What do you expect for the updated of Reason 8.4

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13 Nov 2015

Reason will skip 8.4, and go straight to 10 or X. Requires windows 8.1 or lower.

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13 Nov 2015

im expecting them to include izotopes alloy2 in with the deal as an RE, that will be instant upgrade for me ;)

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14 Nov 2015

Not expecting much from PH but with v8 my biggest problem is that the "virtual-hardware rack" feeling is lost to me. The interface is (too) cluttered.

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14 Nov 2015

:puf_wink: Nothing really maybe track folders or true track grouping .I think version 9 will satisfy everyone tastes ,hopefully ,they have listened to our complaints.(hell of a run on sentence )Reason needs to get up to par in the midi and audio editing department as well as the sequencer.We shall see I am not holding my breath as I have already moved on from being strictly reason

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15 Nov 2015

esselfortium wrote:
kitekrazy wrote:Coming out with 9 could have a negative effect. R8 will probably be my last version of Reason. Outside of a new GUI for less experienced users what have they done to inspire one to pay for R9 from an 8.3 upgrade? There's no "WOW!" factor here. They've distanced themselves from the end user.
How can R9 be uninspiring when it doesn't even exist yet and we don't know anything about what will be in it or when it will be released?
That's their fault for disconnecting from the end user.

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16 Nov 2015

kitekrazy wrote:
esselfortium wrote:
kitekrazy wrote:Coming out with 9 could have a negative effect. R8 will probably be my last version of Reason. Outside of a new GUI for less experienced users what have they done to inspire one to pay for R9 from an 8.3 upgrade? There's no "WOW!" factor here. They've distanced themselves from the end user.
How can R9 be uninspiring when it doesn't even exist yet and we don't know anything about what will be in it or when it will be released?
That's their fault for disconnecting from the end user.
I wouldn't say that. They do not disconnect from us. They listen! But yes—they do keep secrets!
But by now you should learn that the secrets can be predicted!

Just to reflect on the more recent:
Reason 7 was back-to-back-to-back features that were requested by users. MIDI Out, Spectrum analyzer/EQ, channel grouping, REX file creation in Reason, custom displays for REs, etc...all things we begged for.
Reason 8 and the new browser was a huge user request. The new zoom function, more colors, adjusting MIDI note lengths from the left, revert patch function in browser, browser attached to rack, etc: All user requests.

Oh and convolution reverb! :D

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16 Nov 2015

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fix the PropShop Merchant so it is 110% easier for not just Americans, but countries from around the globe to purchase from you!!!

Racks that can't open patches vs. 30 day trial would be awesome.

Backlit/colored sequencer lanes would be great.
Paint like Automation tools.
Bounce/Export/Containment expedition for other Reason friends.
An intigrated Calendar like Google/365 to remind ourselves or give ourselves deadlines.

Short cuts to computer folders reinvented.

Please make a push at more joint venturing with other tech companies.
Roland/Aira, Sequential Circuits, Moog and Elektron (your neighbor) for example.
I like how Presonus has SoundCloud right in the main Daw window, maybe including SC, Bandcamp, heart this, x ray, IRC, publishing tools for BMI/Ascap in there would be on part with all the other Social R&D props is doing.

Can we get props to pay the $15,000 and add an MP3 converter? Sony been at it for years.

And please find a way to get a good android/midi app going. By the time everyone see what Presonus has up their sleeves at NAMM, a lot of folks will feel like the tortoise.

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16 Nov 2015

Reason 3D Gui with VR the tech is here i use it and its good so why not!
Oh and of course a MIDI system that actually works with out glitching its arse off would be very nice..doing a simple thing that works in Cubase Reaper and Abelton does not work in Reason hmmmm needs attention for sure

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16 Nov 2015

I never know what to add to threads like these because as it is, I feel like I make use of about 5% of Reason, but here's a fix for something that regularly annoys me:

Add an option to the File menu for "Close Current and Open New" (so Reason doesn't quit altogether when you close the one open file and wish to immediately create another).
Jon Heal:reason: :re: :refill:Do not click this link!

