the blofeld, why not just say waldorf pulse 2, pure analog but a full beast with a great matrix.

As said the mini nova won't emulate a roland synth, but it's value for money is good

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31 Dec 2015

In all honesty the best value for money today would be maschine mikro, you get a load of quality synths, sounds, and expansions, and a semi daw. Plus the controller. But the expansion offer ends tonight. Sh*t happens. Go check that one out if it's lots of good quality sounds you need.

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31 Dec 2015

Hydrosonic wrote:The mini nova has a VSTi plugin interface, very easy to program patches from say reaper which you can use for free.
I hate novation products I've had 3 and not like any of em, automap is a pain.... S trust me I only recommend the mini nova on value for money, I don't own one, but most reviews come out good for it.

If you suggest the blofeld, why not just say waldorf pulse 2, pure analog but a full beast with a great matrix.

As said the mini nova won't emulate a roland synth, but it's value for money is good
The VSTi plug in interface is such a great concept, I wish that was available for controlling hardware from Reason. That would be really amazing!

My experience with Novation products is the same as yours. The hardware is built really nicely but as you say, Automap is a pain.

The pulse 2 does sound fantastic. Limited polyphony too, but huge sound!

The Tone Ranger
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01 Jan 2016

What stopped me buy the boutiques is the limited MIDI they have.

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02 Jan 2016

I have all 3 Boutiques...Love them all and highly recommend them.

Mauricio Duarte
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03 Jan 2016

The Tone Ranger wrote:What stopped me buy the boutiques is the limited MIDI they have.
Could you please explain more of this? Thank you!

The Tone Ranger
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03 Jan 2016

Mauricio Duarte wrote:
The Tone Ranger wrote:What stopped me buy the boutiques is the limited MIDI they have.
Could you please explain more of this? Thank you!
You can't automate anything on the synth from Reason. You can only play notes and use pitch bend and that's about it.

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08 Jan 2016

raymondh wrote:
Hydrosonic wrote:The mini nova has a VSTi plugin interface, very easy to program patches from say reaper which you can use for free.
I hate novation products I've had 3 and not like any of em, automap is a pain.... S trust me I only recommend the mini nova on value for money, I don't own one, but most reviews come out good for it.

If you suggest the blofeld, why not just say waldorf pulse 2, pure analog but a full beast with a great matrix.

As said the mini nova won't emulate a roland synth, but it's value for money is good
The VSTi plug in interface is such a great concept, I wish that was available for controlling hardware from Reason. That would be really amazing!

My experience with Novation products is the same as yours. The hardware is built really nicely but as you say, Automap is a pain.

The pulse 2 does sound fantastic. Limited polyphony too, but huge sound!
The songs you made with these synths are DOPE btw! Well done!

Mauricio Duarte
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08 Jan 2016

The Tone Ranger wrote:
Mauricio Duarte wrote:
The Tone Ranger wrote:What stopped me buy the boutiques is the limited MIDI they have.
Could you please explain more of this? Thank you!
You can't automate anything on the synth from Reason. You can only play notes and use pitch bend and that's about it.
Thank you, got it!

The only think I don't like is the 4 voice limitation but well..

this is old news but still..

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08 Jan 2016

skie wrote:
raymondh wrote:
Hydrosonic wrote:The mini nova has a VSTi plugin interface, very easy to program patches from say reaper which you can use for free.
I hate novation products I've had 3 and not like any of em, automap is a pain.... S trust me I only recommend the mini nova on value for money, I don't own one, but most reviews come out good for it.

If you suggest the blofeld, why not just say waldorf pulse 2, pure analog but a full beast with a great matrix.

As said the mini nova won't emulate a roland synth, but it's value for money is good
The VSTi plug in interface is such a great concept, I wish that was available for controlling hardware from Reason. That would be really amazing!

My experience with Novation products is the same as yours. The hardware is built really nicely but as you say, Automap is a pain.

The pulse 2 does sound fantastic. Limited polyphony too, but huge sound!
The songs you made with these synths are DOPE btw! Well done!
Thank you :) I find the synths very inspiring!

Hey here's something that's fun for anyone with a JP-08... A web UI - and it works!

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09 Jan 2016

Saw these at Guitar Center last night, they are small.

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10 Jan 2016

clone wrote:Saw these at Guitar Center last night, they are small.
even a bit too small. sometimes you really gotta focus to only touch one knob at a time.

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20 Jun 2020

In the small hope someone knows how to play the boutiques internally.... I tried and it seems I can only play them externally.
For the odds, here's my settings. Reason running on external fw Ultralite as default interface.

Well, after couple of years of travelling and sorting stuff, I finally went back to the D-05.
I wanted to connect it to Reason, and upload some nice polyphonic sequences.
As you know the D-05 in WHOLE mode is 16 poly. DUAL 8 poly. Or can be set to Mono also.
The setting is saved in the Synthesizer, it's not global parameter.
The other boutiques has 4 poly max.

Ok, the interesting part is... how do I play the midi into the boutique from Reason?
I just use the midi player, select the D-05 as midi interface.
She will playback on her audio out, so to actually record something I should interface it with a soundcard.
I just want to record new patterns to the tiny D-05 for the moment. Don't know if it's possible to pass the sound via the usb connection...

64-128 step sequencer? How to automate that with note pauses could be a good talk.
I used Sequences in trig mode and a kong gate pad attached to trig in of Sequences, and added tie manually. Yeah, manually..
do-05.PNG (252.37 KiB) Viewed 1367 times

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