The Kitchen does not show up on mobile

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21 Jan 2022

In the beginning I thought: 'Those crazy moderators have really done it this time.' :) It appeared the entire The Kitchen sub forum had been nuked. It wasn't until I was on RT on my PC I realized it hadn't been nuked.

I just looked on my phone - there is no The Kitchen sub forum.

Using a Samsung Galaxy.
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21 Jan 2022

I think it's because you are not logged in.

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21 Jan 2022

Mods taking away our ability to complain about Reason...
That really cooks my goose
Who’s using the royal plural now baby? 🧂

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21 Jan 2022

Excellent! The plan is coming together nicely. Now if we can just get it to disappear on computers, our plot will be complete. Complot, if you will.
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25 Jan 2022

lol you guys, OK will simply log in in future cheers :)

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05 Feb 2022

Kitchen not accessible without login because it has things like the memes thread, which are premium content.

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