Updates coming

These are the rules, and they are subject to change. Also, announcements.
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Posts: 1255
Joined: 02 Jun 2015
Location: Copenhagen, Denmark

Post 08 Jan 2016

Hi guys,

First of all, happy new year!

During January, I will be doing an update to the forum software, and the tapatalk package sitting on top of it. During this update, the site will be down for maintenance. I will announce this a few days ahead of operations, and you can follow the Facebook page if you feel the need for instant updates on the progress.

Furthermore, I will be moving the domain to a new registrant. Right now, the domain is registered with GoDaddy which is all fine, but a bit inconvenient for me, since I have all my other domains and DNS-related workarounds with a different registrant. It's easier for me to have everything under the same hood. I'm not sure if there'll be any noticeable downtime regarding this, but it should be at a minimum.

That's all for now :)
Kenni Andruszkow

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