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16 Nov 2015

jonheal wrote:I never know what to add to threads like these because as it is, I feel like I make use of about 5% of Reason, but here's a fix for something that regularly annoys me:

Add an option to the File menu for "Close Current and Open New" (so Reason doesn't quit altogether when you close the one open file and wish to immediately create another).
Ahhh that's a Windows thing when it comes to Reason. Not sure if Propellerhead can have a fix for that? I'm not very experienced with Windows, but do other apps allow this functionality?

It works with Mac OS

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16 Nov 2015

Curses to mac! :lol:

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16 Nov 2015

joeyluck wrote:
jonheal wrote:I never know what to add to threads like these because as it is, I feel like I make use of about 5% of Reason, but here's a fix for something that regularly annoys me:

Add an option to the File menu for "Close Current and Open New" (so Reason doesn't quit altogether when you close the one open file and wish to immediately create another).
Ahhh that's a Windows thing when it comes to Reason. Not sure if Propellerhead can have a fix for that? I'm not very experienced with Windows, but do other apps allow this functionality?

It works with Mac OS
Well, maybe you're right. Microsoft Word behaves the same way. Although Word starts up about 100 times faster, so it's much less onerous. :puf_smile:
Jon Heal:reason: :re: :refill:Do not click this link!

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16 Nov 2015

My list for every new update of Reason:
  • resampling time stretch algorithm <= would be really important for my workflow
  • improve CPU usage of Rack Extensions
  • allow Rack Extensions to load samples
  • VST support

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16 Nov 2015

jonheal wrote:
joeyluck wrote:
jonheal wrote:I never know what to add to threads like these because as it is, I feel like I make use of about 5% of Reason, but here's a fix for something that regularly annoys me:

Add an option to the File menu for "Close Current and Open New" (so Reason doesn't quit altogether when you close the one open file and wish to immediately create another).
Ahhh that's a Windows thing when it comes to Reason. Not sure if Propellerhead can have a fix for that? I'm not very experienced with Windows, but do other apps allow this functionality?

It works with Mac OS
Well, maybe you're right. Microsoft Word behaves the same way. Although Word starts up about 100 times faster, so it's much less onerous. :puf_smile:
Maybe you could keep an empty project (containing no devices) open and minimized? Then that one could always stay open and out of the way and you can close and open all others without worry of the program quitting. Or dare I say, venture into Mac-land.

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16 Nov 2015

Mac land won't be happening anytime soon. I can't afford it! :puf_smile:

On Windows, multiple instances of some apps can be launched at once, i.e., you can launch two instances of Word, work in one instance, then close it and your second instance of Word is still there waiting for you. Reason, however, is not one of the apps that works this way. It will run as a single instance only.
Jon Heal:reason: :re: :refill:Do not click this link!

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16 Nov 2015

jonheal wrote:Add an option to the File menu for "Close Current and Open New" (so Reason doesn't quit altogether when you close the one open file and wish to immediately create another).
I agree with this, but it's tricky for developers. Obviously at some point people want to close the program completely. So the standard is that when you close, it closes. But for programs like Reason there's a very real possibility you want to load a different project. So if you just close the current project, then the user has to click Close again to close the program. That gets old. The most obvious solution would be to have two close options: one for close project, and one for close Reason. But that's just for closing; what if we want to open a new project and close the current one? Two more options. At some point people start getting confused.

The problem with the Word analogy (multiple documents open) is that Reason already does this (at least in v7) and it sucks. Because in Word, each document is a single window, but in Reason each project can reside in up to 3 windows. 3 projects x 3 windows = 9 windows! It's a nightmare, but which window do I load to close the project? I can't remember!

If I have a point, I guess it's that Props absolutely needs to do something to clean up the way the windowing works, but I have no idea what would be the best way to go about it.

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16 Nov 2015

Personally, I think Reason 9 will not happen. Instead, it will be Reason <Insert Catchy Name here> and it will be a subscription model.

Why? Because the subscription model is working for SONAR Platinum and for Adobe with LightRoom CC and PhotoShop CC, and all their Creative Cloud offerings. Also, it makes development and releases far easier from a development standpoint. No more herding cats for the "one mega release" every so often, instead minor releases for updates as they happen. The plumbing is already installed to do this in Reason 8 too.

