What’s happened to Tapatalk ?

List your suggestions here for the reasontalk.com website (not Reason feature requests)!
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Keep in mind that this forum is for Reasontalk.com suggestions, and not for support on your Reason Studios software.
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Posts: 531
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Location: Australia

05 Sep 2019

Every time I try to access this forum in Tapatalk it days the site is down for maintenance. Try again later.

This used to work - anyone else having this issue ?

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Posts: 531
Joined: 06 Jun 2015
Location: Australia

06 Sep 2019

Bummer. Coz I have UAD2 and Harrison MixBus forums on there - and spend my commute time there - would have been nice to have the Reasontalk one there as well :(

Thanks for the update / link info.

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