Just my opinion, but I think I am right on this one. Some people will hate it, but honestly since SONAR went this way, it is nice to get updates every single month, and the way they have implemented it means you are not renting the software like is the case with Adobe. Once you pay a year's subscription, whatever you got is YOURS in SONAR and you simply stop getting updates. If, say two years later they come up with something grand you have to have, just opt in for another year and not only do you get the new stuff -- you get ALL of the interceding updates between when you left and when you opted back in. Kind of a sweet deal really IMHO.
:reason: 11 Suite/12 Perpetual License :re: Too many to count :refill: A few choice items

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16 Nov 2015

Siberian Khatru wrote:Personally, I think Reason 9 will not happen. Instead, it will be Reason <Insert Catchy Name here> and it will be a subscription model.

Why? Because the subscription model is working for SONAR Platinum and for Adobe with LightRoom CC and PhotoShop CC, and all their Creative Cloud offerings. Also, it makes development and releases far easier from a development standpoint. No more herding cats for the "one mega release" every so often, instead minor releases for updates as they happen. The plumbing is already installed to do this in Reason 8 too.

Just my opinion, but I think I am right on this one. Some people will hate it, but honestly since SONAR went this way, it is nice to get updates every single month, and the way they have implemented it means you are not renting the software like is the case with Adobe. Once you pay a year's subscription, whatever you got is YOURS in SONAR and you simply stop getting updates. If, say two years later they come up with something grand you have to have, just opt in for another year and not only do you get the new stuff -- you get ALL of the interceding updates between when you left and when you opted back in. Kind of a sweet deal really IMHO.
Good point, you might be right in this prediction.

I'm ambivalent about the advantages. In the end, I don't think it really matters much to me from a technical/update process perspective. However, a subscription could be more expensive, and while that's not a dealbreaker for me, it could push my opinion slightly to the negative side.

I guess that for software I use very regularly, like Reason, I'm okay with subscription. But for software I use only occasionally, I'd prefer a one time payment. Maybe they should keep both options, to keep everyone interested :)

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16 Nov 2015

I just hope they don't make it "free with in-app purchases".

"Buy 'Export song 16bit 44.1khz' for 300 gold"
"Buy 'Unlock CV' for 4000 gold"
"Buy 'Unlock RE support' for 1000 gold"
"Buy 'SSL Master Compressor' for 500 gold"
"Buy '20 green cables' for 40 gold"
"Buy 'Unlock VST support' for ∞ gold"

The horror :D

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16 Nov 2015

And you can only buy said "gold" with Google Wallet.

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16 Nov 2015

Siberian Khatru wrote:Why? Because the subscription model is working for SONAR Platinum and for Adobe with LightRoom CC and PhotoShop CC, and all their Creative Cloud offerings.
You may be right.

Adobe is an interesting model to look at. There aren't really any close competitors to Adobe, so that may not fit the DAW industry, bet here's another aspect of it: Lots of professionals complained when Adobe launched their subscription model; essentially Adobe was saying that they weren't so much interested in selling to professionals as they were to hobbyists and beginners -- people who tend to balk and the high purchase price.

Props also seems to be shying away from the professionals and focusing more on hobbyists. As such, they could likely see sales increase if they went that route.

I will say that I have zero intention of paying for a subscription to any DAW, but I think we have already established that Props aren't really aiming their business decisions in my direction.

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16 Nov 2015

If Props were to do subscriptions, they would need to be ready to do a lot of work to deliver a substantial amount of features... and from what I've seen over the past year, it aint happening.

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16 Nov 2015

if reason ever becomes subscription im finished with it, ive sunk a lot of money and time into it so far and having to pay monthly or whatever to continue to use it will be an insult, not interested.. might give me that push i need to finally get into logic or another new daw

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16 Nov 2015

Siberian Khatru wrote:Personally, I think Reason 9 will not happen. Instead, it will be Reason <Insert Catchy Name here> and it will be a subscription model.

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17 Nov 2015

They could offer both a subscription and pay up front.

Or even something similar to s mobile phone contact where you pay monthly but it's yours after two years.

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